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Thread: What is the point of Labour anymore?

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Was Orkney but now sadly elsewhere


    Quote Originally Posted by Corky Smeek View Post
    I'm sure an explanation for this deception will be offered shortly.
    Here it is:

    1. All political parties are lying through their teeth, or if not outright lying, misrepresenting facts (dubious and otherwise) - always do, probably always will.
    2. All politicians lie through their collective teeth according to what they believe that day will get them a vote - always do, probably always will. All politicians share some sociopathic signs and behaviours; it's what drives them to want to be in power so they can tell us, the little people, how to behave and what to think.
    3. There's a General Election coming up in a couple of weeks. When the music stops and they all rush for a seat, the biggest sociopaths will suffer the worst when they find there isn't one, so they are driven to even greater heights of misbehaviour now to make sure of a seat later.


  2. #42


    Hmm, a somewhat cynical standpoint. I'm sure there are some honest, straightforward, caring, principled politicians out there somewhere.

    I was, however, talking about just one person (on here) practicing deceit. Perhaps you know more than I do about that person. Do they actually represent a political party in any official capacity? If they do, that would at least provide an explanation for their actions, if not an excuse.


  3. #43
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    Jul 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Shabbychic View Post
    That's a really a sad figure. Didn't know that. Could you name all these SNP candidates who have had support withdrawn from the Party, due to allegations of Antisemitism? I'm really interested.

  4. #44
    Join Date
    Oct 2019


    I'd rather vote Thatcher back from the grave!

    Link set as my Homepage

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Nov 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by orkneycadian View Post
    I think the Labour party can now rest easy, given that the proportion of SNP election candidates who have had their parties support withdrawn due to allegations of anti Semitism is nearly 11 times higher.

    Labour would need to withdraw support from another 10 election candidates to match the SNP. Not impossible, but rather unlikely.

    Originally Posted by Shabbychic
    That's a really sad figure. Didn't know that. Could you name all these SNP candidates who have had support withdrawn from the Party, due to allegations of Antisemitism? I'm really interested.


    Oh no, don't you cop out now. You made the above outrageous accusation, then when I query it, you tell me to google it. I don't have the time or inclination to google about in your fantasies. (shudder the thought) No, you made the statement, so you name the names of all these SNP election candidates who have had the Party support withdrawn due to allegations of Antisemitism. According to your estimations that would be about 11 candidates?

    You talk the talk, now walk the walk!
    Last edited by Shabbychic; 30-Nov-19 at 03:14. Reason: spelling

  6. #46
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    Well I think even Diane Abbott could work that one out. SNP have lost 1 candidate out of 59 due to anti Semetism allegations. 1.7% Labour have lost 1 candidate out of 631 due to similar allegations. 0.16%

    1.7 is almost 11 times higher than 0.16. Or it was when I was at school. I understand that after 10 years of SNP government, literacy and numeracy rates are somewhat lower. But then, that's the same SNP who have claimed, and will claim, that a mere 40% of the share of the vote constitutes a "mandate".

  7. #47


    It is interesting to note that only 37.5% of the UK electorate voted to leave the EU yet the Tory Government is using this as a mandate to commit national suicide.

  8. #48


    Quote Originally Posted by j4bberw0ck View Post
    Shabbychic, you don't sound like a person who watched Andrew Neil comprehensively gut Jeremy Corbyn in his interview last evening, on the subject of anti-Semitism in the Labour Party - and that's both the Parliamentary party and the organisation. All socialist administrations need a scapegoat to distract the hoi polloi's gaze from their governmental failings and the Jews are usually convenient. Look also at the people Corbyn associates with.

    And please don't start about right-wing BBC bias. It'd be a first, were it to happen.
    I watched Neil and Corbyn.

    I can’t stand Corbyn either, but Neil’s constant interruptions and childish questioning were so annoying, and Corbyn’s responses were better than I expected, so I ended up more supportive of Corbyn than ever before!

  9. #49
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    Can this really get any worse for the SNP?

    New SNP resignation over alleged anti-Semitism

    Not an election candidate, but much worse, part of the Conduct Committee

    Starting to make Jeremy Corbyn look quite angelic.

  10. #50
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    Jul 2010


    So really, is there any hope at all for the SNP? Even the Conduct Committee cannot be trusted to exhibit good conduct. Rotten to the core.

  11. #51
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    Jul 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by orkneycadian View Post
    So really, is there any hope at all for the SNP? Even the Conduct Committee cannot be trusted to exhibit good conduct. Rotten to the core.
    And now the electorate are realising that;

    Poll reveals sharp fall in support for Scottish independence

    56% No, 44% yes.

  12. #52


    The last couple of days:-

    The Lib Dems - dodgy to the core.

    £334,000 in donations from pharmaceutical companies who market puberty blockers. Goes a long way to explain the party's stance on gender reassignment.

    The Tories - heartless to the core

    Conservative candidate, Sally Anne Heart says disabled people don't understand money so should be paid less. The nasty part of the Tory party is never far below the surface.

  13. #53


    And just when you thought the Tories couldn't get any nastier........

  14. #54


    Calm down now Porky, surely the Scottish Nasty Party are in no position to call anyone else nasty.

  15. #55


    Quote Originally Posted by Bystander1 View Post
    Calm down now Porky, surely the Scottish Nasty Party are in no position to call anyone else nasty.
    When the Lib Dems are doing things like this I'll never calm down -

    Also, I don't speak for the SNP; so they are not calling anyone else "nasty". I am.

  16. #56
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    Jul 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Bystander1 View Post
    Calm down now Porky, surely the Scottish Nasty Party are in no position to call anyone else nasty.
    Seems that they are even realising themselves that their sole pursuit of independence is harming their election prospects;

    General election 2019: 'Incoherent' campaign harming SNP and helping Tories, says senior SNP member

  17. #57


    Former Labour MSP Malcolm Chisholm seems to have a clear insight into matters.

  18. #58


    a "former MSP", in other words a failed cooncillor. You are scraping the bottom of the barrel Porky, quoting this nonentity.

  19. #59


    Quote Originally Posted by Bystander1 View Post
    a "former MSP", in other words a failed cooncillor. You are scraping the bottom of the barrel Porky, quoting this nonentity.
    Always the same. No arguments to put because you've got none, so attack the messenger.

  20. #60
    Join Date
    Jul 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Corky Smeek View Post
    Always the same. No arguments to put because you've got none, so attack the messenger.
    Pot kettle

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