Just a few words from a traveller who has developed a deep love for Scotland and particularly Caithness and hope to be back your way again in August 2007. A BIG thank you to all those who have made me welcome on my holidays and encouraged my annual yearning to return

I can see the stars tonight,
The same stars but at a slightly different angle from home.

Orion and Sirius,
Familiar memories for a boy with his eyes fixed to the future,
Stardust in his dreams.

And the Moon,
A reddish-yellow, mellow peach,
Sultrily draped in a wispy lingerie of light cloud.

A breeze rustles the leaves,
Waves rustle on the pebble beach.

Lights wink on and off from offshore rigs,
Lights of a car round a bend in the distance.

Tires on road-stone pitter-patter,
Growling as the car nears,
Rushes past; then quietening,
Then gone.

The gentle background sounds resume their space,
I re-enter my lodgings with dreams on my mind.

I had time to see the stars tonight.

Copyrighted Andy V. Frost 25/08/04


The camera will never capture your essence,
The mind may concieve but only,
Snatched minute fragments of your vastness,
As your rolling, heaving, seething waves,
Atomise against the outcrops of Terra,
White horses seperated from their squadron,
Always regrouping for another assault,

And you, you can never stop,
never cease your war,
Against the blot in your perfection,
The landmass will lose one day,
But as long as the Moon is your Commander-in-Chief,
You are condemned to move forever.

Copyrighted Andy V. Frost 25/08/04
Ocean was concieved and initially written at the bottom of the Whaligoe steps on a day when the swell was quite heavy and the breakers, rather spectacular. I was seeking an image to quickly illustrate this poem and where it was written for another forum when i happened upon your forum and had my interest piqued when i noticed your "literature" section I have enjoyed reading some of your poems and will be back to read more at a quieter time.
I sincerely hope my intrusion on your forum is not unwelcome and that you might enjoy this outsider's views of your home.
best wishes
Andy V. Frost