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Thread: Coronavirus

  1. #481


    This good enough for you orkneycadian? It's on the BBC website right now and suggest you read it.
    It's called 'People on the edge of exhaustion' and here's some of it (my daughter was also re-deployed, but no, she is not in print):
    "I still have nightmares most nights about being completely out of my depth."

    Gemma, a ward nurse in Northern Ireland, was redeployed to a critical care unit at the end of March when the first wave of coronavirus struck.

    "I had never looked after a critically ill intensive care patient in my life," she says.

    "I just thought, I'm coming in here and I'm going to die. I'm going to catch Covid and I'm going to be one of those patients in the beds."

    As the second wave of the pandemic takes deep root across parts of the UK, thousands of NHS workers are struggling to recover from what they have already been through.

    "We were all in PPE all the time," recalls Nathan, a senior intensive care nurse at a hospital in the Midlands. "All you can see is people's eyes, you can't see anything else."

    He describes trying to help junior members of staff survive long and difficult days.

    "And I'd see these eyes as big as saucers saying help me, do something. Make this right. Fix this."

    "The pressure was insane, and the anxiety just got me," he says. "I couldn't sleep, and I couldn't eat, I was sick before work, I was shaking before I got into my car in the morning."

    Nathan ended up having time off with severe anxiety, but he is now back at the hospital, waiting for the beds to fill up again.

  2. #482


    They dont sound to me like folk who had either the time or the energy to set up bowling alleys in the hospital corridors as alleged by orkneycadian.

  3. #483
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    Yup, there have been articles like that since MArch and beyond. And there have also been the "other articles";

    Which dates from April.

    and from June;

    Now, bear in mind, that before March, our hospitals were pretty stretched at the best of times already. The Nightingales / Louisa Jordan / Dragons Heart were meant to catch all that overspill. 154 patients out of a total capacity of 16 or 17,000

  4. #484


    Quote Originally Posted by orkneycadian View Post
    Yup, there have been articles like that since MArch and beyond. And there have also been the "other articles";

    Now, bear in mind, that before March, our hospitals were pretty stretched at the best of times already. The Nightingales / Louisa Jordan / Dragons Heart were meant to catch all that overspill. 154 patients out of a total capacity of 16 or 17,000
    Covid-19 moved to first cause of death in New York before measures kicked in. I see you're banned now so no point arguing further, you clearly can't see we want to keep it (further) down by implementing control. You against the world eh? Cases in USA continue to rise, could be a big week.

    Expect to see more headlines like this:

    Utah’s hospitals prepare to ration care as a record number of coronavirus patients flood their ICUs

    'People are dying every night': Staff at overwhelmed Wisconsin hospital urge people to take coronavirus seriously
    Maybe worth posting in case orkneycadian is still watching, kind of sums it up?

    "I think the thing that's most painful for them right now, and most challenging for them, is while they're working their butts off — and they're working hard — it's the fact that they don't know if the community sees how serious this is," Heywood said. "They see the politicization of it, and then they see the repercussions of what's happening when they do their job every day.

    "And they're watching people die."

    Eggman, who's worked as a registered nurse for 20 years, said he thinks anyone who spent just 15 minutes with him on "any given day" would be taking every possible precaution to avoid catching or spreading coronavirus.
    "It's not just about you," he said. "It's about the people you care about, as well."

    Eggman has also listened to the final words of COVID-19 patients.

    "We have many patients who have come in here and their last words before we put a in breathing tube are they didn't realize it was as bad as it was," he said.

  5. #485


    I am trying to get ‘The gist’ of what is going on here.....
    Why was OC banned?
    I dealt with many very serious emergencies as ‘a worker’ and as a ‘Senior Manager’. Some people get used to these ‘things’. Others who are in usually quiet places, do not.
    For some it is distressing, for others for whom it becomes a daily routine just ‘gets on with it’. And people ‘have to get on with it’ to protect others! If not, how would we survive.
    And let me add...I see many quotes here just now are from the United States.... Believe it or not....some of this is Political.....churned out by CNN, copied by BBC.
    I am not saying that Covid is not serious......but generally, Hospitals are near capacity all the time. A year ago a friend was taken into hospital in a beautiful area outside Toronto and lay in the hallway for some 4/5 days. Suddenly the Staff who are running ‘flat out’ most of the time get an influx of patients and its chaos!
    Take a look at the UK stats for Ambulance wait times for 999 calls. Sometimes 12/24 hours.
    My Daughter works in a Hosp and was ‘re deployed’. She stood up and did her work, and is still at it.
    I think the word is Simply ‘Dedication’.
    I read some of the comments. In PPE all the time..,seeing eyes.......etc etc.
    It’s an education and a learning period for all of us. Regards.

    p.s. I just read the Utah story..they are Democrats and blaming Prez Trump thru CNN reporting, who is Anti Prez Trump.
    Last edited by The Horseman; 28-Oct-20 at 02:56.

  6. #486


    i was thinking the same horseman why was he banned i dont agree with alot he says but thats his opinion

  7. #487


    Yes DC1. I have read a bit more and NH’s descriptors are common terms in a busy Hosp. People die there. People are under pressure, who perhaps have not dealt with these situations and have have never seen death.
    And the UK’s Nat Health stories....they had extra hospital facilities set up and haven't used them!
    Perhaps Bill Fernie could advise why OC was banned.
    It will give us all ‘guidance’ on what is ‘not acceptable’. This is a Private Board...ty

  8. #488


    Like many, I am wondering which tier we might be in come Monday and have just read this. However, I can't see that it is truly level one if the ban on 6 people from 2 different households meeting indoors continues to apply.
    First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has indicated that some councils currently under Level 2-type restrictions could be moved into the next tier down. However, although the Level 1 definition includes six people from two households meeting indoors this would not apply to any council that finds itself in that category on 2 November. That said, hospitality would be able to open until 22:30.

    • Highland

    • Moray

    • Orkney

    • Shetland

    • Western Isles

  9. #489


    Yes, I see your system is as confusing as ours.

  10. #490


    Quote Originally Posted by Fulmar View Post
    That said, hospitality would be able to open until 22:30.
    If I may, to clarify, what may seem like a small point but is actually very significant to us employed in hospitality,
    in Level One, hospitality is allowed to be open until 21:30 with all customers to leave by 22:30.


  11. #491


    This is my first post in some time. I stopped visiting and posting largely because I was tired of serial extreme opinions from a small number of people. I couldn’t be bothered reading it, never mind responding to it. I see one person has been banned, which is sad and has killed off most of the ‘discussion’.

    I don’t claim to be a particularly informative or entertaining poster, or a very good debater, but I am still here, for now at least.
    Last edited by aqua; 29-Nov-20 at 13:01.

  12. #492


    Meanwhile in Sweden...

    Intensive care in the Stockholm Region is under severe pressure. On Tuesday, the intensive care units were 99 percent full. This is the first time this has happened during the pandemic.

    - These are activities that are about life and death, so the situation is very serious, says Björn Persson, operations manager for perioperative medicine and intensive care at Karolinska.

    The director of health and medical care, Björn Eriksson, says that he turned to the National Board of Health and Welfare for staff reinforcement.

    In the Stockholm region, there were 160 intensive care units on Tuesday, including intensive care for children, which were 99 percent full. Both by covids and by other patients who need the most advanced emergency care.
    Last edited by Neil Howie; 09-Dec-20 at 23:34. Reason: formatting

  13. #493
    Join Date
    Oct 2006


    What do people thing about the cancellation of next year's Higher and Advanced Higher exams? Instead a new model that has been developed and awards will be based on teacher judgement of evidence of learner attainment.

    I saw a comment attached to a newspaper story about this, which seems (to me) to have a grain of truth about it:

    Employer; "so when did you get your 5 advanced grade Highers at A* "
    Interviewee; " it was in 2021 actually"
    Employer; "oh! I see, don't call us we'll call you"

  14. #494
    Join Date
    Oct 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by ecb View Post
    What do people thing about the cancellation of next year's Higher and Advanced Higher exams? Instead a new model that has been developed and awards will be based on teacher judgement of evidence of learner attainment.
    Good year to be a teacher... Lots of bribes coming your way...
    “We're trapped in the belly of this horrible machine....
    And the machine is bleeding to death."

  15. #495


    The new variant of coronavirus is scary. Can its advance be halted without a vaccine? With an estimated increase in R of 0.4, I fear it may be unstoppable before mass vaccination nears completion.

  16. #496
    Join Date
    Oct 2006


    Stricter lockdown rules for Scotland:

    But will people follow the new restrictions. I saw the following humourous comment in a newspaper, about people's attitudes to the Covid rules:

    "They break the rules;
    You bend the rules;
    I have a very good reason for what I am doing."

    It seems to have a grain of truth in it.
    Last edited by ecb; 20-Dec-20 at 13:33. Reason: Punctuation

  17. #497


    Bending rules a bit isn’t as bad as flagrantly disobeying them.

    Err, oops, I think I may have just provided an example of your comment.

  18. #498


    Quote Originally Posted by aqua View Post
    The new variant of coronavirus is scary. Can its advance be halted without a vaccine? With an estimated increase in R of 0.4, I fear it may be unstoppable before mass vaccination nears completion.
    Gulp! The increase in R is now being quoted as being in the range 0.4 to 0.9. The latter would be deadly, and probably make it unstoppable without near-total vaccination.

  19. #499


    I note that Trump criticised the London and SE England lockdown on Twitter almost immediately. Thank goodness the American people saw sense and voted out the self-obsessed evil buffoon decisively.

  20. #500


    I agree that it is absolutely scary and people are still not taking it seriously, including in Caithness. I just don't understand that mentality. Lets hope that the new measures will curb the rampant spread.

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