Quote Originally Posted by BetterTogether View Post
Alas the First Minister is over in the US of A talking to the IMF and various other organisations who she has no mandate or powers to have discussions with and appearing on a satirical comedy show.

In the meantime John Swinney was sitting on politics today complaining how the UK government has a decision in what final taxation the Scottish Government actually implement and calling it a veto but steadfastly refusing to say what they are going to do with all the new powers and palpably blanching when asked about FFA.

Funny how they've campaigned so hard for these new powers but won't tell the electorate how they intend to dispense them. More interestingly he also refused to say anything about what tax raising measures he'd use to cover the £177 million cut implemented by Westminster or why he won't get rid of the bedroom tax although he has the powers to do so.

Seems the same old, same old lots of whingeing and whining about minor details but no detail in what they intend to actually do.....

Reality is coming home for the SNP and the buck passing will soon grind to a halt.

Much ado is made of the Labour and Libdems being wiped out in the general election but the SNP seem to fail to grasp a harsh reality that they've not actually proven anything yet and could easily end up on the scrap heap just as quickly.
A clear example of buck passing waffling ......Margaret Burgess, the Minister for Housing and Welfare, SNP MSP : “Using the new powers coming to Scotland, the Scottish Government will abolish the bedroom tax as soon as possible"......( April 2015 ) when... Mrs Burgess ?, and does this not contradict Swinney ? is this not part of austerity cuts ? I disagree with you, certainly its all whinging / whining but its not over minor issues, their " a big boy done it and ran away / crying wolf" has to stop, lets see action not rhetoric, use the powers they have right now, reshuffle the available money, make informed prioritised choices....stop indulging the rich with council tax freezes / non means tested freebies, save money here and re allocate to where its needed....a but...thats making choices isnt it....... and deeply unpopular ones at that. My call is they will play up the legitimate card ( especially after JUlys early budget ) ie We never voted for austerity cuts ( they did actually support them but remember it was the pace that they were to be introduced was to be slower than Tories ) it wisnae us / we'll no dae that to youse when wur a free...... the so called party of anti austerity can make changes now...so the question is why not ? The answer is they will become like all the rest and lose popularity / votes in next years Holyrood election.