Have now been using my kindle for a few weeks and getting to like it but of course still cannot read it in the bath!
I download mainly free books but if I do want a book will buy, have bought a few which have caught my eye and look interesting.
Paid 2.99 for Alistair Darlings book, it was on special from 16.99 - would not pay more than 2.99 for it - wanted to read it as his mother was from the island and he comes up here fairly often, he was also my MP when living in Edinburgh, only got a few pages into it at the moment.
Will be traveling next week so have downloaded a few books I fancy reading whilst away.
Have paid for a few fun books - started reading one two nights ago, have difficulty putting it down as I find it so amusing.
It is also very good that people cannot see what you are reading, when traveling I always seem to notice the people striding through travel centres with 'the latest must read' prominently held in hand on very much on display on top of hand luggage as if to say 'look at my reading'.
Two senior males I used to work with at various times were obviously ashamed of their reading matter as they always hid their books in a large autobiography - one used to read hundred of westerns and the other chap read all the mills and boon books - with a kindle nobody knows what you are reading.