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  1. #41
    spittalpunks Guest


    Looks like Heblix has disappeared back under the rock (s(he crawled out from under

    The music scene is as dead as a dodo in my eyes nobody north of the Central Belt gives a stuff

    its just a tide of apathy thats crippling everything

    Thurso has NO good music venues thats that end of debate for my money

    Its full of pubs / bars totally uninterested in supporting live music (Ok I withdraw that some venues do cater for the traditional heuchter teuchter type stuff) but as for new upcoming bands as DeeMac says its a nightmare).

    We need a new venue or a new niteklub S***s is Tack City and the music is muck

    and the DJs nearer their pensions than their schooldays auld mannies playing Top 40 stuff gissa break

    still thats solving nowt and whilst Heblix and his new world order run away tails firmly between their legs what can we do

    Sorry forgot aboot the Redwood that does Blue Monday but its more a Country and Irish type place but its a start to build from

    Lets kill the apathy

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    My House


    Skins is a good place to play but brian doesn't really encourage local bands enough

    If you have a PA and you ask him he's usually willing for you to play, only if you know him tho

    Fair do's tho, Thurso sucks as far as music venues are concerned

  3. #43
    Anonymous Guest



    I know it can be frustrating for bands playing to a crowd that don't care but like I say, if in a crowd of 100 you get 2 or 3 converts then thats 2 or 3 people who will tell there friends who will tell there friends, etc, (especially in Caithness!). The more people who are hassling Brian Cardossi for Live bands the better.


    From reading your posts you are obviously been on the music scene a lot longer than me and I've agreed with all of your points so far bar one - DJ's musical parasite's? I ain't Pete Tong but I ain't bad and I'm a wee bit offended by that. Surely if people use music to express themselves you can use that music to make a point or express a feeling yourself. Is it that much different from a band playing a cover version?


    Couldn't agree more. Thurso needs a new music venue exclusively for music where new bands could play and maybe up and coming DJ's (like myself) can get a chance to do a set of more underground stuff. And your right, the DJ in Skinandi's is frankly an insult to DJ's everywhere.

  4. #44


    Hey, we'll play! I'll play anywhere in Caithness me.

    Why don't you do it over 2 days, with one day taking place in Wick, which for the following day moves to Thurso and vice versa! Problem solved. That way you have both towns involved and, hopefully, the same amount coming in to both towns. Just an idea.

    That way, all bands get the chance to play both towns under the same festival banner twice. Easy peasy.

    Just send me my consultant's fee in the post. I thank you.

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    My House


    like the Reading And Leeds Festivals!

    I don't think there would be enough bands, but i betcha that if it was advertised well enough you could get bands from around the country to play.

    I wonder if the peeps in Aberdeen would be interested!

  6. #46
    Anonymous Guest

    Default Where is Heblix ? ? ?

    I notice Heblix has disappeared from the board of late.

    If he/she comes back I have a couple of questions.

    On a post 7/12/02 you mention that Cinema For Thurso Group is " neither company nor charity" yet in your profile you mention you are a company director. I can't find any cinema group in the Caithness area registered at Companies House so was wondering what company you were a director of?

    I have carried out numerous searches on the web for Cinema For Thurso Group but can't find any info apart from postings on this noticeboard. Do you perhaps have a website I could have a look at?

    I look forward to your reply

  7. #47
    Anonymous Guest


    May I be so bold to suggest that Heblix's VERY rapid departure from this discussion and lack of any 'known' substance/traceability to HIS company/directorship claims, speaks volumes!

  8. #48
    Bonzo Guest


    That's the peril of the internet, what's said ain't always gospel, who's saying ain't always wise. Never mind, if (s)he's that much of a mystery it ain't any great loss. Let's keep the chat going

  9. #49
    Bonzo Guest


    Had another thought: I cut my teeth yonks ago playing in and around Edinburgh and it weren't always brilliant for bands (audiences, venues, money etc). The same problems arose even in the glory days of the New Wave of British Heavy Metal.
    Guys in bands in Aberdeen, Glasgow, Edinburgh who I've spoken to relatively recently, suggest that the same problems exist there nowadays for 'minority' interest (eg not folk, country or pop-rock) or inexperienced bands. Dance music/discos has killed it all!
    Maybe we're not that different from the rest of the country, or at least those bits that are not London.
    Grass is always greener on the other side of the fence etc.?

  10. #50
    Anonymous Guest



    You old heavy metal tosser! Might have guessed(?) . . . I suggest smoking some of that grass and joining a Country band doing some Dolly Parton Covers. I'll bet the cowboy boots would suit you (!).

    Even better, what about a Ceilidh band doing weddings and dinner dances(?)

    Aahh - When I were a wee lad (and dreaming of pop stardom . . . .)

  11. #51
    Anonymous Guest



    I know it can be frustrating for bands playing to a crowd that don't care but like I say, if in a crowd of 100 you get 2 or 3 converts then thats 2 or 3 people who will tell there friends who will tell there friends, etc, (especially in Caithness!). The more people who are hassling Brian Cardossi for Live bands the better.


    From reading your posts you are obviously been on the music scene a lot longer than me and I've agreed with all of your points so far bar one - DJ's musical parasite's? I ain't Pete Tong but I ain't bad and I'm a wee bit offended by that. Surely if people use music to express themselves you can use that music to make a point or express a feeling yourself. Is it that much different from a band playing a cover version?


    Couldn't agree more. Thurso needs a new music venue exclusively for music where new bands could play and maybe up and coming DJ's (like myself) can get a chance to do a set of more underground stuff. And your right, the DJ in Skinandi's is frankly an insult to DJ's everywhere.

  12. #52


    All you'd need is five bands minimum, starting off at about 8pm, each one playing a set of 30-40 minutes. There must be that amount of bands between the two towns, what the quality would be like, I don't know. I know nothing of what's happening up there musically.

    As far as the dance music / DJ thing goes, that genre is currently going through a downturn in interest, which has seen a resurgence in the guitar based band scene. Best example I can think of that is the closure of Britain's most famous club, Cream in Liverpool, and the Lomax live venue buying out half the floor space of the Nation venue (where Cream was held)

    Hey, get a festival organised up there in Caithness and start planning it now. If you start now you could guarantee dates, bands and make it something to look forward to. There would be tourist interest as well, and it could only be a selling point if it became an annual event on the back of the town's 2 galas, which, frankly, are looking a little tired now.

    And remember - Bueller are there to play, and if I can help organise, I'm well experienced in running my own band nights down here.

  13. #53
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    My House


    I'd be glad to muck in as well. I'm an ace Roadie!!

    I could talk to a few bands down here who may make the trip north to play!

  14. #54
    Anonymous Guest



    Just to let you know, Cream wasn't shut because of lack of intrest - if you read the book 'Cream 10' you'll find out that there was never any intention to run the club for any more than 10 years in Liverpool. Cream as a club will still be having gigs all over Britain in different venues and Creamfields will still happen once a year.

  15. #55


    Thats the press you'll read distributed by them. Truth is Cream were only getting half of the customers through the door they were getting 3-4 years ago. Creamfields at the old airport is also moving on to pastures new, last year's was the last. Fact of the matter is, Cream never used to have to rely on touring like Love To Be or Ministry. Its selling point was that it was static, so let people come to it. The fact its on the road now tells half the story.

    Cream HQ has been moved to London, and you can't say that if Cream was still as successful as day one that they would have moved.

    2 years time, guitar bands / live music will have its downturn again, same as it did when universities became the bastion of clubbing rather than indie.

  16. #56
    Bonzo Guest


    How about if we do this, maybe over a few days as part of Wick/Thurso gala events:
    Get a sponsor to provide some kind of really groovy band-oriented prize and pay for pro PA & lights etc.

    'Battle of Caithness'
    First rounds in Skinandis and/or the Waterfront, featuring selected bands (different categories? from wherever? Purely local?), who do the following:

    40 minute set on main stage (covers only) Audience judge them on (a) performance (b) music (c) artistic interpretation (d) any other wierd notions we can think of (could be 2 separate sessions, 1 for under 18's, one for old poops)

    3 of their own songs (electric), either as part of the same set, or as a separate entity
    Audience judge on song quality or something

    Round 2
    An acoustic set in a different environment (Wick & Thurso), audience judge on overall entertainment value

    Round 3
    Interviews on Caithness FM/MFR: Audience vote on who'd be the most deserving of the prize

    Tot up the points, declare the winner, have a big celebration concert, blah blah blah...

    Could be marketable, and simpler than a big outdoor gig in the rain. Just an idea, better than letting the whole thing die off...

  17. #57
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    My House



    sounds to much like pop stars

    the audience would probably be too pissed to make a decision

  18. #58


    I'm not really for music as competition, far too Popstars the Rivals for my tastes. I don't like the idea of doing covers myself, best way is to have original bands, otherwise it may as well be a cabaret night. We've only ever done one cover and that was Mama Mia by Abba, very loud and very distorted. It was ok.

    If there is any planning going on for this, please do let me know on [email protected]

    I'd love to drag the band up to my homeland, they still don't believe we have leccy, you see.

  19. #59
    Anonymous Guest



    Good idea except for the part where you let the normal 'Girls Aloud' and 'Westlife' fans of the Waterfront and Skinandis decide how much artistic merit a n original song sung by a band has.


    Ministry not tour? Have you ever been to the Ministry of Sound in London? It is a horrible little place. Ministry tour absolutely everywhere! I've heard them as far afield as Stirling Uni and Tenerife (Lottie was fantasic). Do think you're right about the whole swings and roundabouts thing though. Indie/rock and dance seem to have this symbiotic partnership thing going on where one or the other is always in the ascendancy.

  20. #60


    Sorry Midi, was meaning that Ministry needed to tour, and Cream was the club that didn't need to. I know Ministry has toured, even been to one in Middlesbro (think it was Ministry). I was trying to make the point that Cream didn't need to rely on touring previously, people would travel there for the experience. I know when I was at Uni, there were buses organised for trips to Liverpool for this (and this was from Sunderland!)

    I went to a few dance venues but it never really did it for me. I'm a beer monster and I tend to rub the E and speed brigade up the wrong way. People who talk about drugs non stop are so boring.

    I'll probably get censored for mentioning drugs. Kids, I wasn't advocating drug use, my opinion is "JUST SAY NO!" But club culture walks hand in hand with drug culture, thats the way it is.

    Although I do believe in free the weed.

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