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Thread: Hunting

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Jan 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Soulsurf View Post
    Sorry Ducati but i have to disagree with your views. There are very responsible people out there, who yes have a gun licence and go out hunting, but have you ever thought why these people do this.
    Because they are psychopaths-I thought we had established that?

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Apr 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by ducati View Post
    You're the one advocating drooning stirkie!
    An old saying of my grannys. Now the stirkie woould have drooned by accident (I take it you know what a stirkie is).

  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs Bucket View Post
    An old saying of my grannys. Now the stirkie woould have drooned by accident (I take it you know what a stirkie is).
    Absolutely no idea

  4. #44


    How little do you know..

  5. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by Soulsurf View Post
    How little do you know..
    I don't know

  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by ducati View Post
    Absolutely no idea
    I think it's the ramblings of a mad woman.

  7. #47
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    i dont know the rules and times for hunting.. but deer is very plentiful here.there is nothing i like better than a nice piece of venison. ive never seen so many deer in my life.. and no dear in them at all! have heard that they need culling every few years as there is to many of them.
    just out of curiosity any deer hunters out there?

  8. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by brandy View Post
    i dont know the rules and times for hunting.. but deer is very plentiful here.there is nothing i like better than a nice piece of venison. ive never seen so many deer in my life.. and no dear in them at all! have heard that they need culling every few years as there is to many of them.
    just out of curiosity any deer hunters out there?
    From what I understand there wasn't a cull last year resulting in more seen near the road due to the lack of food this winter.

  9. #49
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    Culling is necessary with the Red Deer population to maintain a healthy stock. Because numbers are currently so high, they can soon lose condition and suffer through starvation.

    Only licenced stalkers (or someone under the supervision of one) can shoot them (IIRC) and the ones to be killed are carefully selected.

  10. #50
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    so theres no hunting for meat? wow thats a lot dif. from back home. my uncle would be in heaven over here. bow or rifle.. he would be stalking his limit every chance! *giggles* i know that when he gets a chance his freezer and everyone he knows is stock full of meat!
    its a shame that theres not hunting seasons over here. it sure would help keep the population down. and keep them healthy.

    just reread the post.. is licenced stalkers .. basically some one with a hunting licence?

  11. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by brandy View Post
    so theres no hunting for meat? wow thats a lot dif. from back home. my uncle would be in heaven over here. bow or rifle.. he would be stalking his limit every chance! *giggles* i know that when he gets a chance his freezer and everyone he knows is stock full of meat!
    its a shame that theres not hunting seasons over here. it sure would help keep the population down. and keep them healthy.

    just reread the post.. is licenced stalkers .. basically some one with a hunting licence?
    Thinking about it, I'm not sure if there is an actual 'Stalking' licence/ certificate. Safer to say an experienced stalker as opposed a licensed one, methinks. Sorry for misleading anyone.

    Yup, certainly hunted for meat...lots of lovely haunches and saddle cuts......oh yes......and venison sossies and burgers........

    Regarding seasons, the red deer stag stalking season runs from 1 July to 20 October and the hind season from 21 October to 15 February. Most commercial deer stalking involves hunting the stags, so takes place between August and October.

    I found this interesting site which gives loads of good info regarding stalking:

  12. #52

    Default Guns

    You are the more likely to do something, how wound are you????

  13. #53
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    I think that the fact that this thread is under "Hobbies" proves the point that people who kill animals, do it for fun, and not the usual rubbish as spouted by BASC, CA etc etc
    Michael Stone is innocent.
    Convicted without any forensic evidence and failed to be picked at any ID parade
    So who did kill Lin & Megan Russell

  14. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anfield View Post
    I think that the fact that this thread is under "Hobbies" proves the point that people who kill animals, do it for fun, and not the usual rubbish as spouted by BASC, CA etc etc
    We agree on something, Woohoo!

  15. #55


    The only way we could make this right is if we put "shopping for food" under hobbies, then hunting would be fine here.
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  16. #56

    Default fun in killing

    it is not the fact you enjoy the killing of the animal , the fun and sheer pleasure comes in the stalking the animal , like when you've been watchin the roe buck or red stag for a few weeks and spot the perfect opertunity to crawl over a mile of bogs and ruff land to get within a safe shooting distance of the beast .
    only for him to take wind of you and come over to investage your were abouts , you lay there still unable to fire a safe shot and the beast takes off
    that is when adrenaline pumps through your body
    as there is always next time
    but once the shot is fired and the beast lying there dead , then the hard work begins
    allowing the animal to bleed , removing the guts and intestings
    hanging and skinning the beast
    then last of all butchering the beast for the table

    to be quiet frank there is a whole lot more that goes into deer shooting than tipical narrow minded peoples veiws that we all go out just to kill for fun.

    it's in hobbies as stalkers take great care and get alot of pleasure out of it
    just like train spotters or stamp collectors do ,
    you dont hear us slate them
    some times look at all angles before you are quick to pass jugdement on or peoples hobbies

    but i do highly recomend you all give hunting a try , you never know you might enjoy it
    Last edited by oakley2007; 22-Apr-10 at 15:51. Reason: continuing debate

  17. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by oakley2007 View Post
    it is not the fact you enjoy the killing of the animal , the fun and sheer pleasure comes in the stalking the animal , like when you've been watchin the roe buck or red stag for a few weeks and spot the perfect opertunity to crawl over a mile of bogs and ruff land to get within a safe shooting distance of the beast .
    only for him to take wind of you and come over to investage your were abouts , you lay there still unable to fire a safe shot and the beast takes off
    that is when adrenaline pumps through your body
    as there is always next time
    but once the shot is fired and the beast lying there dead , then the hard work begins
    allowing the animal to bleed , removing the guts and intestings
    hanging and skinning the beast
    then last of all butchering the beast for the table

    to be quiet frank there is a whole lot more that goes into deer shooting than tipical narrow minded peoples veiws that we all go out just to kill for fun.

    it's in hobbies as stalkers take great care and get alot of pleasure out of it
    just like train spotters or stamp collectors do ,
    you dont hear us slate them
    some times look at all angles before you are quick to pass jugdement on or peoples hobbies

    but i do highly recomend you all give hunting a try , you never know you might enjoy it
    Don't be an aerse! You would not do it if you couldn't kill. Comparing it to train spotting is frankly ludicrous. How many trains do you see killed?

  18. #58
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    I think Oakley2007 is really the hunting window cleaner (who keeps on losing his poles) after a couple of spelling lessons.

    "only for him to take wind of you and come over to investage your were abouts , you lay there still unable to fire a safe shot and the beast takes off
    that is when adrenaline pumps through your body" (sic) in more ways than one.

    Where did you copy this from, sounds a bit like Hemingway to me
    Michael Stone is innocent.
    Convicted without any forensic evidence and failed to be picked at any ID parade
    So who did kill Lin & Megan Russell

  19. #59
    Join Date
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    Default hunting

    iv lived in caithness all my life and i also hunt for food and not sick enjoyment i have many farmes and in some cases estates to hunt on , i have 2 lurchers and ferrets i would quite gladly take you out to my permission ground get bk to asap leave a number if intrested thanks
    A smile is worth more than a million pounds and it sure dont hurt.

  20. #60


    Quote Originally Posted by the gourmet View Post
    Sorry if I offended any cat lovers out there however I really think these things are vermin but I shouldn't have recommended their shooting by hobby shootists.Humane destruction by means of hessian bag and brick (old school) used to be acceptable but in todays enlightened times I think poisoning is quicker and less likely to polute our waterways.
    ha, ha, ha, ha,

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