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Thread: NHS Service in Caithness

  1. #261


    Quote Originally Posted by norma stewart View Post
    the cause of these ward closures is.when i was in caithness general there was no cleaners in at the weekend and that was the maternity ward
    I can say that there are cleaners in at the weekend!

  2. #262
    Join Date
    Feb 2015


    There wasn't when I was in the hospital in March last year and the staff need more than showing how to wash there hands

  3. #263


    Quote Originally Posted by norma stewart View Post
    There wasn't when I was in the hospital in March last year and the staff need more than showing how to wash there hands

    Cant see why Maternity is any different from other areas of hospital as domestics have worked weekends for as long as I remember....

    what else do you mean?

  4. #264
    Join Date
    Feb 2015


    threre was no cleaner came into my room and cleaned.its shocking

  5. #265
    Join Date
    Jun 2003


    There are definetly cleaners in the wards at weekends. My friend works at weekends cleaning
    Live for today as tomorrow may never come

  6. #266
    Join Date
    Feb 2015


    Well there wasn't when I was in.

  7. #267
    Join Date
    Dec 2005


    This thread seems to have been forgotten, why are all the supporters of CHAT not discussing this anymore? It is not just about maternity it is also about lack of healthcare in Caithness, eg. Outpatients clinics being cut, ambulance cover, if there were more remote outpatients clinics it would reduce patient transport service demands and reduce the parking problems at Raigmore. It would also cut the amount of expenditure on travel costs. No brainer NHS Highland! Anyone got any further thoughts?

  8. #268
    Join Date
    Feb 2012


    This was a few years ago.
    After seeing the Dermatologist for 5 minutes in Raigmore I asked him why he didn't do clinics at CGH - his answer was roughly:
    During the 5 hours it takes me to travel up and down the road I can see several patients, so if I had to go to CGH the waiting time to see me would be longer.
    Being the only Dermatologist in this area at the time I could understand his logic.
    Yes it would be convenient for us up here but turn the equation the other way round - 5 hours is a lot of consulting time lost.

  9. #269


    I understand that people are paid to travel to see a Doctor/Specialist in Scotland And do you get money for an overnite stay?
    In North America you pay for your own way. I recently went for an MRI and travelled 90 minutes there and 90 minutes back. There is no reimbursement/And no paid accommodation. If you chose to live in an area where there are sparse Health Coveages then it is not the Health Dept's fault.
    If you have insufficient money or job, Volunteers will provide transportation to and from the appointment. These volunteers get paid for their mileage only. If accomodation is required there are McDonald Houses which are funded by McDonald Restaurants.
    The health systems are overstretched across the Globe. Do more with less and this will get worse. Pay raises are eating away at the Budgets, Dr's and Specialists fees are ever increasing and there is only so much money to go around.
    For transportation from Hospital to Hospital ambulances are not used. They are only for Emergencies.. The shuttle sqervice is provided by Care attendants, who are paid less than Paramedics and are not on call, thus a much cheaper service.
    Just FYI....

  10. #270
    Join Date
    Jul 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by The Horseman View Post
    I understand that people are paid to travel to see a Doctor/Specialist in Scotland And do you get money for an overnite stay?
    In North America you pay for your own way. I recently went for an MRI and travelled 90 minutes there and 90 minutes back. There is no reimbursement/And no paid accommodation. If you chose to live in an area where there are sparse Health Coveages then it is not the Health Dept's fault.
    If you have insufficient money or job, Volunteers will provide transportation to and from the appointment. These volunteers get paid for their mileage only. If accomodation is required there are McDonald Houses which are funded by McDonald Restaurants.
    The health systems are overstretched across the Globe. Do more with less and this will get worse. Pay raises are eating away at the Budgets, Dr's and Specialists fees are ever increasing and there is only so much money to go around.
    For transportation from Hospital to Hospital ambulances are not used. They are only for Emergencies.. The shuttle sqervice is provided by Care attendants, who are paid less than Paramedics and are not on call, thus a much cheaper service.
    Just FYI....
    we pay for our healthcare on a monthly basis in the UK

  11. #271
    Join Date
    Oct 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by The Horseman View Post
    ...In North America you pay for your own way.....
    & that is why you have medical charities set up to help those in need of medical help in 3rd World countries finding themselves doing most of their work in the USA because the USA in a 3rd World country for many living there. I'd sooner pay a bit more in tax & have a health service there for everyone who needs it regardless of their ability to pay than an American style private health service, which is what we will end up with if the Tories have there way.
    “We're trapped in the belly of this horrible machine....
    And the machine is bleeding to death."

  12. #272


    Quote Originally Posted by Alrock View Post
    & that is why you have medical charities set up to help those in need of medical help in 3rd World countries finding themselves doing most of their work in the USA because the USA in a 3rd World country for many living there. I'd sooner pay a bit more in tax & have a health service there for everyone who needs it regardless of their ability to pay than an American style private health service, which is what we will end up with if the Tories have there way.
    Actually I am talking about Canada which has one of the best Health care systems in the World...Actually 30th out of 190. UK is 20th and America is 35th. Everyone is covered in Canada...yes I agree with your comment on the United States with 20 million people out of 360 million don't have health care. Mind you in America people refuse it.....and they can carry guns to Church and as long as they wear them above their jacket/coats, they are not a concealed weapon. So they are 'different' I must confess.
    From being brought up in the UK and visiting every few years, there appears to be a sense of entitlement about many things....e.g. Disability day it will come back to bite the people.....I am not saying that as is realism.....costs are going up and Service is going down.....and when the crunch hits these extras will be eliminated.....

  13. #273
    Join Date
    Jan 2003


    Quote Originally Posted by The Horseman View Post
    there appears to be a sense of entitlement about many things....e.g. Disability day it will come back to bite the people.....I am not saying that as is realism.....costs are going up and Service is going down.....and when the crunch hits these extras will be eliminated.....
    Never a truer word spoken.
    Patriotism is when love of your own people comes first; Nationalism, when hate for people other than your own comes first.

    - Charles de Gaulle

  14. #274


    I see they have closed the minor injury unit at the Dunbar this weekend from 8am today until 8am Monday due to staffing issues.

    They haven't even bothered to reach out to other local NHS nurses employed at CGH to see if they can help with cover, they just closed it. (A relative has been a nurse in Wick for 30+ years, most of which at CGH since it opened - hence why I know they were not asked to help).

    I really hope this isn't another under the radar trial at reducing services under the auspices of staffing issues, they have a very bad habit of that. Not only is this a major service loss in the west of the county but it will also put more pressure on ambulances as not everyone will be able to get to CGH under their own steam.

    This makes me really mad!

  15. #275


    NHS highland have been contacted under Freedom Of Information Act to establish not only the true cost of referrals to Raigmore as reimbursed by NHS Highland , but also to establish what the hidden cost is to the Caithness community and economy arising from time off work / childcare/ disruption and other unrecoverable costs arising from trips to Raigmore for 5 minute appointments.
    I kent his faither

  16. #276
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Space the final frontier


    Camra what a waste of everyone's time asking for that information. It wont exist. More bureaucracy.
    My mother seldom said anything, but her sighs were loud enough

  17. #277
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Wick, Caithness


    In case anyone has not seen it many of the health debates are now on the CHAT Facebook page

    And for one of CHAT's biggest supporters John Nugent a local Church of Scotland minister - see

  18. #278


    Quote Originally Posted by DMFB View Post
    Camra what a waste of everyone's time asking for that information. It wont exist. More bureaucracy.

    Actually, it wasnt a waste of time and the information does exist, to such an extent that NHS Highland were horrified at the revelation ( they didnt know the figures themselves until requested by FOI ) and which have now appeared in the national press. MP's MSP's and NHS Officials are now looking at all the contributory factors.

    Next on our agenda is NHS Highland misuse of HMRC Advisory Travel rates.....more to come.....
    Last edited by Camra; 04-Oct-17 at 23:06. Reason: incorrect link
    I kent his faither

  19. #279

    Default Forgotten Thread....not

    Quote Originally Posted by Bored View Post
    This thread seems to have been forgotten, why are all the supporters of CHAT not discussing this anymore? It is not just about maternity it is also about lack of healthcare in Caithness, eg. Outpatients clinics being cut, ambulance cover, if there were more remote outpatients clinics it would reduce patient transport service demands and reduce the parking problems at Raigmore. It would also cut the amount of expenditure on travel costs. No brainer NHS Highland! Anyone got any further thoughts?
    It hasnt been forgotten, we've been busy... re

    NHS highland have been contacted under Freedom Of Information Act to establish not only the true cost of referrals to Raigmore as reimbursed by NHS Highland , but also to establish what the hidden cost is to the Caithness community and economy arising from time off work / childcare/ disruption and other unrecoverable costs arising from trips to Raigmore for 5 minute appointments.

    See further revelations in this thread and in local and national press......regards
    I kent his faither

  20. #280


    i got a appointment for my back to see a spinal surgeon ended up seeing a hands and knee doctor and he did not understand why i was sent to him, i did get seen one though eventual at Dunbar by a surgeon they sent up

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