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Thread: Regenerative Crofting in Caithness - Support Network?

  1. #1

    Default Regenerative Crofting in Caithness - Support Network?

    "Regen Ag" has become an annoyingly trendy term, but some of us have been doing it for a while.
    There is scepticism from the old school who think it belongs to Countryfile and hobby farmers, but some people are waking up to potentially large cost reductions and increasing profit margins, never mind the ecology behind it.
    Is anyone out there in Caithness or Sutherland interested in an informal network? My missus and I are tinkering away on our own, reading about case histories down south, mostly irrelevant arable situations, but it would be good to see and hear what like-minded crofters and small farmers are up to in the North.
    We are less than 50 acres, mostly permanent grass; habitat mosaic, AECS, very low numbers of native cattle and primitive sheep.
    Post or PM if you are trying to restore life to the soil, diversity to the sward, health to the stock, and to bring back the birds, bugs and beasties. And you are trying to do it without ploughing, synthetic fertilisers, pesticides, herbicides and pre-emptive blanket medication.

  2. #2


    Sounds like organic farming you are trying to create

  3. #3


    Big overlap with organic principles, certainly.
    But I only had one reply to my post, so either the regenerative movement is passing Caithness by, or maybe we all just prefer to plough our own furrow up here!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2017
    Broubster, Caithness


    I'd be interested to chat about it, I have a wee croft in Broubster, not really started to work it yet but have a background in permaculture (which I teach) and business. We're currently taking a course on the Soil Food Web with Dr Elaine Ingham, and some ecology stuff too.

  5. #5


    Nice neck of the woods. PM me if you want to swap emails....

  6. #6


    It has been good to meet a couple of like-minded souls via this post, but I think all the regen folk are on Facebook (see myweecroftie amongst others).
    And now we have the "Peer-to-Peer" group for Caithness, run by the Nature-Friendly Farming Network, which sounds very promising (email [email protected] regarding that).
    But if anyone else turns up here, please do get in touch....

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