I'm not going to argue with the sentiments you have expressed there for I share most of them.

I want to live in a nuclear-free, ecologially and socially responsible world too. But, if we keep doing what we are doing we will keep getting what we've got. Westminster governments have repeatedly shown they are not fully committed to the better world you describe.

It really is time to call a halt to the nonsense and find a new way. I steadfastly believe that in Scotland we have an opportunity to make a difference if only we would grasp the nettle of independence. OK, we may not be able to change the world but if other countries see what we can do they may follow suit. Scotland has already impressed when it comes to matters ecological with many other groups and nations taking heed of what the SG is trying to achieve.

I am not suggesting that independence is a panacea for every ill but at least it means we won't be stuck with accepting the policies of a government we didn't vote for.