Dental Emergency

Being one of the hundreds who deserted Bridgend Dental (care?) Centre in Thurso after being ripped off to the tune of £351 a year, on their greedy 'Plan'. We contacted the NHS Dental Helpline to register and although their jingle: "Working with you to make Highland the healthy place to be" they have been unable to get us listed with an NHS dentist.

Yesterday evening my other half gave up with the paracetamol and clove oil on her tooth, and decided she'd have to go for emergency treatment. Tried the 08456 442271 number, BUT as after 4.30 pm was closed. This morning started to ring a short time before 8.45am - getting a message they were not open until 8.45am (eh?) At five minutes to nine, she eventually got through; "you are 7th in the queue" a few minutes "you are 6th in the queue", not sure how much an 0845 number is, but what the hell..
Eventually got through to a human who took her details i.e. we're 'out west' at Strathy etc, and she would ring through 'within the hour'. Sat around, phone rings an hour and quarter later.. "Sorry but can't get you into Loch Shell" - eh? and continues on to say that if any vacancies arise she will ring my wife back, and if no phone call she (wife) will have to ring again tomorrow.
So, tomorrow morning wife will be ringing again, and although she tried the day before if any initial sufferers get their phone call in first then she's back to the end of the queue..
Now I ask you what dumb idiot thought of this system? surely it's not beyond capability to have the enquiring names on a list so that if you don't get in one day, you'll eventually get in, instead of being knocked back each day.. ??

NHS Dental Service; hang your head in shame