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Thread: One Law For.......

  1. #1

    Default One Law For.......

    I was just wondering if anyone has any idea why Dominic Cummings is still in employment following his breach of lockdown. The double standards and the attempts to defend his actions really do undermine the message to the general public.

    Other senior public figures who have breached lockdown have had to suffer the consequences of their actions, and rightly so. However, it would seem Cummings feels he is exempt from the sacrifices the rest of us plebs have had to endure.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2011


    Probably because he's the puppet master & Boris would be totally lost without him.
    “We're trapped in the belly of this horrible machine....
    And the machine is bleeding to death."

  3. #3


    Do as I saw, not as I do!
    Our Prime Minister went to ‘his’ (OUR) cottage to see his Family!
    Then our Ontario Premier went to his cottage, and also had his children over to his home!
    It is so Stoooopid!
    Responses...So what!

    You don’t have to be Boris or The Donald!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by The Horseman View Post
    Do as I saw, not as I do!
    Matt Hancock reckons that throughout the lockdown, 15,000 people per day have come in through our porous borders. Thats an awful of of folk moving about with probably no good reason. Thats almost 1 million people movements through our porous borders.

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by orkneycadian View Post
    Matt Hancock reckons that throughout the lockdown, 15,000 people per day have come in through our porous borders. Thats an awful of of folk moving about with probably no good reason. Thats almost 1 million people movements through our porous borders.
    Well, it's reassuring to know that if Nicola Sturgeon ever did decide to close the border to stop unnecessary travel to Scotland then she would have your full support. I'm sure she is very grateful.

  6. #6
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    Oct 2011


    Boris says he won't throw Cummings to the dogs...

    Have to say I agree... He should be thrown under a Bendy Bus.


    Apparently he was just following his instincts which is OK.
    So.. if my instinct was to punch somebody in the face is that OK?
    Last edited by Alrock; 24-May-20 at 17:39.
    “We're trapped in the belly of this horrible machine....
    And the machine is bleeding to death."

  7. #7
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    Jul 2010


    Compared to the shenanigans going on between Orkney and the Black Isle (which of course passes through Caithness), Mr Cummings' actions look quite benign.

    Coronavirus: NHS Orkney executive criticised over weekend home travel

    But to quote from the article;

    "The Scottish government said his role was "pivotal", and that he was allowed to travel when not working."

    Why then is the Scottish Government saying that a non clinical, administrative worker who could work from home, can freely travel to see his family at weekends (he is provided with accommodation on Orkney), but yet bay for Dominic Cummings' blood for going to self isolate in a detached building near his parents farm? A mystery to me.

  8. #8
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    Just about fell off my chair laughing at the 12 o clock news on Radio 2. Nicola Sturgeon saying that Boris Johnson should consider his position on defending Dominic Cummings.

    Meanwhile, Nicola, and her "government" are standing by their position in defending Iain Stewart for making 8 or 9 un-necessary return trips from Orkney to the Black Isle during the lock down. Maybe she should consider her position - Full stop?

    You really couldn't make it up. If she continues this hypocrisy, she really is going to have to go back to being "Wee Krankie" (Sorry Fulmar), but she really is making a right meal of this, and is arguably cranky. She should be arranging Iain Stewarts resignation, for putting the lives of Orcadians at risk. An interview on Radio Orkney last week with the Chair of NHS Orkney on Radio Orkney over the matter, and the full front page article in last weeks Orcadian are all mightily concerning. One in particular went something like;

    Mr Stewart - "Its reasonable for people like me to be able to travel to see our families at the weekend for our mental well being"
    Journalist - "Is it therefore reasonable for members of the public to travel to see their families at the weekend for their mental well being?"
    Mr Stewart - "Let's not turn this into a silly press thing"
    Last edited by orkneycadian; 25-May-20 at 12:20.

  9. #9
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    Jul 2010


    Seems Mr Stewart didn't last long at NHS Highland......,n...utive_9714.htm

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    Some real entertainment here.....

    Sorry, there is no timer on the stream where I can direct you to the start of the interesting stuff, but the interview starts at about 1/4 of the way in.

  11. #11
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    Less than 18 months ago, Iain Stewart pledged World Class Health and Social Care for the NHS Highland area.

    New NHS Highland chief Iain Stewart pledges 'world-class' health service in north

    Can I ask the good folkies of Caithness, if they feel they now have a world class health service? Feel free to base your answer on before or during coronavirus, though with the P&J reporting his move from Highland to Orkney on the 24th of January, he must have reckoned to have completed his delivery before he left. I guess that's why our SNP led government stand by him in the current scandal over all his trips up and down the A9. He must be a cracking chief if he has delivered World Class healthcare in Caithness and the rest of the region, in a mere 12 months.

    So Caithness folks, do tell us about your world class healthcare. Is it world class? Is it 3rd world class?

  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by orkneycadian View Post
    Less than 18 months ago, Iain Stewart pledged World Class Health and Social Care for the NHS Highland area.

    New NHS Highland chief Iain Stewart pledges 'world-class' health service in north

    Can I ask the good folkies of Caithness, if they feel they now have a world class health service? Feel free to base your answer on before or during coronavirus, though with the P&J reporting his move from Highland to Orkney on the 24th of January, he must have reckoned to have completed his delivery before he left. I guess that's why our SNP led government stand by him in the current scandal over all his trips up and down the A9. He must be a cracking chief if he has delivered World Class healthcare in Caithness and the rest of the region, in a mere 12 months.

    So Caithness folks, do tell us about your world class healthcare. Is it world class? Is it 3rd world class?
    Translation:- "I think the NHS in Scotland is s**t and I'm going to rejoice in every perceived failure, however small or imagined, and tell everyone about it. In particular, I am going to tell the NHS staff who have been working their ars*s off for the last few months trying to keep us all safe and healthy that I think there efforts are and were third class.".

    You probably won't read this but I sincerely hope that someone else tells you what shameful human being you are and requests that you retract your last post.

  13. #13
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    Jan 2006


    Wish you wouldn't quote orkneycadian, Corky. He/she is on my ignore list for a reason...and I suspect the five consecutive posts, if in their usual tone, illustrates why.

    Mightn't be a world-class service...but I guess that depends on what part of the world you live in, but sure as Hades it is a darn good service considering we get only pocket money to fund pretty much everything in Scotland. After is a lot better than the English equivalent, and to fund that, Westminster not only has the income from England, Scotland, Wales and NI, less the pocket money of the devolved governments to spend on England/UK stuff,Westminster also has the UK magic money tree.

    Can't say I ever had a problem with the health service in Caithness when I lived there, but maybe, in the run up to Brexit, the "foreign" medical staff who were at Caithness General when I was a patient, decided to escape the nastiness of the Brexiteers....and who could blame them. It is hardly the fault of either the SG or the SNHS that, unlike UK bung-money, trained medical staff doesn't grow on trees. Whatever happened to all those unemployed medical staff who couldn't get jobs because all those pesky "foreigners" are coming here and taking them.

    Re iain Stewart...if he had done a Cummings, I'd be calling him out on it as well, but he was travelling at weekends, on his own, from his "digs" in Orkney to his family home in the Black Isle. That isn't the same as Cummings who left his family home to travel twice that distance in a car with coronavirus, his wife and child to visit his elderly parents "for childcare" (and his mother's birthday?) Funny that when government employees in UK countries, for example,Calderwood or Ferguson , becomes the story...they fall on their swords...but when it comes to Cummings, there is a phalanx of ministers protecting him. Makes one wonder what secrets he could reveal if made to go.

  14. #14
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    orkneycadian Enjoys nothing more than picking holes in everything Scottish. I’ve never seen anything positive posted by him in all the time I’ve been a member. Such is his negativity it’s a wonder he doesn’t take himself off to live somewhere more convivial…, and positive.
    'We are more alike, my friends, than we are unalike.'
    Maya Angelou

  15. #15
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    Jul 2008


    In case nobody has noticed, the main difference between Ian Stewart and Dominic Cummings is that Stewart is in taking on an executive role with NHS Orkney where the current population is less than 23,000. He is healthy and commutes to his home weekly, a round trip of approx. 200 miles. Cummings on the other hand is one of the principal architects of the UK’s COVID-19 management strategy for a population of 67m people. He chose to swanny off to Durham, a round trip of some 520 miles, allegedly twice, while he and his wife were suffering the symptoms of COVID-19. Big difference.
    'We are more alike, my friends, than we are unalike.'
    Maya Angelou

  16. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by Oddquine View Post
    Wish you wouldn't quote orkneycadian, Corky. He/she is on my ignore list for a reason...and I suspect the five consecutive posts, if in their usual tone, illustrates why.
    I completely understand. He scunners me too and I hate reading his particular brand of bile. I only did it to preserve a record of his more outrageous posts (mind you that is most of them) so that even if he deleted them there would still be a record of what a despicable collection of views he holds.

    I have no desire to inflict him upon anyone who does not wish to be confronted with his views. My apologies. I will be more circumspect in future.

  17. #17
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    Jul 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Gronnuck View Post
    In case nobody has noticed, the main difference between Ian Stewart and Dominic Cummings is that Stewart is in taking on an executive role with NHS Orkney where the current population is less than 23,000. He is healthy and commutes to his home weekly, a round trip of approx. 200 miles. Cummings on the other hand is one of the principal architects of the UK’s COVID-19 management strategy for a population of 67m people. He chose to swanny off to Durham, a round trip of some 520 miles, allegedly twice, while he and his wife were suffering the symptoms of COVID-19. Big difference.
    And in case you haven't noticed Gronnuck, London and Durham are on the same land mass. Orkney and the Black Isle are separated by the Pentland Firth (well, and the Moray Firth if you are being accurate....). Whilst Iain Stewart may feel healthy, as we know, 85% of people with coronavirus are asymptomatic. He can feel, and look as healthy as he likes - As he brings it into Orkney......

    And the other key difference is that Iain Stewart can completely work from home. He is not a surgeon, a nurse, a cook or anything front line that needs his presence on the wards. He works in an office, a board room possibly, in the new Balfour Hospital, with some of Orkney's best IT connections to the outside world. Bear in mind the hospital here only opened last year and has state of the art IT and videoconferencing systems, designed to allow patients in Orkney to consult doctors in Aberdeen or further afield. Now, if he cannot do his office job from home, with the best quality IT equipment at hand, then no one can. So he has effectively signaled that lockdown is over or irrelevant. His arrogance in the interview in last weeks Orcadian newspaper is breathtaking, and the inability of the Chair of NHS Orkney to cover up for him, or even give a reasoned explanation on Radio Orkney last week was similarly cringeworthy.

    And whilst Mr Cummings stayed in England, not coming anywhere near Scotland, Caithness or Orkney, the ones who seem the most het up about it are in Scotland. But here, Mr Stewart has passed amongst us. He has passed through Caithness and Orkney. So his actions are far more relevant to us here.

    Oh, and just a final bit of help with arithmetic. You suggest that Dominic Cummings has made a 520 mile round trip, allegedly twice. Cooped up in a car. Thats 1,040 miles. Iain Stewart has been making a round trip of 200 miles, 8 or 9 times - So 1600 or 1800 miles. Some cooped up in a car, but part on a ferry. You cannot stay in your car on the Pentland Firth crossings, you have to get out of your car and go into the passenger lounge. Much more risk of contamination there than simply staying in a car and driving the trip. And yes, both will need to stop for fuel somewhere on those lengths of journeys, so that applies to them both. I expect though that Iain Stewart will have had to fill his car up more times that Dominic did, creating additional risk.

    But yet, the Scottish Government stand by Mr Stewart, and attempt to bring down Mr Cummings. I think that is why this thread is titled "One law for........"
    Last edited by orkneycadian; 25-May-20 at 17:47. Reason: Usual crop of "post submit typos"

  18. #18
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    Jul 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Gronnuck View Post
    I’ve never seen anything positive posted by him in all the time I’ve been a member.
    And another one makes that same mistake and even goes as far as putting it in writing!

    Oh well Gronnuck, to prove you aren't always right in your character assessments, especially for you......

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Oct 2011


    Nee Naw Nee Naw Nee Naw....

    Officer: Excuse me sir you seemed to be driving rather eratically there.
    Driver: Sorry Officer, my eyesight is a bit iffy at the moment, just taking a wee test drive on the public road as I'm not to sure if I'm fit enough to drive.
    Officer: That's fine sir just carry on.

    As if...

    More likely...
    Officer: I'm going to have to book you, step out of the car, you are in no fit state to drive.
    “We're trapped in the belly of this horrible machine....
    And the machine is bleeding to death."

  20. #20
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    A few years ago, my 79 year old Dad thought he was ready and safe to drive again after his hip operation. I went with him. I don't know if I fairly agreed with his self assessment, but he kept on driving anyway - I just didn't go back in the car with him again!

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