Well why are the MSM so keen to point out other polls that show drops in support?

You only think the SNP are bad because you want to (and actually do) believe the stories in the Mail, Express, Telegraph, Times, Guardian, Record, Herald, Scotsman, P&J, BBC, ITV, STV and Sky. And since those outlets don't do their jobs properly and investigate the utter corruption and incompetence at the heart of Westminster you go about your business having been thoroughly brainwashed. I don't see that as your fault though. The brainwashing is relentless and it's just that you are in denial.

Of course, the worrying aspect to that is you would still prefer to saddle the Scottish people with Westminster corruption than give us the chance to run our own lives.

Your final sentence sums up why I and many other Yessers voted for Indy in 2014: "...until Westminster says so, ..." Thank you for reminding me (not that I really needed it) of one of the reasons I will never stop fighting to free ourselves from Westminster rule. The latest Ipsos poll shows I am not alone.