we came up with these one drunken night - these are the cleaner ones.
Just replace (X) with someones name.

Did you know that (X) is in the money
Yeah (X) struck oil when he/she put on high heels.

What happened when (X) tried to hang him/herself
The house collapsed

Why did (X) stare at his/her orange juice
cos the bottle said concentrate

why do surfers like (X) ?
you poke his/her belly and ride the waves

whats the difference between (X) and a half ton man
a ton

Why are ppl surprised at (X) footprints
Your no meant to leave footprints in concrete

why was (X) in the beauticians for 3 hours
he/she was waiting for an estimate

tumbleweed there it goes

why did Scotland receive water shortages in the summer of 1995
(X) had a bath.

why were the oil prices so high
(X) used his/her deep fat fryer

when (X) goes to the cinema he/she sits next to everyone

whats the difference between (X) and a tank

whats the difference between (X) and the devil
the devil is hot

why does no-one go near (X)
its cheaper to go to seaworld