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Thread: Coronavirus

  1. #61


    I've just got back from a trip to the dark continent. Transiting in Doha. So that was four packed flights full of people from every corner of the globe.

    Not a single check on anyone. Sat next to an Italian who was clearly not well for a seven hour flight. No checks or questions at Edinburgh on arrival. Plenty of Chinese seen milling around in Doha airport.

    Nobody seems worried (apart from me).

    I will be keeping away from the general population for the recommended 12 days, just to make sure. Probably over cautious, but I don't want to be the cause of the first Highland infection.

  2. #62


    I don't think that is being over cautious as it is precisely what is being recommended, it seems to me. It must be a worry for you and I hope you stay well- the problem is, none of us know, do we and a rapidly evolving situation. Look after yourself.

  3. #63


    Goodfellers, you are doing the right thing. Thank you. I sincerely hope you stay well. Take care.

  4. #64


    Thanks to both. I feel absolutly fine, no symptoms of anything just a tiny bit concerned because you have no idea who is on the plane with you! Always get a sniff/cough from flying long haul, but this time it just felt a bit more concerned!

    Still have both freezers full and plenty of UHT, so can easily manage for a fortnight. Just glad we are retired and don't have to go to work.

  5. #65


    Now a pandemic according to WHO.

  6. #66
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    So China has already dropped down to 9th in the league table of cases per head of population. Below even Denmark and Norway. Meanwhile the boss of the WHO is "deeply concerned" about "alarming levels of inaction"

    What were the naysayers saying the other day? "Its none worse than seasonal flu - In fact, many more folk die form that". Ah-ha.

  7. #67
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Goodfellers View Post
    I've just got back from a trip to the dark continent. Transiting in Doha. So that was four packed flights full of people from every corner of the globe.

    Not a single check on anyone. Sat next to an Italian who was clearly not well for a seven hour flight. No checks or questions at Edinburgh on arrival. Plenty of Chinese seen milling around in Doha airport.

    Nobody seems worried (apart from me).

    I will be keeping away from the general population for the recommended 12 days, just to make sure. Probably over cautious, but I don't want to be the cause of the first Highland infection.
    Welcome back! Though don't take it personally, but the very fact you are back shows the root of the problem. Even at this stage, our coastal borders are as porous as a tea bag. The UK should be easy to "defend" from "foreign" virii, but our insistence on having invisible borders has, in this case so far, cost 6 UK citizens their lives. The same policy has cost 827 Italian citizens theirs. All in the name of "freedom of movement". Its little wonder the WHO are dismayed by the inaction.

  8. #68
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Neil Howie View Post
    Meanwhile in the UK:

    'No one has told me to self-isolate...I just want to get back to work':

    Uber driver is among hundreds returning to Britain from locked-down Italy who say there are NO coronavirus checks or advice at UK airports (same site)
    Unfortunately, common sense is not common.

  9. #69


    Yeah, also I don't think there's a general understanding out there of what containment is for.
    So that the intention so far is to 'flatten the curve', that is delay the outbreak so that the NHS can absorb it.
    Here's another graph
    Why ‘flattening the curve’ may be the world’s best bet to slow the coronavirus

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	11SCI-VIRUS-TRACKER1-jumbo.jpg 
Views:	124 
Size:	47.7 KB 
ID:	35180
    Last edited by Neil Howie; 12-Mar-20 at 00:36.

  10. #70


    Dr. Fauci sought to rebut the claim — repeated often by President Trump — that the coronavirus was no worse than the flu.

    “People always say, ‘Well, the flu does this, the flu does that.’ The flu has a mortality of 0.1 percent. This has a mortality of 10 times that,” Dr. Fauci said.

    New York Times

  11. #71
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    So today could be the day where we "move from the containment phase to the delay phase". What that really means it's that we have totally failed to deal with this, due to the policy of maintaining transparent borders, and foolishly thinking that "contact tracing" would work.

  12. #72


    I was only thinking about contact tracing this morning laying in bed.

    I jump when the phone rings, just in case its Qatar airways telling me someone on the flight has tested positive, you then think how many people have I come into contact with. Too many to work out is the answer. Even the car park bus was pretty full, who would know who they were? From the car park forward would be ok.

    The way governments around the world are starting to react, I wonder if there is more to this virus than 'they' are telling us. I remember Survivors TV series in the 70's with its intro...passports from all around the world being stamped!

  13. #73
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    They must be starting to take it serious in Wick now, I had an appointment with the nurse at doctors surgery for next Wednesday and it has been cancelled because of the virus containment issue.
    A man who fears suffering is already suffering from what he fears.

  14. #74


    Quote Originally Posted by orkneycadian View Post
    It very much looks like the first rise and fall is almost exclusively China, whilst the second rise is almost exclusively everyone other than China. I fear that in months to come, China's response will have put them at the top of the list for reaction, and bottom of the list for cases / deaths. The farcical part of all this is that China showed the way, and the rest of the world had the chance to watch and learn. But didn't.
    Yes, it’s been clear to me for some time that the reaction of most countries has been insufficient. China has had very few new cases per day for more than a week now. At this rate, they could be close to eradicating it by the end of the month! Except that they probably won’t because it’s hard to stop the occasional reinfection. Ironically, the biggest threat to China may be from outside the country in a few weeks! I’m assuming of course that the China figures are believable.

  15. #75


    Quote Originally Posted by Fulmar View Post
    Do you include the major cover up that took place in the beginning and silencing people who tried to speak out- and that is still happening right now? The Chinese people are by no means universally happy with their government's response. I would have more respect if they banned the disgusting, utterly horrendous so called wet live 'meat' markets where the problem originated. Bat to pangolin (pangolin being on the brink of extinction) to humans. Could you watch that video that Corky posted the link to yesterday, I could not get to the end of it. As we all know, it is not only meat it is the illegal trade in endangered animals for traditional medicine that also put humans at risk not to mention the immorality of it all. So excuse me if I don't join in with your adulation.
    I agree with everything you say. I was referring only to China’s reactions to minimise spread of the virus after the first few weeks. The whole world should put pressure on the Chinese government to close down the wet markets, and to take more action to halt the illegal trade in endangered species.

  16. #76


    Quote Originally Posted by Goodfellers View Post
    I've just got back from a trip to the dark continent. Transiting in Doha. So that was four packed flights full of people from every corner of the globe.

    Not a single check on anyone. Sat next to an Italian who was clearly not well for a seven hour flight. No checks or questions at Edinburgh on arrival. Plenty of Chinese seen milling around in Doha airport.

    Nobody seems worried (apart from me).

    I will be keeping away from the general population for the recommended 12 days, just to make sure. Probably over cautious, but I don't want to be the cause of the first Highland infection.
    I hope you stay well Goodie.

    I’m trying to figure out which part of Africa you visited if you had to travel via Doha. It seems a long way round!

  17. #77


    Thanks Aqua

    Kenya! It was a very good airfare from Edinburgh via Doha.......Would fly direct next time even though it cost far more.

    Usually fly to Gatwick from Inv then get international flights, but thought I would give Edinburgh a go...shame the Wick flight to Edinburgh is so expensive, that would have saved a six hour drive.

  18. #78


    Ok, that makes sense. I hope you had a good trip.

    The rest of us should try to keep you entertained (or exasperated) during your isolation!

  19. #79


    Quote Originally Posted by Goodfellers View Post
    The way governments around the world are starting to react, I wonder if there is more to this virus than 'they' are telling us. I remember Survivors TV series in the 70's with its intro...passports from all around the world being stamped!
    I’ve had that thought too. Think Planet of the Apes!

    Fear and paranoia have a bad effect on my brain.

  20. #80


    So, BBC just announce 10 deaths from C-19.....yet go back a few months to 10th December and 800 were dying (a week) from 'normal' flu and nobody seemed bothered.

    Why are the authorities getting so worked up about C-19?

    Internet is no good, it's full of speculation and hype. Press love 'end of the world' stories.

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