Was pleased to read that at least some-one is still talking about getting Wick airport more generally used.I would like to see it opened to direct flights from down south and not just an extension of existing arrangements, like the interchange at Edinburgh .
Surely there must be a demand for business flights, links to major airports for international travel etc.
It's been a boon having the facility to obtain cheap flights from Gatwick/Stansted etc to Edinburgh/Glasgow and Inverness which means a day's shopping in any of those places is now considered quite normal. Surely there must be a reciprocal demand from the far north and besides I suspect that many people, me included, would love to be able to cut out that long drive,even longer train journey,from Thurso/Wick south and vice versa.
Any thoughts on the matter?
Oh well for now it's a good thing that the A9 has some good views and that no snow is expected for the moment
P.S Is the heather blooming yet?