Quote Originally Posted by Corky Smeek View Post
My worry is that incompetence is becoming acceptable. Not only do we have the utter shambles that is the Covid19 response but we have to rely on the same arrogant morons getting us a Brexit deal. If their performance up to this point is any indicator of how they might handle what is ahead then Lord help us all. Yesterday, Gove was insisting it was all the EU's fault that negotiations were stalling. Arrogance doesn't begin to describe HMG's attitude. British exceptionalism still seems to be their guiding principle. What is it going to take for us to say enough is enough?
If you mean Scotland, I suspect that the "too wee, too poor and too stupid to be independent" but "we quite like the perks we get from devolution" crowd still have the upper hand..or at least are more motivated to turn out and vote. Maybe once they start selling off bits of the NHS, and anything else they can lay their hands on, to the USA; once we are all getting cheap adulterated food imported from the USA: once our farmers and fishermen are sold out by Westminster, and once we are visited again by austerity with knobs on, while the better off manage fine, we might start to get hacked off. Stockholm Syndrome is a big problem for us and after being held captive for 300+ years it's a hard thing to counteract its brainwashing effects.