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Thread: Homes Under The Hammer

  1. #1

    Default Homes Under The Hammer

    I’m looking forward to seeing who buys the old Wick High School at auction. It’s on one of the auction sites that is used for the daily property development show.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2012


    Will it show you or tell you who the buyer will be? Would be intersting to see how it goes but going on the measly guide price of £50k one can only hope a reputable person/company buys it and does indeed develop the building into homes or something useful to the community and that it doesn't "mysteriously" catch fire and burn to the ground like some other "developments" in the area. That is a lot of prime development land it's sat on and if the school wasn't on it, it would be worth a fair bit.

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by Shaggy View Post
    Will it show you or tell you who the buyer will be? Would be intersting to see how it goes but going on the measly guide price of £50k one can only hope a reputable person/company buys it and does indeed develop the building into homes or something useful to the community and that it doesn't "mysteriously" catch fire and burn to the ground like some other "developments" in the area. That is a lot of prime development land it's sat on and if the school wasn't on it, it would be worth a fair bit.
    Technically it’s a brownfield site as the newer parts of the school would need to be levelled . Let’s hooe that it’s a reputable firm that does the work, and that it’s not left to fall down

  4. #4


    Will be looking forward to seeing when it's on the tv.

  5. #5


    I was chatting about this with my husband today and he came up with what I thought was a great idea for the site - knock down the non-listed bits, build retirement housing there and then the listed building becomes facilities for those in the housing (e.g. newsagent, cafe, hairdresser, also open to the public, but residents get a certain amount of credit to use each month or a discount card or similar) and accommodation for on-call carers.

  6. #6


    What a brilliant idea,would cost a fair bit tho. But who ever does buy it is getting a bargain. Four acres in total.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by dontstop View Post
    What a brilliant idea,would cost a fair bit tho. But who ever does buy it is getting a bargain. Four acres in total.
    Do you reckon?
    The guide price is exceeded more often than not.
    Would make an excellent crack house

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2001
    Thurso Caithness


    does anyone know when will wick be on tv ??

  9. #9


    I dearly hope someone does something with it as the state Highland Council have let it get into in such a short space of time is a disgrace. Not only the look and upkeep of the grounds where cutting some grass and bushes, weeds which is a really easy fix for them but now with the look of those awful grey shutters over the windows and doors.

    I understand the shutters are needed for security and to stop windows getting smashed but I am sure they could have found something with a better look. Maybe the art and tech studies classes could have got involved to do something brilliant with the shutters at the front, but no, far too hard for Highland Council to think about.

    I really feel for the people who live in the area of the now mothballed building as it is a nice area of town.

    It would have made a much better re-developed council HQ than that monstrosity in Market Square.

    I get a feeling the Thurso Mart situation is about to rear it head in Wick.

  10. #10


    The High School has now been withdrawn from the Auction??

    Auctions - Furniture Sales - House Clearance- We Buy and Sell Gold & Silver
    ROXBURGH ROAD , WICK, KW1 5HP, 01955-928008

  11. #11


    Looks like it was the guide price that was withdrawn rather than the actual lot. The guide price was VERY low given that a few months ago when I viewed it for a company looking along the lines of a mix of hotel, residential, retail and had discussions with HC, they weren't going to budge much below £200k and that was without them putting any effort in with demolition or removal of the newer blocks from site. Given the asbestos issue the demolition and removal costs are huge for those buildings.

  12. #12


    If the parts of the site that need cleared were done there would be no hesitation in a purchase but due to the amount of work overall, it would probably be a phased development and when you weight up the cost of demolition, removal and groundworks to landscape the rear in the interim, combined with the cost and work of the front section, it is a massive stumbling block.

  13. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Dennis View Post
    Looks like it was the guide price that was withdrawn rather than the actual lot.
    No the Lot has definitely been Withdrawn!

    Auctions - Furniture Sales - House Clearance- We Buy and Sell Gold & Silver
    ROXBURGH ROAD , WICK, KW1 5HP, 01955-928008

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Dennis View Post
    If the parts of the site that need cleared were done there would be no hesitation in a purchase but due to the amount of work overall, it would probably be a phased development and when you weight up the cost of demolition, removal and groundworks to landscape the rear in the interim, combined with the cost and work of the front section, it is a massive stumbling block.
    Michael, what do mean by 'groundworks to landscape the rear in the interim' - 'interim' being between what and what? Just curious to know what people who have an informed view think could be done with the site? I would think that the purchase price will be pretty insignificant in the scheme of things?
    Last edited by wavy davy; 07-Feb-18 at 23:18.

  15. #15


    There is a lot that can be done with the site where the buildings need to be demolished but when someone wants to use it for business rather than just housing, to develop the entire site at once is a hell of a task, whereby starting with the main building along with demo of the others is a good phase one.

    I can also tell you that the original asking price of £250k or the £200k they wouldn't drop below when the company I worked for when negotiating with them is certainly not insignificant, especially when you pair it with the demolition and removal costs. The price to remove the asbestos alone is colossal. If you think that amount of money is insignificant I wouldnt mind your bank balance fella, as it certainly isn't insignificant to any company looking at a budget.
    Last edited by Michael Dennis; 08-Feb-18 at 00:09.

  16. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by CashPoint View Post
    No the Lot has definitely been Withdrawn!
    The plot thickens 😯

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Dennis View Post
    There is a lot that can be done with the site where the buildings need to be demolished but when someone wants to use it for business rather than just housing, to develop the entire site at once is a hell of a task, whereby starting with the main building along with demo of the others is a good phase one.

    I can also tell you that the original asking price of £250k or the £200k they wouldn't drop below when the company I worked for when negotiating with them is certainly not insignificant, especially when you pair it with the demolition and removal costs. The price to remove the asbestos alone is colossal. If you think that amount of money is insignificant I wouldnt mind your bank balance fella, as it certainly isn't insignificant to any company looking at a budget.
    When I said insignificant in the scheme of things, I assumed it would be bought for housing development. If for business I can see what you're saying, although why any business would even think about it is an interesting thought.

  18. #18


    It is a perfect site for hotel accommodation, not only does the old part have external character but the other land is perfect for new building extensions on. It is a town centre location and is near basic "leisure facilities" which is not only a good commercial selling point but also saves the developer a lot of money installing new pools etc.

    The county is crying out for new hotel accom, not only with the increased work in the town but also with the North Coast 500, and nicely away from engine revving boy racers which the other two large hotels dont have the benefit of. It is also a nice area of the town fronting on to West Banks and is right beside two of the main roads in/out of the town.

    I am not convinced the entire site would be needed as it is overkill so either the rear would need to be nicely landscaped or separated and sold off for potential housing/further business. The last thing you want is hotel rooms looking on to a bomb site.

    This is where the demo cost is a drawback as you are forced to demo buildings on land you potentially don't really need. I am also interested in how contaminated the land is below the 3 story stand alone block at the back. Not so many years ago it was closed for a long time for an internal clean up after heating oil was pumped into the building through an old pipe and totally wrecked the whole ground floor. Although the inside was all fixed, there is no doubt that oil seeped down into the soil below in one way or another.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Wick, Caithness


    When I saw the plan for the auction sale I immediately contacted the chief executive of Highland council as I knew from my previous position on the council that the 60s blocks and the games hall were to be demolished. I had previously made enquires about the possibility of taking the games hall into community ownership but was told that due to the need to relocate drainage pipes and other things underground they were definitely coming down I was surprised to note in the plan for auction they were included in the sale.

    Following my email the next day I received a response to say it was now off the market. Whoever did the plan for the auction was obviously not totally up to speed on what was happening. I probably saved the council a large legal bill if someone had bought the site and then was later told that the buildings a the rear and games hall were to be demolished.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Wick, Caithness


    You do not appear to have much understanding of the process or the difficulties we overcame to get all our schools built along with a huge investment into Wick. The costs are what they are and Scottish government have not expressed any reservations and a large part of the capital came from them. Many new buildings have teething problems to be fixed and the contractors are the ones who have to fix any deficiencies. I have not heard anyone apart from your self call it an abomination. The teachers I have spoken to are all very happy with the new facilities. Replacing 4 primary schools and the high school all in the same town at about the same time is unprecedented in Scotland I think and was to give Wick and indeed Caithness an injection of capital to help improve many aspects of living in our county. I hope you can at least appreciate that the improvements came and all of us would wish they could have some sooner.
    Last edited by Bill Fernie; 08-Feb-18 at 15:20.

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