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  1. #61
    Bonzo Guest


    Some Christmas Cheer for Caithness Musicians

    Once in Royal Thurso city
    Music scene was really dead
    When a saviour and his baby
    Started a discussion thread

    Heblix was the saviour mild
    EOTW, his baby wild

    ‘I will save thee and thy music
    Entertainment is my thing
    Thee must heed me, and my knowledge
    I shalt give thee chance to sing’

    ‘I shall be your musical voice
    Oasis, the band of choice’

    ‘I won’t follow old guys teachings
    They were fools and numpty’s too
    Wouldn’t listen to my preachings
    Though they were a pile of poo’

    Wick and Thurso, bands cried out
    Wick’s no chance, it’s Heblix shout

    God rest ye merry musicians,
    let nothing you dismay
    For Heblix is our saviour and
    his gig is on the way
    Location is a mystery, his expertise astray

    Oh let’s have clue what’s going on, going on,
    Oh let’s have a clue what’s going on

    ‘The committee were awful and they didn’t have a clue
    But I shall sort the system out and tell you what to do
    You’ll heed my rules or you won’t play and that’s the end of you’

    It’s my copyright I’ve final say, final say,
    It’s my ball and I won’t let you play

    Good king Heblix posted out on the 7th December
    Just what he was on about, we can’t quite remember
    Seems a good idea but, facts were pretty rare
    Shooting at the older boys, didn’t seem quite fair

    ‘I was at a meeting with Oasis represented’
    Woman came and burbled on, she was bullsh*t scented
    ‘Noel and me go way back and, I will get him playing,
    He will do what I describe, heed what I am saying’

    Heblix swallowed all this bull, sprang up 4 years later,
    Knows the business inside out, company director
    Shooting at the committee, claiming rights to story
    Wants the boys to do a gig where he gets all the glory

    Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells Heblix ran away
    Couldn’t face the questions and the muso’s irony
    Oh, Jingle Bells, something smells, Bonzo makes a play
    Calls on Heblix for the facts, Heblix says no way

    Dash through Caithness Org,
    With a frank and open mind
    To the facts we go
    Heblix is a blind
    What a cheeky chap
    What a silly fool
    ‘The committee were all so bad
    but I know how to rule'

    Oh! Jingle Bells, Heblix tells us that we can’t play
    Oh what fun it is to see the dummy spat away
    Oh! Jingle Bells, Deemac smells, bullsh*t in the way
    Heblix’ pram is on its side and he has gone astray

    Spittalpunks has found
    We’re better off without
    Neeps with promises
    And no artistic clout
    What the hells the point
    In debate like this today
    The music scene in Caithness now
    Has all rotted away

    Oh Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, what’s the point today?
    Music entertainment has all died and gone away,
    Oh! Jingle Bells, disco smells, dance music is gray
    At least with good old Heblix we could take the p*ss all day!

    Ho Ho Ho

  2. #62
    Anonymous Guest



    You surpass yourself. Such Lyrical talent!

    OK - Lets have a songwriting competition (like to see the DJ's on this one!) - Get all those old Protools 192 HD systems out of the closet, and get recording. This is quality stuff.

    All the entries could be played on Caithness FM with a phone vote (does any of this ring a bell?) to decide the winner. THEN . . . the winner gets to play on a HUGE stage, with lots of bright lights, very, very loud (this is important) PA system, and be hailed as gods of their own time. (Not forgetting to play in both Thurso & Wick - at the same time! - It will be a BIG stage!)

    Any takers?

  3. #63
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    My House


    Bonzo...that is f*in hilarious....

    Funny thing is, i got a PM from Heblix the other day with him ranting a pile of poo about about the committee's etc, i should have kept it and posted here

  4. #64
    Bonzo Guest


    Ta Jeid

    Maybe Heb's touting for support outside the public forum. Wonder if Darklighter, SSI and them who were involved earlier have had private mails that have turned them off this debate? We should try and bring them back in.

    I miss Heblix, it was like a breath of fresh air when he posted. Entertainment of the first order!

    We need bands! Here! Now! And an Audience!!

  5. #65


    Do you play Bonzo?

  6. #66
    Mr Sensitive Guest


    Bonzo, that's the funniest thing I've seen on here for ages. Poor HEBLIX., everyone is making fun of him.

    Let's lullaby him to sleep:

    Away in a lighthouse, "No gig now" he said
    The little Lord Heblix forsook Holborn Head
    The Stars with the bright lights asked "What would you pay?"
    The lippy Lord Heblix had nothing to say

    Or, how about:

    "I'm first Noel", young Liam did say
    (got stuck here)

    Noel, Noel, Noel, Noel
    Born is the King of B-U-LL (spell it out!)

    OK, I know, I don't have Bonzo's lyrical talents.

  7. #67
    Anonymous Guest

    Default Heblix Reply

    Jeid, I also received a personal reply from Heblix after posting my questions again on Caithness Songs. The message is listed below (spelling mistakes included).

    "Cinema For Thurso Group is a copyright property which is not viable as a company and is not elligable for charitable status. This matter was looked into in 1998 when the Cinema For Thurso Campaign was put under review by it's owner following a successful campaign. The use of "Group" in the name refers to other copyright properties used in conjunction with the CFT banner and also to a group of interested persons who assist in the production of amateur film making in Caithness. There is no website at the moment as films cost a lot of money and it's out of reach financially.
    I am NOT a director of CFT as it has none and it would not be appropriate for me to name the company of which I am a director as my opinions in this forum do not represent the opinions or interests of that company and some submissions are made on the basis of collective feedback and public consensus.
    The Edge Of The World plan has been shelved for now as forum deligates were not able to stick to the requested line of enquiry and are critisising without knowing the extent of connection and knowledge access of local music available to CFT.
    Now questions for you- who are you and why do you want to know?"

    Sounds a bit paranoid if you ask me. If Heblix is setting himself up as an authority on something he should deliver and declare who he is. I, meanwhile am making no such claims though I am a company director of a limited company and know for a fact that Companies House frown on fraudulent claims and have been known to take action on such like. Come on Heblix declare your status and who you are or go away and stop bothering people who are serious about what they do and can deliver these things (unlike yourself I suspect).



  8. #68
    spittalpunks Guest


    CFT !!!!!!!

    GTF in my book

  9. #69
    Join Date
    Nov 2002

    Default edge of the world

    This heblix gadgee seem to be a bit of an (insert your own expletive!).All we ever heard was waffle about copyright and CFT and all that nonsense. I thought the whole point was to organise an event? Why doesn't everyone interested with an opinion agree a date and time that it can be discussed in one of the chat rooms,I.e "e crack". That way everyone can have an opinion and no-one has to arrange a venue for this very valid debate.Everyone who genuinely has a point or is interested can have a discussion purely on this point and not deviate into dance music,dj's etc!
    I used to dj in doms from 1988 and introduced what was then house to the caithness masses when i returned from various venues during the "summer of love" ah!! smiley faces(talk almongst yourselves while i drift away!!).
    seroiusly i also sing in a rock band and i love dance music too Am i a freak?
    Anyway look forward to hearing if anyone can come together and organise a debate.

  10. #70
    SSI Guest


    I stopped posting once I got confused with all the politics and that involved all I want is a gig damnit :P

    What heblix was saying was actually not a bad idea just erm Im still confused as to his intentions now..

  11. #71
    Join Date
    Jan 2002


    I think Hotrods idea of a chat about this is a good idea.

    Seems to me that all yous who are involved in bands and music are the best people to decide what can and cant be done. You would be the only people who would have your best interests at heart and who would be sure to promote the music and the bands rather than themselves

    I also think Bonzos Christmas carols are FANTASTIC and Mr Sensitive that was a great contribution too.

  12. #72
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    My House


    Its an idea to get all the musicians together on a Chat cos we do know more about that kind of stuff, but in reality, where would we get the backing for a project like this?

    from the crap that i've managed to read from Heblix it looks as if the Commitee ain't keen on it.

  13. #73
    Anonymous Guest


    Hotrod, you are spot on with your reply. The whole point is to organise an event, and if Heblix has done any good, it was to maybe fire up everybody else who have more chance of making something happen. And yes SSI I know all you want is a gig, but what Bonzo and Deemac have been trying to point out is that these things don't just happen. There is time and work involved but they also are good fun and as musicians I would think most of us would like to attend these things even if we weren't playing.

    If something does come out of this I for one will come along and support it whether I am playing or not. And Jeid, backing for projects is always available if the organisers are serious about what they are doing. The first Edge Of The World was put together with no budget but the goodwill and support of all the musicians involved (well not everybody turned up the next day to clean the Viewfirth field). Friends who had access to things like scaffolding for a stage, bands who donated the use of their PA gear, contacts with the council, Police, CASE, charity groups etc were all used to put on an event on. As the years progressed and people saw we were serious the event grew and attracted funding and support. The main thing is to start and get a group of people together that want it to happen. The other thing is not to let anyone's ego get in the way (are you listening Heblix). What you are trying to do is organise a multi band event, not get your name in the paper.

    Anyway, enough of the lecture. I hope something does come out of this because it can only be good for the music scene in Caithness.



    P.S. Isn't a Heblix a small mythological creature that terrorises small children in graveyards.

  14. #74


    Whats happening with this? Anyone know? I want to find out as my band is very willing to play and we are good as well.

  15. #75
    Bonzo Guest


    Back on the case no, been away for Tooooooo long. Yeah, Mike, I play, though a week past saturday was the first public performance (1 song only and bladdered with it!) for some 4 years.

    Lets get a chat going (is that what its called??)I'm not always available though

  16. #76
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Wick, Caithness

    Default Music Event Funding

    Hey folks has anyone thought about the funding possibilities that might be available with the demise of the Northlands Festival. theremight some money around from the previous funders that is lookingfor a musical home to go to. Has anyone made any enquiries about this possibility with CASe or the Highland Council who were contributors to the Northlands Festival. but be warned the council were very put out by Northlands always being late with their application for funding. Do it in plenty of time as meetings of the council may be months apart
    The request for funding might stand a good chance if it has not already been allocated to other projects. But of course you will need to be a constituted body with all the relevant paper work and committeee to apply but that should not be difficlt if you can ll agree on your aims. If the Wick thurso debate is aproblem then widsen it all out to alternate years or bigger with events ion both sides of the county andf maybe the odd one in smaller venues - like Halkirk or the new hall at Latheron.

    ~If you are in any doubt about becoming a constituted body then get back to myself or Niall Smith at Caithness Voluntary Group. Niall has sample constitutions that you can adapt to set up a new charity to be recognised by the Inland Revenue -take safew weeks so if you have not started now is the time. first you need to hold a public meeting and we can advertsie it for you.

    Good Luck with it all - we will give you all the free ppublicity you want for any events that come to be.......

    Bill Fernie

  17. #77
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    My House


    I think we should consider this....we could do it if we set out some aims!

    What does everyone think?

  18. #78


    I'd be well up for it. But we are ex pats, Jeid. We'd probably need someone in Wick / Thurso to front it, I can't get back very often, and I'd imagine a lot of time would need to be spent there.

    It'd need someone in Wick.

    To provide a quality musical event all of Caithness can enjoy. A day's entertainment to tie in with Gala week.

    To have as many people as possible turn up to support and watch!

    To help regenerate, modernise and rejuvenate a flagging gala interest???

    What do you think.

  19. #79
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    My House


    good aims mike!

    In actual fact, i'm heading back home in March as i'm sick of Aberdeen.

  20. #80
    Anonymous Guest


    Hey Jeid, why u sick fedup of Ado?

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