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Thread: New Wick High School, Primary Schools, Community Facilities

  1. #61
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Wick, Caithness


    Stakeholder Group minutes for February 2015 now available at

    Also an Action Tracker to be updated from time to time -

    hotos from 3 March 2015 at
    Last edited by Bill Fernie; 14-Mar-15 at 01:09.

  2. #62
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Wick, Caithness

  3. #63


    Does anyone have any advice on what we can do about the loss of the school bus Staxigoe / Papigoe pupils? It is shameful that it is deemed acceptable for the kids to have to walk over two miles in all weathers to get to school. When choosing where to live, transport to school was a considered factor in the decision making. Now there is no option for our local children

  4. #64
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Wick, Caithness


    Stagecoach have agreed to reinstate the bus service for school pupils from Staxigoe.

  5. #65


    Forthcoming Feb 2nd 2016 Stakeholder meeting. If anyone has any issues to raise with regard to Noss Primary or the Community Campus please PM me or submit to the Wick Community Council website or FACEBOOK page.

    Thank you
    I kent his faither

  6. #66

  7. #67
    Join Date
    Sep 2008


    Does anyone know if the new swimming pool will have a ramp actually in the swimming pool for disabled access please?

  8. #68
    Join Date
    Sep 2016


    Quote Originally Posted by Bill Fernie View Post
    Here is the latest newsletter on the project confirming build to start in Autumn next year with completion by summer 2015.
    Yesterday's headline:

    "Wick Campus Delay Until 2017"

    What's the reasons now ?

  9. #69
    Join Date
    Aug 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by onespace View Post
    Yesterday's headline:

    "Wick Campus Delay Until 2017"

    What's the reasons now ?
    Well apart from rumours of it being made on the cheap and with the resulting structural failure issues due to the cost cutting, these issues aside, it's a contractual secret apparently so sounds like they are trying to botch over any problems and do a runner before everyone who already knows, finds out.....They obviously don't realise this is Wick at its best, everyone knows everything about everything and everyone else before they do

  10. #70


    Quote Originally Posted by Shaggy View Post
    Well apart from rumours of it being made on the cheap and with the resulting structural failure issues due to the cost cutting, these issues aside, it's a contractual secret apparently so sounds like they are trying to botch over any problems and do a runner before everyone who already knows, finds out.....They obviously don't realise this is Wick at its best, everyone knows everything about everything and everyone else before they do
    This being Wick its also a case of the rumours may not be true Ive seen someone supposedly dead walk pass me in the street.

  11. #71
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    Sep 2016


    That it's years late isn't a rumour, that's a stark fact you can see by walking past it. It's amazing how companies like Morrisons can build a building for a commercial customer on time and on budget (or suffer the penalties) but as soon as they get a public sector job you'd think it was the first time human kind had set stone upon stone. They know full well they can bid cheap to get the work (and having a few connections helps to!) then milk the public purse for all that it can because the Council representatives they report to are feckless and toothless. They must have some fun running rings around the Council Contracts people - getting a clause which says that they can't publicise the reasons for delay is a bobby dazzler. A tenner says it closes for repairs within 6 months of opening.....whenever that'll be.

  12. #72


    Well if it closes am sure they will fix it do not worry about it or take a hernia over it calm down could be worse we could have no schools at all jeez lift Urr lip up

  13. #73


    Things are really starting to take shape in the New School now. For up to date photos and information on the school go see for yourself

  14. #74
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    Sep 2016


    Quote Originally Posted by Alice in Blunderland View Post
    Things are really starting to take shape in the New School now.
    I would certainly hope so. After being 3 years late, and counting, we'd expect a bit more than 'shape'.

    I also hear of some parents looking to apply for their bairns to go to Thurso High next year on the assumption/expectation of endless disruption to this new one once the doors finally open (or jam shut).

  15. #75


    Given that in its current state the new high school is a damn sight better than what the kids are currently being taught in I welcome the new High School when it opens. I accept there's been delays and problems however lets keep things positive having had a walk around the building there are some excellent rooms already finished the staff and the kids cant wait to get moved. As for kids parents applying for Thurso High I heard there were tartan pigs flying around Caithness but then thats just a little story I made up for this keyboard as I would believe yours is also.

  16. #76
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    Sep 2016


    Quote Originally Posted by Alice in Blunderland View Post
    there's been delays and problems
    You don't say!

    It's a school (very simple building, the type of which is built on a regular basis and have been for decades) on a piece of greenfield land (so no nasty surprises).

    So why more than 3 years late ? We're not allowed to know because the feckless councillors trying to manage this are made a fool out of by cleverer contractors out to make a buck from public money.

    We'll no doubt get the usual "we will learn lessons from this" tripe trotted out, as the fundamental lesson is never learned.....which is don't let inexperienced incompetent councillors anywhere near things they know nothing about.

    Would you let bill fernie manage your house extension? No. So why let them near something of this nature ? They are supposed to be there to represent the people and protect them from this sort of farce, not be part of the cause of the problem.

    And as for the Thurso High story, that came from a discussion while I was getting my tickets for the dance returned.

    You may be happy living in a blunder land but others expect professionalism.

  17. #77


    Hi, no ramp for disabled access, however there will be steps and a hoist specifically for disabled persons in addition to a ladder at the shallow end
    I kent his faither

  18. #78


    I understand a steam room and sauna are included in the design.
    I kent his faither

  19. #79
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    The nation of Scotland


    Quote Originally Posted by Alice in Blunderland View Post
    Things are really starting to take shape - see

    Can't help but notice that some of the captions for the August 2015 photos state " Our new school takes shape".

    It's not really satisfactory progress no matter how folk spin it. And the delays etc. can't all be laid at Councillors feet, HC employees who have responsibility for this project must be held accountable.

  20. #80


    I agree its not satisfactory. None of the shall we say the cock ups for want of a better word are satisfactory. None of the delays, the mistakes, the lack of consultation, the list is endless is satisfactory. Some of the decision making can be questioned and the complete lack of information as to why the school is not yet open and what were the reasons is wholly unsatisfactory however.... As some will see IM trying to stay positive. Im trying to look on the bright side WHY because at the end of the day the children and the staff are still getting a new school with much better facilities much better equipment and in no way even as it stands at present is it anywhere near the dilapidated state the old school is now in.
    There's a long list of who should take responsibility for this monumental goof of a project but they wont. Most of them are teflon coated and absolutely nothing is going to stick to them I aint no psychic but that's a given from this and other projects which have gone before. From the Scottish government right down to there are lessons to be learned from this however we always seem to hear that phrase lessons will be learned and they never are.
    The phrase couldn't organise a pee up in a brewery often comes to mind however its nowhere near as bad as that .....yet.
    Having spoken to staff they are on the whole pleased with the facilities. They are happy with the level of equipment being delivered and at the end of the day they are the main users of this building not all of us sitting on the sidelines.

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