Can anyone shed any light on a bit of a mystery?

My 3rd great grandfather William Farquhar married Barbara Nicolson in Canisbay on 27th November 1857. His age is listed as 22 giving a birth date of c. 1835, his fathers name is given as Donald Farquhar and his mothers name as Elizabeth Sutherland.

Scotlands People has no record of a William Farquhar being born to a Donald and Elizabeth Sutherland anywhere in Scotland within 5 years either way of 1835. There is a record of a William Farquhar being born to a William Farquhar and Elizabeth Anderson in Latheron in 1837.

However, there is also record of the birth of a William Farquhar to Donald and Elizabeth (Betty) McKean in Latheron in 1831.

There is also a death certificate for a William Farquhar in 1895 where he is listed as being married to Barbara Nicolson and the son of Donald Farquhar and Betty McKean. This would be conclusive for me but his age is listed as 58 which would give a birth date of 1837.

So I have two possible candidates for my ancestor : William Farquhar, the son of William and Elizabeth Anderson born 1837 or William Farquhar, the son of Donald and Betty McKean born 1831 - both in Latheron. I suspect it's the second but wondered if anyone had any more information.


Niall Taylor