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Thread: Separatist hypocrisy

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    Default Separatist hypocrisy

    Whats it with the separatists and their hypocrisy? When they want something, they run to the courts, right up to the Supreme Court until they get their way, and tell us that "no-one is above the law"

    But yet, when their Spanish colleagues feel the hand of the law from their Supreme Court on them, Wee Krankie says its a lamentable and dreadful outcome.

    Suddenly, it seems that supreme court rulings are no longer as fantastic as first thought, and you can try to be above the law - But only if you are a separatist.

    Now, how best to get Krankie herself in jail..... She can keep her former colleague and alleged sex pest company.....

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by orkneycadian View Post
    Whats it with the separatists and their hypocrisy? When they want something, they run to the courts, right up to the Supreme Court until they get their way, and tell us that "no-one is above the law"

    But yet, when their Spanish colleagues feel the hand of the law from their Supreme Court on them, Wee Krankie says its a lamentable and dreadful outcome.

    Suddenly, it seems that supreme court rulings are no longer as fantastic as first thought, and you can try to be above the law - But only if you are a separatist.

    Now, how best to get Krankie herself in jail..... She can keep her former colleague and alleged sex pest company.....
    Such bile, such hatred, such bitterness….
    'We are more alike, my friends, than we are unalike.'
    Maya Angelou

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by orkneycadian View Post
    Whats it with the separatists and their hypocrisy? When they want something, they run to the courts, right up to the Supreme Court until they get their way, and tell us that "no-one is above the law"

    But yet, when their Spanish colleagues feel the hand of the law from their Supreme Court on them, Wee Krankie says its a lamentable and dreadful outcome.

    Suddenly, it seems that supreme court rulings are no longer as fantastic as first thought, and you can try to be above the law - But only if you are a separatist.

    Now, how best to get Krankie herself in jail..... She can keep her former colleague and alleged sex pest company.....

    Awwww. Somebody's feeling a wee bit naughty today. Still, if making daft statements and calling folks silly names makes you feel good, you go for it petal. Get it all out your system. Personally I think all you need is a wee cuddle, and you'll feel all better. Mwah.

  4. #4
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    Jul 2010


    Hmmm, how recently was it that the seperatists, and their supporters went to the court of session to try and get a ruling to have Boris jailed if he did not capitulate under the surrender act? Oh yes, just the other week.

    Fortunately, the judge put them back in their box, but imagine their glee if the ruling was that Boris should indeed be sent to the Tower. The separatists would have loved that. Wonder how they sleep at night harbouring so much bile, hatred and bitterness....

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Default Trouble

    Your going to find yourself in trouble as that's NO WAY to talk about women or anyone else ,whatever party they follow.

  6. #6


    Does that apply to your views on my favorite PM of all time, MrsT?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by dozy View Post
    Your going to find yourself in trouble as that's NO WAY to talk about women or anyone else ,whatever party they follow.
    Don't worry, I would speak of wee Krankie the same way if she were a bloke. My post was completely gender neutral! And if she wants to make herself look like a woman who makes herself look like a boy, thats perfectly fine by me.

  8. #8


    I know which one I'd rather spend the evening with :-) I like a woman who can make me laugh! (doesn't help much does it as they both make me laugh for different reasons)

  9. #9


    The election campaign hasn't even officially started and already the debate has been dragged down into the gutter by two of the usual suspects. Both of you should be thoroughly ashamed of yourselves. You are helping embolden the nutters who have already threatened physical violence against two senior SNP women. Joanna Cherry has been threatened by a Labour Party candidate who created a Twitter meme showing someone spraying bleach on her - BANG and the TERF is gone. And only today a unionist activist, currently campaigning on Skye, has suggested on Twitter that Nicola Sturgeon be drugged, kidnapped and imprisoned. If these are not matters for the police to investigate I don't know what is. For goodness sake can we not campaign in a respectful manner. There is still a long way to go until 12 December.

  10. #10
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    Jul 2010


    For a new member, with a mere 7 posts to your name, it certainly hasn't taken you long to label "the usual suspects"!

    But lets not forget that it was the same Joanna Cherry who ran to the Court of Session to try and get a ruling that BoJo would be jailed if he didn't comply with the Surrender Act. Fortunaelt she was told to get back in her box. And rightly so, as this only helps embolden the nutters who think that the courts will side with them everytime to help them get their way.

    And finally, when the europhliles create imagery such as;

    then they perhaps need to remember the proverb involving glass houses and stones.

  11. #11


    Right, so being a new member somehow dimishes the worth of my opinions in your book. In any case, if you had taken the time to look you would have seen that I have been a member for over 2 years and during that time I have had ample opportunity to draw some conclusions about your allegiances.

    Secondly, Joanna Cherry et al were testing the law which they were entirely entitled to do. You even say it yourself - Cherry was trying to ensure the PM obeyed the "Surrender Act" ie the law. Also, you appear unwilling to condemn the threats made to Cherry and Sturgeon. Given the lack of any expression of regret on your part I think we can safely assume that you don't disapprove of such violent tactics.

    You really do paint a dystopian picture of a future Scotland that aligns with your stated beliefs - only allowed to have valid opinions if you have been around long enough; denying people the right to seek legal clarification of major issues and to ensure governments obey the law; turning a blind eye towards violence to women especially if they are able, prominent and politically active. Are you reading this everyone else? It's time to start creating a Scotland that those of us who live here want and not one foisted upon us by Governments we never elect.

  12. #12
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    Jul 2010


    And, Corky Smeek, if you had taken the time to look, at no point did I refer to anything about the length of time you have been a member. The contents of that part of the post are fully and completely summed up by the tag "New Member" under your name and Posts: 7. So its not me thats labelled you "New", but this website.

    Ms Cherry is indeed entitled to test the law. But its as much of a waste of time as me taking you to court to see what the sentence would be, on the offchance that you burgled my house. Or pulled out in front of me at a junction. Its little wonder the bench told her to get a grip. And no-one has asked me to condemn any threats made by anyone. I don't go out of my way to do that, on the offchance that it will keep someone happy. Do I disapprove of such tactics? Yes, of course I do. I disapprove of all the separatist tactics in Ireland, including those that spill over into Central Belt Scotland. I would rather not see images like

    I would very much not like to see Nazi imagery such as;


    All on the streets of Govan. In or very near the constituency of our First Minister.

    I would also not like to se Nazi imagery such as

    I note your avoidance in condemning the most immediately above image. Do you?

  13. #13


    Have you heard of Godwin's Law? If not here is a brief summary.

    "Godwin's law (or Godwin's rule of Hitler analogies) is an Internet adage asserting that "As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches"; that is, if an online discussion (regardless of topic or scope) goes on long enough, sooner or later someone will compare someone or something to Adolf Hitler or his deeds, the point at which effectively the discussion or thread often ends".

    Two references to the Nazis in that last post! You lose, I think.

  14. #14


    Corky Smeek, you really are coming across as a 'sore loser' We voted to stay in the UK. Our government must obey the law (as you rightly say it must). Conservatives are likely to win the GE, Boris has made it clear he will not allow another referendum.

    As for "It's time to start creating a Scotland that those of us who live here want and not one foisted upon us by Governments we never elect. " I have included a table of the last GE results. 24.5% of the electorate voted SNP, the rest voted for 'remain' parties (or couldn't be bothered voting). So, until SNP have way more than 50% (the SNP didn't think the EU referendum % was big enough) you have no right to think Westminster is foisted upon us.

    Scotland is already a great country, as are it's people. The only thing wrong with it are the fools running Holyrood, who incidentally harp on about Westminster serving London and the SE at the expense of Scotland. The SNP represent the central belt and don't care to much about us in Caithness. Hypocrites (as are just about all politicians of every party).

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	scot.PNG 
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  15. #15


    You bet I am a sore loser. David Cameron has already admitted that the No campaign in Indyref 1 was designed to win at all costs; whatever it took. As a result the Scottish people were lied to and scared into voting No.

    I agree that The Tories are likely to win the GE but the notion that he will not "allow" another referendum is scandalous. Just think about the word "allow" and what it means. It means that a PM the Scots did not vote for is the sole decision maker on Scotland's future. It is within his gift to grant or deny Indyref 2. Let that sink in for a minute. Regardless of how many SNP MPs are returned; regardless of the clearly stated wishes of the Scottish people; regardless of the fact that the SNP already has a mandate for another referendum someone we didn't vote for and is deeply unpopular in Scotland gets to decide our future. It is utterly indefensible. It also illustrates just how little Scotland matters to Westminster. We are supposed to be an equal partner in this union yet the other partner has the power to grant or deny our clearly stated wishes. So, to respond to one of your assertions; I do have every right to think Westminster is foisted upon us.

    Your assertion that the SNP need more than 50% of the electorate to vote for them to have an Indyref 2 mandate is interesting. I tell you what; we will apply that logic to whatever government emerges from the GE - probably the Tories. If they don't have more than 50% of the Scottish electorate voting for them then they too have no mandate to deny us a S.30 and a second Indyref. That must sound fair to you as it is, after all, your idea.

    You are damn right that Scotland is a great country. It's far too great a country to be kept captive in this Union by a PM with no mandate to govern us. It is also manifestly untrue that the SNP represent the central belt. Even the most cursory glance at the electoral maps after the last two GEs shows that.

    Finally, if you think Westminster does not have a London and SE bias then you are living in cloud-cuckoo land. Johnston stated quite clearly in 2016 that a pound spent in Croydon is worth more to the country than a pound spent in Strathclyde.

    It's time to wake up and recognise the reality facing Scotland. If we don't start making our own decisions then Boris Johnston will make them for us and they will not be in our best interests.
    Last edited by Corky Smeek; 05-Nov-19 at 13:03.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    Good day Goodfellers. I voted to stay in the UK in 2014, I believed then that the union was best for Scotland. Since then so much has changed, not least Brexit, tory austerity and the vilification of the poor and disabled. Regardless of your thoughts or views everyone has a democratic right to change their mind. There are not many people now-a-days who vote for the same political party throughout their lives, they too have a democratic right to change their mind.

    FYI Scotland last voted for a Conservative government in 1955 and consistently voted Labour from 1959 to 2010. In all that time we have endured a tory government that the people of Scotland did not vote for near enough two-thirds of the time since. So, in my view it is fair to say for those many years the tory government was foisted upon us.

    I will agree with you that Scotland is a great country and the people too. The Holyrood government are right to argue that Westminster serves the London and south-east. Particularly with projects like London Cross-rail, HS2, London Heathrow expansion that all cost astronomical sums of money and yet of no benefit to Scotland.

    If the Holyrood government is not to your liking, use your vote and vote for change. Perhaps it is time to make voting in Scotland compulsory!
    'We are more alike, my friends, than we are unalike.'
    Maya Angelou

  17. #17
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    Jul 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Corky Smeek View Post
    Have you heard of Godwin's Law? If not here is a brief summary.

    "Godwin's law (or Godwin's rule of Hitler analogies) is an Internet adage asserting that "As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches"; that is, if an online discussion (regardless of topic or scope) goes on long enough, sooner or later someone will compare someone or something to Adolf Hitler or his deeds, the point at which effectively the discussion or thread often ends".

    Two references to the Nazis in that last post! You lose, I think.
    Given the unlimited amount of time, something akin then to the Infinite Monkey Theorem then?

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by orkneycadian View Post
    Whats it with the separatists and their hypocrisy? When they want something, they run to the courts, right up to the Supreme Court until they get their way, and tell us that "no-one is above the law"
    Seems they have even more money to waste on lawyers, trying, but failing to get their way. Complaining that ITV didn't invite them onto their reality game show tomorrow night. Given that it's a UK wide election, and the separatists are presently getting about 3 or 4% in the opinion polls, then both ITV, and the High Court are quite right to restrict entry to the "serious contenders".

    Now, can our courts please get on with the job of dealing with all the murderers, rapists, people traffickers and the likes, and stop pandering to those who didn't get their way in referenda and elections?

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    So, I guess to prempt Wee Krankie being on TV tomorrow evening at 5 past 10, after the exit poll has been unveiled, wittering on about a mandate, its perhaps worth considering what would constitute a mandate. In this context for the Neverendum that she keeps bleating on about.

    To avoid creating double standards, then any mandate for another Neverendum would need to be produced by;

    *Each of the 59 constituencies in Scotland would need to have had a greater than 50% share of the vote for separatist parties - So that will be the SNP and the Green Party then -Just to be clear, that means that of all the votes cast in that constituency, more than 50% of them needs to be for the SNP
    *The total votes cast in Scotland for the SNP and the Green Party need to be more than 50% of all the votes cast. It follows that if the above requirement is met, then so will this one be.
    * If both of the above are true, then a mandate for another Neverendum is not out of the question. But should even 1 constituency fail to meet the 50% SNP/Green Party threshold, or if the total SNP/Green party share of the vote in Scotland be less than 50%, then there is no mandate. No constituency can be dragged along into another Neverndum against their will. This is one of the basic principles of the SNP and cannot be reversed now.

    Now, lets see how many minutes past 10pm tomorrow night Wee Krankie can get to before she tries to claim the opposite. My money is on her mouth falling open and "mandate drivel" falling out by 13 minutes past 10.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jan 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by orkneycadian View Post
    Whats it with the separatists and their hypocrisy? When they want something, they run to the courts, right up to the Supreme Court until they get their way, and tell us that "no-one is above the law"

    But yet, when their Spanish colleagues feel the hand of the law from their Supreme Court on them, Wee Krankie says its a lamentable and dreadful outcome.

    Suddenly, it seems that supreme court rulings are no longer as fantastic as first thought, and you can try to be above the law - But only if you are a separatist.

    Now, how best to get Krankie herself in jail..... She can keep her former colleague and alleged sex pest company.....
    I have for the last five years ignored your posts, but people will continue quoting them.

    Firstly, WE are not seperatists...that description belongs fairly and squarely with Unionists chasin Brexit. We are normalists, because it isn't normal for a country which hasn't been militarily beaten into submission to allow another country to dictate its every action, policy and income. We turn to the courts to CLARIFY what the English, in the guise of the UK Parliament, think the Treaty of Union gave them leave to do, without consultation, as if we were a conquered colony.

    The Catalans are in a different position to Scotland. The Catalans voted for the Spanish Constitution in a referendum in 1978 and that Constitution specifically states in Article 155 Section 1. If a self-governing community does not fulfil the obligations imposed upon it by the constitution or other laws, or acts in a way that is seriously prejudicial to the general interest of Spain, the government may take all measures necessary to compel the community to meet said obligations, or to protect the above-mentioned general interest. Section 2. With a view to implementing the measures provided for in the foregoing paragraph, the Government may issue instructions to all the authorities of the Self-governing Communities. Now to the thinking person that makes the Spanish Constitution immoral, unethical, in that it refuses minority ethnic groups in a defined area the ability to choose their own path, and self-serving...but not illegal.....and because it isn't illegal, all that the FM/PM of a country can say is that it is a disgace. What would you have liked her to say?

    Scotland was never asked if it wanted to be a member of any Union back in the 18th century...and there is no written UK constitution to be cited as a legal basis for the treatment of Scotland as one of the two signatories to the Treaty of Union. In fact, if you think about it, the Union between Scotland and England was like the Union between the UK and the other members of the EU in 1973...because of Trade....but while the EU mostly wanted the UK in the EU for Scottish fishing waters, England wanted Scotland in their thrall so they could dictate who the Scottish monarch was to be, as the main planks of the Union Treaty was a guarantee that the Hanoverian dynasty would succeed Queen Anne to the Scottish crown.....and Scotland, in return, received a guarantee of access to England's colonial market.

    What Supreme Court rulings are we contesting? The one in which the UK Government thinks it has the right to deny the citizens of a country which is NOT constitutionaly bound to stay a part of GB forever, which has elected a government with a manifesto commitment to treat for another referendum if circumstances changed (which they have) and whose legally elected Parliament has passed a law which permits that referendum? Why wouldn't we, given that if we didn't we would be taken as tacitly accepting that Scotland is no more than a region of Greater England....and then Westminster could , through precedent, shaft us via any orifice they chose.

    Supreme Court rulings are not the end of the line...there is always the European Courts, though it is faiir to say that the Catalonians are in a weaker position than Scotland in them...but there is always the International Court of Justice.

    Your last line....a nasty, ignorant, typical unionist smear, simply for the sake of saying something to give offence, is not worth any response.
    Last edited by Oddquine; 13-Dec-19 at 01:55.

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