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Thread: Tha answer to covid19

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Oct 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by orkneycadian View Post
    I was enquiring as to where "here, here" was.

    Anyway, looks like its not a Conoravirus lockdown we need, but one for common or garden flu and pneumonia;

    Flu and pneumonia killed five times more than Covid last month

    There you go... proof positive that the lockdown did the job of reducing deaths.

    Lockdown stopped 470k Covid-19 deaths in UK, say researchers
    “We're trapped in the belly of this horrible machine....
    And the machine is bleeding to death."

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    Alas, Alrock, there are a couple of inconvenient truths that get in the way.....

    Peak "death with conoravirus" coincided with peak lockdown.

    Influenza, as a virus, like conoravirus, is spread by similar means. But yet, lockdown did little to slow the cases of flu.

    Pneumonia, as a bacterial infection is a touch different from the other 2, but infection vectors are broadly similar.

    Neil's focus on excess deaths seems to omit to acknowledge that for the last 7 weeks, there is a death "shortfall", in that less people are dying of everything than on (5 year) average. That shortfall existed in January to March as well, prior to any lockdown.

  3. #23
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    Jul 2010


    Alas, another example of a loved one being recorded as dying of something other than what they actually did die of.

  4. #24


    Neil's focus on excess deaths seems to omit to acknowledge that for the last 7 weeks, there is a death "shortfall", in that less people are dying of everything than on (5 year) average. That shortfall existed in January to March as well, prior to any lockdown.

    No doubt there will be several fleets of buses along soon to run some of 'em over and therefore support your theory of everything.

  5. #25
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    Jul 2010


    No, apparently that anomaly has now been cleared up, and Matt Hancocks "conoravirus in March, bus in July" example has been negated. Apparently if you now want to be run over and killed by a bus, but would like conoravirus to be on your death certificate as the cause, you need to have the 2 events within 28 days of each other. Still not impossible, but a bit harder.

    Seems that with this anomaly correction, 5,000 folk didn't die with conoravirus after all.....

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    Whatever the answer is, Wuhan seem to have it. This was last weekend, according to the BBC;

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    We, meantime seem to be doing not so bad either....

    "In Week 32, the number of deaths registered was 1.7% below the five-year average (157 deaths fewer); this is the eighth consecutive week that deaths have been below the five-year average."

    Though we still seem to have a fixation for farcemasks, letting folk stay at home doing nothing for the majority of their pay, and cutting public services

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    Another picture from Wuhan this week.....

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Oct 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by orkneycadian View Post
    Whatever the answer is, Wuhan seem to have it. This was last weekend, according to the BBC;
    "The city hasn't reported any new cases since mid-May"

    When we've gone 3 months without new cases you can have your pool party.
    “We're trapped in the belly of this horrible machine....
    And the machine is bleeding to death."

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Alrock View Post
    "The city hasn't reported any new cases since mid-May"

    When we've gone 3 months without new cases you can have your pool party.
    No cases, full stop, in this part of Orkney. Will have the pool party, minus the togs.

  11. #31
    Join Date
    Oct 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by orkneycadian View Post
    No cases, full stop, in this part of Orkney. Will have the pool party, minus the togs.

    Remember to post the pics
    “We're trapped in the belly of this horrible machine....
    And the machine is bleeding to death."

  12. #32
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    Does anyone know......

    Why it is that flu and pneumonia now accounts for 6 times the deaths than that of people who died with coronavirus, but yet, lockdown and farcemasks seem to be having no effect in bringing down the rate of flu deaths? Is it the case that the ordinary flu virus passes through the mesh of a farcemask, but the conoravirus is stopped?

  13. #33


    Who knows what is good or bad.
    I did see an example on TV of a person coughing with different face coverings. Scarf, Cloth mask, 3 ply, 4 ply masks and a N95 mask.
    The N95 does a good job, but the others are only somewhat efficient in preventing widespread particles. The other issue is that it can enter the body rather easily thru the Eyes and Ears!

    ******Now the Woman in the United States.....had two N95 masks on, and crashed her car when she fainted! Ohhhhh Deary Me!
    Last edited by The Horseman; 19-Aug-20 at 14:46.

  14. #34
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    But, but, but..... We are told that farcemasks make absolutely no difference to airflow and blood O2 levels. Now we are hearing that they do? From a factor of safety perspective, 1 mask doesn't sound that far away from 2, and if 2 causes fainting, there's not much margin for error there.

  15. #35


    The N95 masks are thick, very thick and are used in Op rooms at Hosps, etc. Difficult to breath with one, two......!
    The 3 or 4 ply ones that we are advised to wear are generally described as ‘precautionary’.....‘Face Covering’ are........again...It depends who you speak to in what Country!
    There seems to be no consistency in thoughts on protection.
    I tell me!

  16. #36
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    So this week, total deaths in England and Wales are back up above the 5 year average;

    In Week 33, the number of deaths registered was 3.4% above the five-year average (307 deaths higher); this is the first time that deaths have been above the five-year average since the week ending 12 June (Week 24).

    But apparently, Conoravirus is not to blame;

    The rise in deaths in Week 33, compared with Week 32 and the five-year average, was not driven by the coronavirus (COVID-19), as deaths involving COVID-19 continued to decline; England and Wales experienced high temperatures during Week 33, which may explain the rise in overall deaths.

    I also blame bus passes. Research has shown that of all the deaths in the UK this year, the majority have died with​ bus passes.

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