Okay - bit of a long shot this one.
This condition is of the hand and causes the ring finger or/and the little finger to claw into the palm. Usually there are benign tumours which cause lumps in the palm or at the base of the fingers affected. It is endemic in Scandinavia and it's reckoned that Vikings were particularly afflicted with the disease. Many excavated corpses have been found to have been affected. I just wondered if there is much of this in the Caithness area, given it's Viking heritage. It affects men more than women, usually in middle age or older. It is also linked with diabetes though by no means always, and alcohol consumption - I hear the Vikings liked the odd nip.

Strangely the disease is unheard of in places like Africa or India. It is definitely a condition 'of the north'

I admit a vested interest. I've had surgery to both hands to correct this. It is inconvenient, needing two months off work and uncomfortable rather than painful. The huge clumpy bandage is the worst bit, especially in warm weather.

So, have you suffered the condition, or know anyone who has?
All replies treated in confidence <chuckle>