1/2 lb Plain Flour
1 tsp Bicarab of Soda
1 tsp Cream of Tartar
1ozs Butter
1/4pt Buttermilk or 1/4pt fresh milk with 1/2tsp Lemon juice

preheat oven 200 or gas 7

Sift flour bicarb cream tartar
rub in the butter
make a well in middle add Buttermilk
mix quickly to soft dough

turn onto a floured board knead lightly
til smooth roll out until approx 3/4ins thick
cut out with pastry cutter approx 12
leave to stand for 15mins before baking

put onto a heated greased baking sheet
Bake for 10mins or until scones are well risen and golden
serve warm with jam or cream

for fruit scones just add whatever you fancy