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Thread: Cat killed near Reiss

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2001
    by the sea

    Default Cat killed near Reiss

    Reading about Justine's missing rabbit is making me feel guilty that I didn't post before about the little cat I found on the road last Wednesday. I think we all assumed it was one of the many feral cats round there but of course it could have been someone's pet and, if so, I'm sorry I didn't think to write before.

    I was driving into Reiss late afternoon from Castletown direction and by what I think is an empty farmhouse, just before the speed restriction signs start, I saw something in the road in front of me which moved as I got closer. So of course I stopped and realised it was a little black and white cat, obviously badly injured. I put my hazard lights on and flagged down a car coming up behind - very nice helpful couple got out. Meanwhile the cat was dragging itself off the road into the long grass at the side - I can't get the picture of it out of my mind. The man who stopped tried to pick it up but it struggled so and scratched him that we thought it better to leave it, especially as I didn't have anything suitable to put it in.

    We thought I should go to the police for help but as I got into Wick I thought it quicker to phone a friend who gave me the number of Wick vet and they gave me the number of Cats Protection. Agreed to meet them back at Reiss where I found two lovely ladies looking for it, one had just found it and they took it away. Sadly when I phoned next day they said it had to be put down as it both back legs broken and back badly injured, also pregnant.

    We keep having threads on here about speeding drivers so I hope the callous brute who hit this cat and didn't bother to stop is pleased with themselves. The Cats people said it might have taken days to die in agony. And, again, my apologies for not posting sooner if this was someone's pet. I did make some enquiries without success.
    The early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2007


    At least you did everything in your power to help the poor cat; well done.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Between heaven and hell..


    its horrible when you find an injured animal, whether it be ferrel or a pet it makes no difference..I hope you get over the sight that you found.....

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2006


    Badger, you did everything you could in the situation, and it probably was a good idea to post, in case someone does recognise your description of the cat.

    I just couldn't imagine hitting a cat and not stopping -what kind of heartless, unfeeling creature does that?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Blackpool today..... who knows where tomorrow!


    I remember driving behind a 'young man' one night in Kent several years ago - who swerved in the middle of a country lane...... not to miss the cat that was in the road... but to HIT it!

    Anyhows, I stopped - I'd been following him for a bit & he had memorable personalised number plates - I got the cat, but by the time I'd got Giles, our vet out of bed, & down into the surgery, the cat had died.
    It had a collar, but no tag.

    I went to the police to report it, but do you know, they weren't interested at all. I gave them the reg number of the idiot, and the police said that if the owner came forward with a complaint, they would pass the information on!

    Anyway, I got my own back a few months later - saw the guy pull up in a pub car park.... made sure I walked past him, knocking into him as I went & soaked him with his own beer!
    Divine Retribution!

    I wish I'd picked more daisies.........(anon)

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by badger View Post
    We keep having threads on here about speeding drivers so I hope the callous brute who hit this cat and didn't bother to stop is pleased with themselves. The Cats people said it might have taken days to die in agony. And, again, my apologies for not posting sooner if this was someone's pet. I did make some enquiries without success.
    Did you never stop to think that maybe the "callous brute" didnt even know he (or she) had hit the cat. Did it even occur to you that maybe the driver wasn't even speeding?

    But no, a cat has been killed, so lets just crucify someone!!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2003


    Badger I had made enquiries and it was definitely a stray.

    It was so good of you to care enough to do something and to end the poor wee cat's agony.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by DeHaviLand View Post
    Did you never stop to think that maybe the "callous brute" didnt even know he (or she) had hit the cat. Did it even occur to you that maybe the driver wasn't even speeding?

    But no, a cat has been killed, so lets just crucify someone!!
    what if like my car it has several drivers .....

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by DeHaviLand View Post
    Did you never stop to think that maybe the "callous brute" didnt even know he (or she) had hit the cat. Did it even occur to you that maybe the driver wasn't even speeding?

    But no, a cat has been killed, so lets just crucify someone!!
    That wasn't the point of the posting...

  10. #10


    I'm aware of the point of the posting thank you very much.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2004


    You did all you could Badger, I hate hearing stories about animals left at the side of the road to die after being hit by a car, stray or otherwise.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Between heaven and hell..


    you did do all you could. As a owner of a cat that was run over outside the house this year, and he was left in the middle of the road for any to find, i know how distressing it can be for anyone who has gone through this. Atleast you tried to get help for the poor thing....Some people just dont care about animals as much as they should....I wish you had seen my cat as i know you would have tried to help him....or tried to find the owner if only to give the bad news.......As for my baby bunny she is still missing and still missed...

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by DeHaviLand View Post
    Did you never stop to think that maybe the "callous brute" didnt even know he (or she) had hit the cat. Did it even occur to you that maybe the driver wasn't even speeding?

    But no, a cat has been killed, so lets just crucify someone!!
    Been in Wick all day so just seen this, having done the same route again. The place the cat was run over is actually just past the first of the 40 mph warning signs so I would expect sensible drivers to be slowing down, unless they're the kind that slam on their brakes at the last minute and speed up before they're out the other end (plenty of those around). Frankly I don't see how you can hit a cat and not notice it if you're paying attention. I would not criticise anyone for hitting an animal that runs into the road without warning - goodness knows I've had enough near misses. It's driving on without stopping to check that made me really mad. If I can see a mouse running across the road, how can any driver with legal eyesight not see a cat?
    The early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.

  14. #14


    Badger, I really dont want to pick a fight or cause an argument, but its not outwith the bounds of reality that the cat didnt run in front of the car, but rather run under it as the car was passing. How is anydriver expected to see that, no matter how good their eyesight?

  15. #15
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    May 2002


    having had the absolute horrible experiance of hitting a cat once.. when you hit them you can feel it in the car. even if you dont see it.. ive ran over rabbits in my life.. (just to many in the road to dodge) and they are much smaller than cats.. and you can feel it.
    i know myself how sick it made me at the time, and how thinking about it now still makes me feel horrible.

    the worst was a flock of birds flew out of a field in front of me.. coming back from thurso. i was going about 50 mph with the whole family in the car!
    and about 30-40 birds just flew out in front of me, i know i almost crashed the car.. and i sit there and cried.
    i still freak when driving to and from thurso and i see a flock of sparrows coming off a field!

  16. #16
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    Jul 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by DeHaviLand View Post
    Badger, I really dont want to pick a fight or cause an argument, but its not outwith the bounds of reality that the cat didnt run in front of the car, but rather run under it as the car was passing. How is anydriver expected to see that, no matter how good their eyesight?
    Quote Originally Posted by brandy View Post
    having had the absolute horrible experiance of hitting a cat once.. when you hit them you can feel it in the car. even if you dont see it.. ive ran over rabbits in my life.. (just to many in the road to dodge) and they are much smaller than cats.. and you can feel it.
    i know myself how sick it made me at the time, and how thinking about it now still makes me feel horrible.

    the worst was a flock of birds flew out of a field in front of me.. coming back from thurso. i was going about 50 mph with the whole family in the car!
    and about 30-40 birds just flew out in front of me, i know i almost crashed the car.. and i sit there and cried.
    i still freak when driving to and from thurso and i see a flock of sparrows coming off a field!
    Sorry DeHaviLand, I have to disagree with you there, and like Brandy, I have hit rabbits and a cat, and also a crow on a couple of occaisions. You can feel it in the car. I had a cat run into the side of my car and I felt and heard the thump. I ran over a crow, and I certainly knew I had hit it. So unless the driver is completely vague, I find it hard to believe that they didn't notice.
    She was not quite what you would call refined, she was not quite what you would call unrefined. She was the kind of person that keeps a parrot. Mark Twain

  17. #17
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    Nov 2006


    when we lived back in inverness, i was running my beloved to work at night time, there was a car stopped at the other side of the road with its hazards on. I slowed down to see if they needed any help before this almighty thump from under the car. It had been a baby deer that the car had hit and was crippled in the middle of our side of the road. I still think about it today, and took ages to get underneath the car cleaned up.

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