Quote Originally Posted by fudge100 View Post
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion,however what gets up my back, are the so called hypocrites who call themselves animal lovers.Who were in all probabilty, brought up as children watching watership down,bambi ect ect. Do these people really believe that animals have the same feelings and emotions as human beings? They are against all field sports,yet they themselves eat meat. They are quite happy to walk into a supermarket and pick up their sunday roast,which is all nicely wrapped up for them, in there nicely presented cling filmed packag.But do they ever stop to think about the conditions in which these animals were raised, or how they were slaughtered?Some of these hypocrites may also claim to believe in the bible.May i suggest they turn to Genesis 9:1-4,where after the flood God blessed Noah and his sons and said,have many children,so that your descendants will live all over the earth.All the animals,birds,and fish will live in fear of you.They are all placed under your power.Now you can eat them,as well as green plants,i give them all to you for food.And lastly, may i suggest they take a look inside the human mouth,there they will find,incisors,molars, and canine teeth.Each one designed for chewing,grinding, and tearing.Man has always been a hunter,so deal with it.
Yes, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. As are you. However, may I just respond to some of your opinions.

I am not a hypocrite. I do not believe for one second that animals have human feelings or emotions. Yes, I am against all field sports, and no, I don't eat meat. I do also care greatly about the conditions on how animals are raised and slaughtered.

I do not believe in the bible, especially sections like Genesis:9-4. No animal, fish or bird will ever live in fear of me.

Man may have always been a hunter, and I do deal with it. I state my views.