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Thread: One Law For.......

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  1. #1

    Default One Law For.......

    I was just wondering if anyone has any idea why Dominic Cummings is still in employment following his breach of lockdown. The double standards and the attempts to defend his actions really do undermine the message to the general public.

    Other senior public figures who have breached lockdown have had to suffer the consequences of their actions, and rightly so. However, it would seem Cummings feels he is exempt from the sacrifices the rest of us plebs have had to endure.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2011


    Probably because he's the puppet master & Boris would be totally lost without him.
    “We're trapped in the belly of this horrible machine....
    And the machine is bleeding to death."

  3. #3


    Do as I saw, not as I do!
    Our Prime Minister went to ‘his’ (OUR) cottage to see his Family!
    Then our Ontario Premier went to his cottage, and also had his children over to his home!
    It is so Stoooopid!
    Responses...So what!

    You don’t have to be Boris or The Donald!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by The Horseman View Post
    Do as I saw, not as I do!
    Matt Hancock reckons that throughout the lockdown, 15,000 people per day have come in through our porous borders. Thats an awful of of folk moving about with probably no good reason. Thats almost 1 million people movements through our porous borders.

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by orkneycadian View Post
    Matt Hancock reckons that throughout the lockdown, 15,000 people per day have come in through our porous borders. Thats an awful of of folk moving about with probably no good reason. Thats almost 1 million people movements through our porous borders.
    Well, it's reassuring to know that if Nicola Sturgeon ever did decide to close the border to stop unnecessary travel to Scotland then she would have your full support. I'm sure she is very grateful.

  6. #6
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    Boris says he won't throw Cummings to the dogs...

    Have to say I agree... He should be thrown under a Bendy Bus.


    Apparently he was just following his instincts which is OK.
    So.. if my instinct was to punch somebody in the face is that OK?
    Last edited by Alrock; 24-May-20 at 17:39.
    “We're trapped in the belly of this horrible machine....
    And the machine is bleeding to death."

  7. #7
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    Jul 2010


    Meanwhile, as NHS Orkney mire themselves in more scandal by releasing the personal and medical details of 51 patients to a local business......

    ......Ian Blackford still can't see past Dominic Cummings.....

    Things really going to pot here in Orkney under Iain Stewarts watch, but all the SNP seem to care about is what's happening in England.

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by orkneycadian View Post
    all the SNP seem to care about is what's happening in England.
    I imagine your application to join is in the post then.

  9. #9
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    Jul 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Oddquine View Post
    just completely hacked off, after fifty odd years of casting votes just to get, every time, elected by less than half of us, professional jobsworth politicians, who only do what's best for themselves and their party/supporters/funders and not what is best for all of us.
    Indeed, just look at last year's election. 48 SNP MPs out of 59 seats elected with just 45% of the vote share. Interesting to note your views that these SNP MPs are "
    professional jobsworth politicians, who only do what's best for themselves and their party/supporters/funders and not what is best for all of us."

    I guess realisation finally dawns for everyone eventually.

  10. #10
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    Don't hold back Oddquine! I'm pleased however that you have finally realised what is going on with the SNP. Right with you there on the bit about the lack of majority. Having the SNP trying to run a government with a minority of seats being the prime example. Calling them "brainfarts" is quite strong, but I can see why you would think that way. And yes, you are right in that the Scottish Government is a dictatorship. Very apparent given their current performance.

  11. #11
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    Horseman, you need to remember, that in the mind of a separatist, minority means majority. 45% voting to leave the UK means "overwhelming majority". Same in Holyrood. Less than 50% of seats means "Unquestionable mandate to govern"

    Think like a seperatist and all becomes clearer when it comes to definitions. Basically, the rule of thumb is to interpret it the way you want it to be, rather than the way it is.

    Fortunately, Oddquine it's starting to realise the error of her/his ways.

  12. #12


    The simple fact of the matter is that for once the BritNat from Orkney is correct - "I guess realisation finally dawns for everyone eventually.".

    It seems that the Scottish electorate are realising where their best interests lie.

    A recent Sunday Times opinion poll suggests that the SNP will win a record number of seats in the next Holyrood elections with twice as many seats as the second placed party, The Tories, and will get 51% of the vote. It's a long time since I passed my O-Grade Arithmetic but even these old brain cells can see that such a result would be a majority both in terms of seats and vote percentage.

    Indeed, the Electoral Calculus website currently shows the SNP on 50% support for the Westminster parliament. Just to ram home the message a bit more firmly Ipsos Mori's latest poll on the subject shows 53% of Scots want another IndyRef within 5 years and that 63% want one within 10 years.

    So yes, people are beginning to realise how little having Westminster running 85% of Scotland's economy is doing for the country. Add to that the complete and utter incompetence demonstrated over the duration of the Covid19 pandemic by HMG and it's easy to see why people are looking at alternatives to Westminster rule.

  13. #13


    I heard this same story years ago.
    Not even the guy with the YES sign on Inverness River, could change anything!!
    Come onnnnnn...Its just a waste of money!
    Last edited by The Horseman; 03-Jun-20 at 16:44.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Oddquine View Post
    Note, I said the first referendum, not the last....because in a democracy, even a pretendy one like ours, it is OK to change your another referendum will come...and if that fails, yet another one.....
    So this confirms that it is indeed a neverendum. Run it over and over again till the wanted result is obtained. So that means that even in the event of a Yes vote, we will continue to have further referendums every few years, just to check we are still happy out of the UK, or to see if we want to rejoin.

    Or, more likely, it's rerun and rerun till you get Yes, then never again a referendum. Now that is a dictatorship.

  15. #15
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    Too long, but to cadge one of Oddquine's definitions, they have mainly just been a bunch of eccentric brainfarts who have followed a dream for decades.

    More recently, they have garnered some support from the public through wild promises made, which have been exposed as false through the passage of time. The promises for even wilder in the run up to the referendum in 2014. We were promised that with an endless supply of oil worth $110 a barrel, we would be rich beyond our wildest dreams. I also recall a Daily Record front page showing 25 £20 notes, fanned out across the whole page, with a headline something like "£500 for every Scot if we vote Yes". It was a brazen suggestion that somehow, if you voted Yes, you would be given £500.

    Fortunately, the electorate saw through all of that and made it clear what the majority wanted.

  16. #16
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    And now, it seems that in trying to correct their cock-up, NHS Orkney have made another......

    Some NHSO info leak patients were never tested for COVID-19

    Seems that the 51 folk all got a letter saying their swab results had been leaked to a local business - When some of them were never even swabbed in the first place.....

    Maybe if their chief executive wasn't swanning up and down the A9 week in, week out, they might all have a better handle on what they are doing? All that time he is sitting in a car, he obviously cannot be keeping things in check.

  17. #17
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    And it just gets worse and worse at NHS Orkney.....

    Sorry that's not the best link, but the story seems to have dropped off the bottom of The Orcadians page.

    It's great having healthcare as a devolved matter....... Not.

  18. #18
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    Here's a better link. From the Biased Broadcasting Corporation......

  19. #19
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    So, the naughty Mr Stewart is not going to get to stay in his job after all?

    Iain Stewart not to take up NHSO chief executive role

    And to this day, still has the support of the Scottish Government......

    Oh dear.

  20. #20


    Quote Originally Posted by orkneycadian View Post
    So, the naughty Mr Stewart is not going to get to stay in his job after all?

    Iain Stewart not to take up NHSO chief executive role

    And to this day, still has the support of the Scottish Government......

    Oh dear.
    Was he the one that also left Caithness? Wonder how much he gets paid to go quietly??

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