Quote Originally Posted by squidge View Post
You are welcome. Our money would indeed be different in our pockets I hear done old lady said " What do I care if our currency is marbles as long as when i give my marble over i get a loaf of bread"

Scotland's own currency could be pegged to the value of the £sterling if that is what was best for Scotland. That would mean that fluctuations in currency rates would be minimised.
Robert Peston BBC Economics Report : "You don't need telling, I know, that the longer the uncertainties persist, the more prolonged the UK will suffer from an elevated cost of finance, and the greater the harm there will be to economic growth - both sides of the border.
Or to put it another way, whatever the long term prospects for Scotland and the rest of the UK, both could pay a steep and immediate economic price, during the months and probably years it will take to firmly determine the distribution of assets north and south (and I haven't even got on to the further complications of determining how liabilities, such as the national debt , are shared)".

Yes voters : you are are being lied to and conned by a bluffer : dont think that major issues wil be easiiy and quickly resolved, they wont, and as long as there is uncertainty, markets bite and you know what no one will get any pride on telling you...I told you so : we are staring very hard times in the face with no way back, welcome to the abyss ! Marbles...well youve lost any creditibility you ever had with piece of nonsense !!