I came across this comment on another thread..........
Quote Originally Posted by gleeber View Post
snip......Crickets as rare in caithness as a heatwave without wind.
I've heard this kind of comment so many times before - that Caithness is known for it's winds. I'm not so sure.

I haven't found Caithness to be particularly windy. I've been here a little over 2 years now - the first year in Portskerra which, being on the coast, was definitely windy, but the second year I've spent in Halkirk, which isn't particularly windy at all. Maybe Caithness's reputation for being windy is more to do with the coastal areas than Caithness as a whole - inland certainly doesn't seem to be effected by high winds except when it's windy over the whole country and here in Halkirk all too often there's not even a faint stirring of the air, which of course then brings out the midges in their masses.

I must admit this is a slight disappointment for me. I don't like hot weather and one reason I was looking forward to moving here was because I believed that if the weather turned hot, at least it would be windy to take the sting out of the heat and stop it being too humid, but in Halkirk it gets hot and humid (my two pet hates in weather terms). In hindsight I probably would have been better moving to the coast rather than inland, but I didn't know that when I bought my house. I didn't expect Halkirk to be as windy as right on the coast but I thought, being just a few miles inland, we'd at least benefit from some effect of the sea breezes. Sadly this doesn't seem to be the case.

Having said that, there are so many good things about Caithness as a whole, and Halkirk in particular, that the slight disappointment with the weather is a minor concern only. Caithness is a great place to live and I wouldn't go back down South for anything.