Quote Originally Posted by orkneycadian View Post
That's true, you didn't mention an increase in cattle. So if the increased population aren't eating beef, then what are they eating? Looks like non meat products may be partly involved;

With 59.25 million tonnes of beef produced in 2010 and 61.5 million tonnes produced in 2017, a rise of just 3.8%

So all this "the world is being ravaged to farm food for the carnivores" is mostly nonsense. Its all the wheat being grown for the vegetarians, vegans and additional population that's claiming all the land!

Oh dear, google's getting laldy today eh? No matter how much you google away to try to prove me wrong, as usual, factory farming is a large contributor to climate change, whether you like it or not.. If you want to prove vegans are actually to blame, then discuss that. I totally agree with you that all foodstuff grown is partly involved, but I don't believe your average vegan is pumping out anything up to 120 kg of methane each year though, no matter how many beans they eat. Did you know that the largest percentage of soy grown is fed to animals?

It was just pointed out to me that you have mentioned me personally in 2 comments in a row.....Aw Shucks......Mwah.

Anyway, I thinks it's time for me to go and stuff my face wie some wheat.