I am posting the following on behalf of Trinkie. LB

I love this old photo, taken by Johnston just outside the Studio in Market Place.
An old Soldier walking from Edinburgh to Land's End via Wick, with all his belongings in his cart.
This picture reminds me of the Old Soldier William Wordsworth writes about in The Prelude - as a young boy he too met such a man. Wm Wordsworth plucks up courage to speak to this old fellow. The soldier responds to his greeting -

"Slowly from his resting place
He rose, and with a lean and wasted arm
In measured gesture lifted to his head,
Returned my salutation."

On their return from War, many soldiers found themselves homeless and unable to settle, so they packed a few things and started to walk, living in the open, sleeping under the hedgerows and eating what they could find ! I wonder if this old fellow ever made it to Land's End.
The name of the side of his cart is R.Carlisle
