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Thread: There once was a windmill on the new Tescos shop.....

  1. #1

    Default There once was a windmill on the new Tescos shop.....

    I did my first trip to Tescos today, and like most other people, liked having a variety of thing to choose from, not the usual lack of lines stocked by other supermarkets.

    However when I was coming out, I has a wee look at the wind turbines one the roof, and to me the bladed appeared to be missing! Now I was sure that the pics i seen of its openig last week icluded the wind turbines in all thier glory, so what happened to them?

    Did that little breeze last weekend finish them off?
    Eagle my fly, but when was the last time you heard of a weasel being sucked into a jet engine?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    I never noticed..But i will do the next time im up!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2004


    If I remember correctly ...the turbines are being moved to the back of the stores roof as the cable length is too long and is incurring losses due to length . They connect to the electrical system at the rear of building.

    I think there is also one more to go up.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Default Windturbines

    Maybe they've moved them closer to the skip .These WINDSAVE turbines are crap (see article in the Sun paper Sept 28 2006..) .It states at the Fife Council spent £50,000 on them and saved £50.00 on their electricity bill .One school that had them fitted saved £1.51 in a year ....WINDSAVEs newest model from B&Q is just as bad ...Better to spend your money on energy saving lights and insulation ...
    Tesco say that the building is energy efficient and saves CO2 ..i know its not ..All smoke and mirrors to fool the silly folk,spin spin and more spin...Next they will be offering to compensate all the businesses that they will put to the wall with the new store....

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by dozy View Post
    ...Next they will be offering to compensate all the businesses that they will put to the wall with the new store....
    Why is everyone up there so convinced that Tesco is going to put other businesses to the wall? It means you surely think they are a good company and you can't argue, their prices are competitive, their choice is good, and the home delivery is excellent. Maybe it's the local businesses that should be dragging themselves into the 21st century and not closing an hour for lunch etc etc etc......

    Ok, maybe the attempt to be green is not fantastic, but give them a break. They have given a lot of people in Caithness well needed employment. Why slag off a fairly large employer?

    The competition should be welcomed!

    Good on you Tesco - Caithness needed a good supermarket.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by dozerboy View Post
    Why is everyone up there so convinced that Tesco is going to put other businesses to the wall? It means you surely think they are a good company and you can't argue, their prices are competitive, their choice is good, and the home delivery is excellent. Maybe it's the local businesses that should be dragging themselves into the 21st century and not closing an hour for lunch etc etc etc......

    Ok, maybe the attempt to be green is not fantastic, but give them a break. They have given a lot of people in Caithness well needed employment. Why slag off a fairly large employer?

    The competition should be welcomed!

    Good on you Tesco - Caithness needed a good supermarket.
    Well said Dozerboy.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by angela5 View Post
    Well said Dozerboy.
    Thanks Angela5.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Default Windturbines

    Its all to do with supply and demand .The Caithness Customer Catchment Area and the Total Spend is limited by Employment and Wages .Businesses run on profit which comes for sales /turnover .The bigger the business and the more deverse the greater the catchment and the product price can be sourced at a bigger dicount ,its one place were size matters .If you were going to the CO-OP and Somerfield for your shopping but now go to Tesco and spend your money ,someone loses .
    If the CO-OP and Somerfield close and the people employed there can't find a job because the little shops have gone aswell ,what good was Tesco done for Wick .Its just shifting the jobs around and NOT creating any ,you are the type of customer that Tesco are after they offer you a sweetener and you sing there praises .Oh how easy it is to put the wool .
    I dont know what job you do ,but if a bigger downsouth company came into Wick and would do it cheaper and you lost customers and then your job ,you would be the first in the line complaining...
    Its that i'm all right jack attitude that will sound the deathnail for small businesses .I pity any business that is trying to compete with Tesco because they will only be one winner ...
    You say give Tesco a break ,you must be joking they are a BILLION pound company and thats just the PROFIT .I dont think a few wooden boards and some crap so called windturbines are saving the Environment .Blinded by the bright lights and SPIN ,TESCOs cannonfodder....

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    On top of a hill


    Having lived in Caithness most of my life I am glad to see that there is finally some money being spent in Wick. It was always Thurso that got all the good stuff like the cinema and the bowling alley etc.

    Wick has much more of a buzz about it now and it is up to the people that live in Caithness to keep the smaller shops open as well.

    I now live in a small town in West Yorkshire, very much like Wick actually and we have a huge Tesco's as well as all the small shops in the main town and they have managed for many years without going under when Tesco's came on the scene. This is due to the people in the community still shopping in the small town shops as well as Tesco's.

    The town that I live in really has about the same population as Wick and their are about as many jobs and is not a "rich" community and the people all cope and the shops all cope.

    I don't know why complain so much about company's like Tesco wanting to spend THEIR money to build a shop in "YOUR" county when like it has already been said they are providing more jobs and adding to the Caithness economy.

    No body really said anything when all the shops where open accross from the cemetery, everytime I am home the place is buzzing and so is Wick due to people coming over to Wick from other area's, hence spending money in Wick.

    I wish that you would just get on with it and stop putting a downer on everything, you have to give things a try and see how they work out before you start trying to look into the future and see things how you think they are going to be. So for goodness sake just give it a chance as it is certainly giving Caithness a chance and also boosting the Caithness economy.

    I think people need to come out of the dark ages with regards to Caithness, yes it is my home and yes I love it but it was dying and with these new shops and businesses going into the community it is now buzzing again.

    So come on people give it a go and don't put things down before you even see and try it!!!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by dozy View Post
    Its all to do with supply and demand .The Caithness Customer Catchment Area and the Total Spend is limited by Employment and Wages .Businesses run on profit which comes for sales /turnover .The bigger the business and the more deverse the greater the catchment and the product price can be sourced at a bigger dicount ,its one place were size matters .If you were going to the CO-OP and Somerfield for your shopping but now go to Tesco and spend your money ,someone loses .
    If the CO-OP and Somerfield close and the people employed there can't find a job because the little shops have gone aswell ,what good was Tesco done for Wick .Its just shifting the jobs around and NOT creating any ,you are the type of customer that Tesco are after they offer you a sweetener and you sing there praises .Oh how easy it is to put the wool .
    I dont know what job you do ,but if a bigger downsouth company came into Wick and would do it cheaper and you lost customers and then your job ,you would be the first in the line complaining...
    Its that i'm all right jack attitude that will sound the deathnail for small businesses .I pity any business that is trying to compete with Tesco because they will only be one winner ...
    You say give Tesco a break ,you must be joking they are a BILLION pound company and thats just the PROFIT .I dont think a few wooden boards and some crap so called windturbines are saving the Environment .Blinded by the bright lights and SPIN ,TESCOs cannonfodder....
    Dozy - you have it bad - me thinks you should get out more (that's out the county more.) There must be hundreds of other Tesco's accross the nation - take a reality check here - they will be there to stay so you had better learn to live with them! They can afford to stay, so get used to it. And, no I am not blinkered, or fooled by them. I used them before I moved to Caithness, and again since leaving - I just missed them arriving in Caithness. I don't hear the rest of the UK complaining about them - everybody has a preference for one shop or another, which is human nature. But if you don't like them, that's fine, but no need to slag them off.

  11. #11


    I didn't mean for this thread to be ANOTHER for the pro/cons of Tescos, that it has turned out to be. All I was interested in was what happened to the wind turbines!

    Amazng how a litle question can start a debate on moral dilemas ain't it!
    Eagle my fly, but when was the last time you heard of a weasel being sucked into a jet engine?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Newsham, North Yorkshire


    Quote Originally Posted by dozerboy View Post
    Why is everyone up there so convinced that Tesco is going to put other businesses to the wall? It means you surely think they are a good company and you can't argue, their prices are competitive, their choice is good, and the home delivery is excellent. Maybe it's the local businesses that should be dragging themselves into the 21st century and not closing an hour for lunch etc etc etc......

    Ok, maybe the attempt to be green is not fantastic, but give them a break. They have given a lot of people in Caithness well needed employment. Why slag off a fairly large employer?

    The competition should be welcomed!

    Good on you Tesco - Caithness needed a good supermarket.
    Hear Hear!!!
    Tesco is very welcome in Caithness.
    You can fool some of the people some of the time - but never all of the people all of the time!!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    Ok, it may have gone slightly off topic (which is nothing new), but it's creating interest, and a bit of support for Tesco (not that they need it!)

  14. #14


    You just can't keep everyone happy so sometimes it is better not to try.

    I for one am delighted that tesco, homebase, argos etc have moved to Caithness as I feel it was very much needed.

    However, as I think was said on another thread, if all the people who slag tesco etc off just

    * keep shopping in their local shops and pay the higher prices for less choice
    * arrange your shopping time around the shops lunch times / half days
    * make sure you arrive at a suitable time so you don't get scowled at by staff if you happen to arrive 10 minutes before closing time when they are turning off the lights and getting their coats on

    then I am sure the local businesses will remain!

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Out of Caithness... sadly


    Quote Originally Posted by dozy View Post
    WINDSAVEs newest model from B&Q is just as bad ...Better to spend your money on energy saving lights and insulation ...
    Tesco say that the building is energy efficient and saves CO2 ..i know its not ..All smoke and mirrors to fool the silly folk,spin spin and more spin...Next they will be offering to compensate all the businesses that they will put to the wall with the new store....
    I had a look at these - absolute rubbish. The cost is very high and they have to be scrapped after some ridiculously short time like 10 years. So, we are supposed to fork out some £5,000 for a device that saves us 2.50 a year and has to be binned after ten years? R i g h t .. no! We would probably have to pay a W.E.E.E. fee as well. I'll keep buring coal, ta.
    "Step sideways, pause and study those around you. You will learn a great deal."

  16. #16

    Default wind turbines

    there are 5 and they where moved to the back because of power loss due to the lenghth of cable. as far as i know they are there to power emergency lighting buy powering a bank of batterys . they also plan to run the sprinkler system on rain water colected and stored in underground tanks. as for being eco friendly well they have met the bare minimum requirements to get the mutch coveted tick in the box

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