Aimed more toward the blue-collar, alt-country types, perhaps, however... get in touch with this chap (message, contact details below) - he'll do you no wrong.

Sunny Govan Radio is the community radio station for Glasgow broadcasting across the city on 103.5FM. Check our credentials at

We support local bands and musicians. There are a number of shows which feature live music. I would like to hear from you if you would like to perform live on Sunny Govan Radio. Everyone accepted gets to perform two songs and promote their myspace/gigs/recordings across a 15 minute slot.
At the moment we can only handle acoustic performances. If you would like to take part in one of our programmes then email your myspace link to [email protected]

This is a service to the community, nothing changes hands. But you get radio experience out of it.
And after your performance post here and tell everyone it is not scary!!