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Thread: Corbyn Labour Leader

  1. #1
    BetterTogether is offline Banned (Sock Puppet of previously banned user)
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    Default Corbyn Labour Leader

    With 59.5% of the vote labour have elected Jeremy Corbyn as their new leader.

    Will this new swing further to the left propel Labour back to some kind of electoral victory in Scotland but at the same time write Labour out of power in Westminster for another ten years.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2003


    Quote Originally Posted by BetterTogether View Post
    With 59.5% of the vote labour have elected Jeremy Corbyn as their new leader.

    Will this new swing further to the left propel Labour back to some kind of electoral victory in Scotland but at the same time write Labour out of power in Westminster for another ten years.
    The SNP will be the only significant power in Scotland over the next decade.

    Moving further left will not improve Labours ratings in the rest of the UK.

    The Conservatives will be delighted with this.
    Patriotism is when love of your own people comes first; Nationalism, when hate for people other than your own comes first.

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  3. #3
    BetterTogether is offline Banned (Sock Puppet of previously banned user)
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    I agree Conservative Central will be having a celebratory party at the moment with that result.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by BetterTogether View Post
    With 59.5% of the vote labour have elected Jeremy Corbyn as their new leader.

    Will this new swing further to the left propel Labour back to some kind of electoral victory in Scotland but at the same time write Labour out of power in Westminster for another ten years.
    They tried the last 10 year trying to out tory the tory party and look where it got them, being true labour IE: looking after the ordinary people can only be good in my eyes.
    Hating people because of their colour is wrong. And it doesn't matter which colour does the hating. It's just plain wrong.
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  5. #5


    here here....labour membership is rocketing because of Corbyn..............loads of ordinary people turning to authenticiy and a meesage they believe...interesting time ahead

  6. #6
    BetterTogether is offline Banned (Sock Puppet of previously banned user)
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    I wonder how many of those flocking to Corbyn and the new old labour remember the 1970s and the unfathomable Joy the descended upon the nation as Labour had a field day doing everything they could for the average working person.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by BetterTogether View Post
    I wonder how many of those flocking to Corbyn and the new old labour remember the 1970s and the unfathomable Joy the descended upon the nation as Labour had a field day doing everything they could for the average working person.
    I remember in the 70's, the power cuts, three day weeks and rubbish all over the place. I don't remember whether it was a Labour or Conservative Government though.

  8. #8
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    I was a HMC&E officer working in the Leith Whisky bottling plants (Bonds) during the mid '70's power cuts and I lived on the 15th floor af a multi storey block..... No power, lifts went off, water pumps went off,,flats were heated by electric under floor heating, no heat........ But the Whisky Bonds were working full power with overtime , as the Whisky Trade was classed as being part of the food industry, how crazy was that?
    Once the original Grumpy Owld Man but alas no more

  9. #9


    32 years on backbench now leader, mind boggles !!! deputy leader, expenses scandal before that Falkirk vote scandal,
    labour voters happy about that.

  10. #10


    And Tory Blairs new Labour -- that turned out to be a huge success. I would rather see a traditional labour guy with a bit of conviction, honesty and yes baggage even, than the succession of plastic interchangeable people we've been subjected to for years.

  11. #11
    BetterTogether is offline Banned (Sock Puppet of previously banned user)
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    Quote Originally Posted by Redsnapper View Post
    And Tory Blairs new Labour -- that turned out to be a huge success. I would rather see a traditional labour guy with a bit of conviction, honesty and yes baggage even, than the succession of plastic interchangeable people we've been subjected to for years.
    I take it you'll now vote labour a true socialist party and no longer put your weight behind the Tartan Tory SNP?

  12. #12
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    Best three quid ever!
    "Genius may have its limitations, but stupidity is not thus handicapped."

  13. #13
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    Interesting times ahead, can't wait for the first PMQs
    “We're trapped in the belly of this horrible machine....
    And the machine is bleeding to death."

  14. #14
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    I am delighted. For any democracy to work we have to have an effective opposition. The Labour Party has consistently failed to be any sort of opposition. I think that will now change. So many people in England have been looking for a real alternative to the austerity policies of the Tory Party and the Tory light policies of the Labour Party and so many people have turned away from Bew Labour as they offered nothing different. I am so pleased that they have elected a leader who is offering something real and something different. That will be good for Parliament and good for Scotland as our elected representatives will not be the only ones standing up to the appalling policies of the Tories. That is a good thing.
    Last edited by squidge; 13-Sep-15 at 17:18.

  15. #15
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    Like I said, gonna be an interesting first PMQs...

    Jeremy Corbyn is crowdsourcing questions to ask David Cameron at PMQs
    “We're trapped in the belly of this horrible machine....
    And the machine is bleeding to death."

  16. #16
    BetterTogether is offline Banned (Sock Puppet of previously banned user)
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    Are we to take it that you'll now be voting Labour instead of SNP Tartan Tories considering that Corbyn is bound to bring more left wing policies to the foreground.

    Ending austerity, food banks, rights for asylum seekers, equality for women,rights for workers to name but a few of his long held beliefs.

    Hearing Mr Hosie state that Corbyn is falling in line with SNP policy is quite absurd Corbyn has been around for 30yrs with an unfalteringly socialist strategy, it would be fairer to say the SNP are now coming inline with Corbyns long held beliefs.

    Or as I suspect is it all meaningless compared to your desire for Independence and your more than happy for principles to play second fiddle to your one major raison d'ętre.

  17. #17
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    Damn Right Alrock. I'll be watching

  18. #18
    BetterTogether is offline Banned (Sock Puppet of previously banned user)
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    Quote Originally Posted by squidge View Post
    Damn Right Alrock. I'll be watching
    Watching as the SNP lose seats and start to slide back into obscurity.

    They only have one policy now that's not covered more thoroughly by other parties.

    If you want socialism vote Labour.

    If you want Finanical and Fiscal responsibility votes Conservative.

    If you want green policies vote green.

    More social equality Lib Dems.

    Out of Europe UKIP.

    The only thing the SNP now stand for is Independence they're about to lose any credibility on other areas.
    Last edited by BetterTogether; 13-Sep-15 at 17:48.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alrock View Post
    Like I said, gonna be an interesting first PMQs...

    Jeremy Corbyn is crowdsourcing questions to ask David Cameron at PMQs
    I cannot watch PMQ's, I have seen a classroom of five year olds behave better.

  20. #20


    Well BT you've told us over and over and over what you don't approve of - is there anything you do support ?

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