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Thread: Porky Pies

  1. #1

    Default Porky Pies

    Today in the House of Commons we witnessed the ridiculous pantomime of Ian Blackford who, using a combination of the PM's past statements and details from the Sue Gray report, called Boris Johnson a liar. He was ejected from the HoC a few minutes later. This is standard practice when one MP calls another MP a liar and Blackford would certainly have known the likely consequences of his actions.

    However, I think most reasonable people, looking at the same evidence as Blackford, would have come to the same conclusion as he did. Despite this, we have ended up with the ridiculous situation where the person doing the correct thing is punished and the person doing the wrong thing gets allowed to remain and continue in office.

    No wonder the rest of the world is shaking its head in disbelief at what is happening on these islands.

  2. #2


    Yes, I totally agree with you but sadly, history gives many instances of this and things don't change that easily, we seem to go one step forwards and two back a lot of the time. I am not a fan of Mr Blackford as a rule but he did the right thing in my book and reflected the views of many. I was disgusted too with the sideways, snide remark that was directed towards him last week by our PM but thankfully, Mr Blackford is more than capable of giving back as good as he has received. I would say that he won the round.

  3. #3


    My ‘humble’ opinion…..
    Politicians do this, so that they can be remembered for ‘doing something’.
    Of course he knew he would get booted.
    Makes it more ‘memorable’ than just a speech!
    The Games people Play! There was a song about this!
    Last edited by The Horseman; 01-Feb-22 at 23:54.

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by The Horseman View Post
    My ‘humble’ opinion…..
    Politicians do this, so that they can be remembered for ‘doing something’.
    Of course he knew he would get booted.
    Makes it more ‘memorable’ that just a speech!
    The Games people Play! There was a song about this!
    Yes, but my wider point was parliamentary procedures required that the truth teller be "punished" and the liar "rewarded". That is hardly an appropriate message to be sending to the general public from the so-called "Mother of Parliaments".

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by Corky Smeek View Post
    Yes, but my wider point was parliamentary procedures required that the truth teller be "punished" and the liar "rewarded". That is hardly an appropriate message to be sending to the general public from the so-called "Mother of Parliaments".
    It’s the ‘Way of the World’.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2010


    And is that good enough? You're very keen to make excuses for your favourite right-wingers (a courtesy you don't extend to your pet hate CNN, of course), it's only a party, respect The Leader and the like, but look at who you're defending.

    Boris Johnson is a serial liar, sacked from the Tory house journal The Telegraph for making up a story, a man with no principles or loyalty except to himself, who thinks the rules he makes are for us little people. The vast majority of people stuck to the Covid rules, often at great personal cost, only to find that senior politicians and officials are cheerfully breaking those same rules, lying about it, laughing about it, then when they're found out, making the kind of excuses a five year-old wouldn't expect to be believed.

    You might echo the Tory line of contemptuous shrugs and telling the rest of us to move on, but there's a very real feeling of anger that isn't going away. Some things shouldn't be ignored or tolerated.

  7. #7


    I agree 100% with you….but sometimes it’s just like Peeing against the wind.
    My ‘pet hate’ is Mis-information and Corrupt people. I toe the line…why don't they! Because they get away with it.
    In Canada Lawyers can become…A QC.Queens Council…. A respected title. But mostly it’s because they were ‘The Bag Men’ for their chosen Political Party. Yup.
    This type of thing permeates The World, as does the benefits of Politicians!

    BTW…Zucker the Head of CNN was thrown out today……
    That’s the difference between Private Industry and Government. And Boris and other troublesome Politicians have to be Voted out and the general public have short memories.
    I recently saw a cartoon video of Clowns In Gov’t! There are a lot of them! Just take a look at The US. It’s so engrained, it has become ‘normal’.
    Last edited by The Horseman; 03-Feb-22 at 04:07.

  8. #8


    Well, I wont and don't take your attitude, seeming to accept that there's nothing we can do. I think that there is plenty we can do and mainly through the ballot box, of course, in this instance. People throughout the UK have collectively suffered hugely with Covid and masses of deep felt pain and grief- in the top group for the highest death rates etc. The partying, rule breaking and laughing at the rest of us is not going to be forgotten and the latest poll that I saw, after the interim Gray report, shows that 62% of the whole UK population want Boris to go.

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by The Horseman View Post
    My ‘pet hate’ is Mis-information and Corrupt people.
    And yet you proudly claim to be a Tory!

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by Corky Smeek View Post
    And yet you proudly claim to be a Tory!
    *****Yup……small ‘t’. The World is full of problems….no one can do anything right nowadays.
    Yes I was seconded to 2 Gov’s for quite a few years…… and saw The Tories and The Liberals (I think your Labour) in Action…..or should I say ‘inaction’!
    Was one better than the other…No. They had different Ideologies, but it was a never ending battle to get anything done.

    My primary job was to make split second decisions at times. All Governments take ages to do anything…..A meeting to have another meeting!
    Yes, throw Boris out, if you can…Someone voted him and the Tories in.
    And from what I read about the Scottish Gov’t., they are not ‘without problems’. Serious problems!

    And to Fulmar…You can Bitch all you want…….The only way to make a difference, is ‘run for office’…..I can tell you it is not easy………If I want to do something, change something, I must have support…..And everyone has their own ideas, so to make something happen you may have give something for the support you need!
    It’s called Horse Trading…..or in Proper Terms…QUID PRO QUO! Yes my Latin from Lybster and Wick High.

  11. #11


    So, please explain in what way I am 'bitching' and then maybe I won't complain to those who run this Forum! I have spent a life time in voluntary work of various kinds, making maybe a tiny difference to one or two (I hope)! I still do what I can. What have you done?

  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by Fulmar View Post
    So, please explain in what way I am 'bitching' and then maybe I won't complain to those who run this Forum! I have spent a life time in voluntary work of various kinds, making maybe a tiny difference to one or two (I hope)! I still do what I can. What have you done?
    What I said was to participate’ in Gov’t…if you cannot then find a strong Rep and help he or she, and ‘get Boris out’!
    Yes I volunteered all my life……
    At one point in my career I dealt with the media, Major Media sometimes, thus the Quid Pro Quo..’I scratch your back, you scratch mine’…..common phrase here!
    Thus I would provide info to Then media and they would do Promos on Charities that I belonged to…..
    Did you know that The Media, TV, Radio and newspapers are required to do a % of Public Service Announcements….
    eg… Crime Stoppers…I would provide ‘camera ready artwork’ of a yellow phone with ‘tip line number’ on there, and they would insert it, sometimes in the corner of a newspaper, or a flash card on TV.
    Every little bit helps,

    I was also making a ‘tiny’ difference

  13. #13


    Keir Starmer!…Is this the ‘person’ you want to follow!!
    Saw him on TV…Wow. Shadow Minister….The Upper Crust! Specially picked for his ‘kid gloves’!

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2010


    And where in this thread did anyone even mention Keir Starmer, let alone support him?

  15. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by The Horseman View Post
    Keir Starmer!…Is this the ‘person’ you want to follow!!
    Saw him on TV…Wow. Shadow Minister….The Upper Crust! Specially picked for his ‘kid gloves’!
    I said on another thread that you didn't appear to be all that well informed on politics over here. This just proves it. The latest Scottish opinion polls show that Keir Starmer's party (Labour) will win no (zero) seats in Scotland. Very few folk are looking to follow him.

    By the by it might be worth you spending a moment or two looking at the headlines in today's papers. They might give you an insight into the state of the UK at the moment. Thanks, Tories.

  16. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by stumpy View Post
    And where in this thread did anyone even mention Keir Starmer, let alone support him?
    If u throw out Boris, who have u?

  17. #17


    Quote Originally Posted by The Horseman View Post
    If u throw out Boris, who have u?
    I've got a goldfish I'd be happy to put up for the job.

  18. #18


    Quote Originally Posted by Corky Smeek View Post
    I said on another thread that you didn't appear to be all that well informed on politics over here. This just proves it. The latest Scottish opinion polls show that Keir Starmer's party (Labour) will win no (zero) seats in Scotland. Very few folk are looking to follow him.

    By the by it might be worth you spending a moment or two looking at the headlines in today's papers. They might give you an insight into the state of the UK at the moment. Thanks, Tories.

    In 1997 u chose Devolution….thus you are only a Province/State of the United Kingdom.
    So if you throw out the Tory Bosses and u don’t like The Princely Starmer….who will be In Charge.
    Yes I know about the Scottish thingy with the ‘two fishes’.
    And I accept I do not know everything…..
    And you are in a Mess……just like everyone else.

  19. #19


    As regards Scotland, the SNP government are currently in charge with a commitment to hold another Independence referendum and if that happens and the people of Scotland vote for it then that will be that and a new political landscape.

  20. #20


    Quote Originally Posted by The Horseman View Post
    In 1997 u chose Devolution….thus you are only a Province/State of the United Kingdom.
    Quite frankly this is a load of bo**ocks. The Scotland Act 1998 did not change the Act of Union of 1707 in that Scotland was, and remains, a member country of the UK of GB & NI.

    Furthermore, I suspect you are using the terms "Province" and "State" in their North American context, as in Nova Scotia or Texas. You really must stop using North American examples to try to bolster up your arguments. They have little relevance.

    And don't dare come back with some specious argument asserting that Scotland is merely a region, like Yorkshire. Scotland is a country, albeit one that is currently run by another one but I'm hopeful that will change soon.

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