So Boris is for out - always thought of him as a bungling prat, but must admit he hit a nerve with me with part of his announcement a short while ago in which he said that above the EU sat the lawmakers who made the laws for the 742,000,000 of the EU. The same laws (presumably for the intended United States of Europe?) but how the hell can you have the same laws for such diverse nations? look of a map of Europe of just 300 years ago, most EU nations did not exist!. Applying exact same laws to us will not work. OK we're so-called 'Europeans' - no we're not, we're an insular race, often leaving these shores to save the arse of the French or Germans, we ARE different, and cannot be combined as 'European' in the terms of being the same as an Italian, An Hungarian, a Luxembourger. The same size fits all does not and never will work. The Brits are slow to anger and put up with a lot, but me thinks the worm has turned..