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Thread: Any reasons to be cheerful?

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Oct 2006


    "The worrying thing about the Tories being toast in the next GE is that they will be replaced by the Labour Party. That's a helluva thought don't you think!! ... "

    The Labour Party are doing well in the opinion polls, if Labour improve their share of the vote in Scotland at the next general election, then many parliamentry seats where Labour was in second place to the S.N.P. at the last general election, will be won by Labour at the next general election, maybe the S.N.P. will lose many of the seats that they won since 2015 and go back to having a small representation in the U.K. parliament. Perhaps if Labour perform well in office then the same will happen at the next Scottish Parliament elections which would be bad news for the S.N.P.

  2. #22


    Quote Originally Posted by ecb View Post
    The Labour Party are doing well in the opinion polls, if Labour improve their share of the vote in Scotland at the next general election, then many parliamentry seats where Labour was in second place to the S.N.P. at the last general election, will be won by Labour at the next general election, maybe the S.N.P. will lose many of the seats that they won since 2015 and go back to having a small representation in the U.K. parliament. Perhaps if Labour perform well in office then the same will happen at the next Scottish Parliament elections which would be bad news for the S.N.P.
    Except that the latest opinion polls for Scotland show that Labour would make gains from the Tories and that the SNP would be on track to make a gain of 4 seats. See poll data here -

    It will be a long time before many Scots forgive the Labour Party for their siding with the Tories during IndyRef1; their part in the broken promises contained within "The Vow" and for failing the people of Scotland time after time for decades.

  3. #23


    Just read the recent the ‘Saga’ of the SNP and Alba, and the lack of YES!
    Methinks you are in ‘a mess’. Rather sad.
    You know Corky….In Politics you have to pick ‘The cleanest of the Dirty Shirts’!

  4. #24


    Quote Originally Posted by The Horseman View Post
    Just read the recent the ‘Saga’ of the SNP and Alba, and the lack of YES!
    Methinks you are in ‘a mess’. Rather sad.
    You know Corky….In Politics you have to pick ‘The cleanest of the Dirty Shirts’!
    Eh! What saga? What lack of Yes? What mess? Have you been listening to the BBC again? Or even worse, reading the Daily Mail's website?

  5. #25


    All Media I have read, including 2 Scottish Newspapers are saying the Majority of Scots are saying NO to Exit.
    And it is reported that SNP and ALBA are at odds!
    And the chances of The Supreme intervening is highly unlikely! I said that in the past.
    I dunno……

  6. #26


    Oh Horseman, what are we going to do with you? Of course the Scottish newspapers are saying there is a majority for "No". All but one are anti-independence and spin things to fit their agenda. The vast majority of the printed press in the UK speaks only to its own readership and tells them what they want to hear.

    The following is a quote from British Social Attitudes who conduct social attitude surveys. It was published only last month:-

    "Increased support in Scotland for Scottish independence and in Northern Ireland for Irish reunification

    Support in Scotland for Scottish independence and in Northern Ireland for Irish reunification
    has increased in recent years, particularly among supporters of nationalist parties.

    Just over half of people in Scotland (52%) favour independence, up from 23% in 2012, when the UK government agreed to the independence referendum that was held two years later.
    Only one in four (25%) of people in England think that Scotland should be independent,
    unchanged from 2012.
    Support in Northern Ireland for Irish reunification has increased from 14% in 2015 to 30% now.
    In contrast, those in Britain who support Irish unification has fallen from 52% at the time of the Good Friday agreement in 1998 to 41% now. In contrast, 49% believe now that Northern Ireland should be part of the UK, compared with 26% in 1998.".

    And of course the media will spin it so that any perceived differences between the SNP and Alba and magnified into a major crisis - see explanation above.

    You seem to be misunderstanding what the Supreme Court is doing. It is not deciding if there should be another IndyRef. Instead it is deciding where the authority to run one lies - Holyrood or Westminster.

  7. #27


    Ohhhh Corky….Methinks you are ‘Havering’!
    It is going…’Nowhere’….

  8. #28


    What is going "nowhere"?

  9. #29


    Quote Originally Posted by Corky Smeek View Post
    What is going "nowhere"?
    Indyref2……at the moment apparently is dead.
    People are just fed up with Gov’t….Both yours and The UK.

    It’s the same around the World. We should be thankful that there is No Violence with yours and ours….

  10. #30


    Honestly Horseman, you really need to change where you are getting your Scottish news from.

  11. #31


    Quote Originally Posted by Corky Smeek View Post
    Honestly Horseman, you really need to change where you are getting your Scottish news from.
    What u shud do is to March on Holyrood, as Sturgeon is ‘Stuck in a Rut’.. So sayeth a Newspaper!

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