E date is set
E schedule is here
Us crafty types all cringed in fear

Oh help ma boab, Kilt socks A see
A canny knit for e life o me
Ma jams no sticky, ma cakes won't rise
A'll hev to give 'is show reprise

But look, Ere's e Cards
Oh ya dancer
Any Craft?
Och, a'll chance her

Ma mind went racing wi inspiration
A'll fold an stitch an stick it doon
Och but thon 18th kerd
Ma face did froon

Eureka! A hed it. A photo collage
My cry went oot for help wi is montage
A sheep, a dartboard, The Isabella Fortuna
They're all Eighteen noo,
Even e door at Huna

This show hes turned me to e drink
A pint, for e photo, A hed tae sink
Late oors A sat up and A played
Before ye here is what A made

Ma hoose has turned into a midden
Family foresaken an am no kiddin'
But A hed great fun e truth be told
E show goes on, an A'm going for gold.

This came out ma noggin whilst putting together 3 cards, one to be an 18th birthday card section of the Canisby Show. Came 3rd and delighted!!!