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Thread: Boris Johnson

  1. #81
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    Thoroughly entertained by the 8pm broadcast. Not by all that guff about restrictions spouted by Boris, but the facial expressions of the hard of hearing signer at the side. Some of them were absolutely priceless and far more entertaining than what Boris was saying.

  2. #82
    Join Date
    Oct 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by orkneycadian View Post
    Thoroughly entertained by the 8pm broadcast. Not by all that guff about restrictions spouted by Boris, but the facial expressions of the hard of hearing signer at the side. Some of them were absolutely priceless and far more entertaining than what Boris was saying.
    Bet they wearn't as good as this guy...

    “We're trapped in the belly of this horrible machine....
    And the machine is bleeding to death."

  3. #83
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    Aye, he does take the biscuit right enough. I did wonder what happened to Uncle Albert after Only Fools and Horses.

  4. #84


    There are many rich folk in the north too and I think that you will find that some of the worst poverty actually exists in areas of London. There has been no shortage of 'bodies' in London and the south during this pandemic where the death toll was horribly high.

  5. #85
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    Jul 2010


    Dozy, at lat you are wakening up to some important points

    Quote Originally Posted by dozy View Post
    No one in their right mind could or would support this Carry on team of clowns. Six more months of this and we'll all be bankrupt ,dead or both. Over 2 trillion in debt and growing day by day
    Indeed, we cannot support this carry on any longer. The bankruptcy has already been sealed, and there are growing concerns that more folk will die from untreated and undiagnosed conditions, than will ever die with conoravirus, let alone from it. And yes, the 2.4 trillion of debt is hugely scary. We must stop living beyond our means and stop adding to the debt pile.

    Quote Originally Posted by dozy View Post
    So much for an even playing field ,the rich in the south stay safe and count the cash ,when the poor north counts the bodies
    Well, its not that bad up here yet! But I agree about the North / South divide. Us up here in the North are left hung out to dry, while those in the south, in Edinburgh, Glasgow and the rest of the Southern Belt make sure they are well provided for.

    Quote Originally Posted by dozy View Post
    More strange accents and less local voices to be heard every time your out.
    Mercy, Dozy, your not complaining about being colonised are you?

    Quote Originally Posted by dozy View Post
    No money for a maid
    Oh dear, how misogynistic. Why oh why Dozy would you revert to using such a dated stereotype? Next you'll be telling us that his maid should be called Mammy.....

  6. #86


    I was just reading about the SNP ‘saga’!
    Are they competing with Prez Trump and Biden.
    Is it true what I am reading about The SNP secretly communicating with the EU., and a Survey now says that the No side is ‘on top’!

  7. #87


    I guess this is too Political! Ach weel!

  8. #88
    Join Date
    Nov 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by The Horseman View Post
    I was just reading about the SNP ‘saga’!
    Are they competing with Prez Trump and Biden.
    Is it true what I am reading about The SNP secretly communicating with the EU., and a Survey now says that the No side is ‘on top’!

    I don't believe your post was too was just the usual dig at the Scottish Government.

    Yes, there is a lot going on in the SNP at the moment. It will be sorted.

    No, they are not competing with anybody.

    Yes, there are communications going on with the EU....but hardly a secret, as even you know about it.

    Pray tell where this latest survey is with the No side 'on top'? This I would like to see.

    ......and just to keep you in suspenders about the Secret VIP from the Salmond trial, you are so desperate to know about.......I'll give you a clue.......It's a MAN.

  9. #89


    Well I am NOT against thoughts are, for now anyway, it’s better together!
    And the reason....why expend all this time and energy on a Political issue, when people are in Danger.
    I am sure our health is more important than anything else.
    It really surprises me, as an honest Scot, that all this S......... is ongoing in a Sma’ Country of 5 million people.
    People who put other people down, have no right to be in Politics, especially at such an upper level. They aren't thinking about the Country......just selfish people working for themselves!
    And a MAN eh? Whisper to me!
    I remember you from ‘way back’. Are you a Northerner? A real North person.....Like Kaitness/ North of the Ord!

  10. #90
    Join Date
    Nov 2005


    The end is in site for unionists ,even after our Master tells us " I'll choose ,not you" . Strange thing is ,If I was a person of colour , a different religion or sexual orientation they or he would never have the word no in a reply to that question. So why when it comes the Freedom to choose , I have no rights .

  11. #91
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    Jul 2010


    You have rights. Just like the rest of us, you were given the right to vote in a referendum on the matter in 2014. 45% of people voted to leave the UK, 55% voted to stay in the UK. Its quite simple really.

  12. #92
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    Jul 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by orkneycadian View Post
    Dozy, at lat you are wakening up to some important points

    Indeed, we cannot support this carry on any longer. The bankruptcy has already been sealed, and there are growing concerns that more folk will die from untreated and undiagnosed conditions, than will ever die with conoravirus, let alone from it. And yes, the 2.4 trillion of debt is hugely scary. We must stop living beyond our means and stop adding to the debt pile.

    Well, its not that bad up here yet! But I agree about the North / South divide. Us up here in the North are left hung out to dry, while those in the south, in Edinburgh, Glasgow and the rest of the Southern Belt make sure they are well provided for.

    Mercy, Dozy, your not complaining about being colonised are you?

    Oh dear, how misogynistic. Why oh why Dozy would you revert to using such a dated stereotype? Next you'll be telling us that his maid should be called Mammy.....
    Does anyone know why Dozy's posts keep disappearing? Thats another one gone off this thread, the one where the above snippets were in response to. Strange how they keep disappearing.

  13. #93
    Join Date
    Nov 2005


    The Tory conference (sorry tea party ) and the PM speech proves that the Mad Hatter has truely been licking the lead.
    A Snake oil salesman from a party of vipers . Some things will never change .

  14. #94
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    Jul 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by dozy View Post
    The Tory conference (sorry tea party ) and the PM speech proves that the Mad Hatter has truely been licking the lead.
    A Snake oil salesman from a party of vipers . Some things will never change .
    Just capturing your post for posterity, before it disappears.

  15. #95
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    Jul 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by dozy View Post
    The Tory conference (sorry tea party ) and the PM speech proves that the Mad Hatter has truely been licking the lead.
    A Snake oil salesman from a party of vipers . Some things will never change .
    What time did you start on the hooch today?

  16. #96


    Quote Originally Posted by dozy View Post
    The Tory conference (sorry tea party ) and the PM speech proves that the Mad Hatter has truely been licking the lead.
    A Snake oil salesman from a party of vipers . Some things will never change .
    Can u pls decipher! Would be nice to know of what thou Speaketh!

  17. #97


    Just listened to Boris....he said ‘stop it’ SNP.
    We are better together, and you are having a Summit in Glasgow next year!
    He is the BOSS I fear. Oh well.

  18. #98


    Boris will be judged on how he has handled Covid and I think that many have already made up their minds on that. Only 30% of voters south of the border have confidence in how Westminster is handling the pandemic whereas the comparable figure for Nicola Sturgeon and the Scottish Government is around 70%. Boris can try all he likes to paint a green vision of the future and move things on but in the end, he may not be there to implement it and the Tories are quite capable of ditching him and holding a leadership contest if things get too bad.

  19. #99


    Of course your Poll on his popularity can vary dramatically depending on who did it, and what affiliation they have with the Leader.
    From whar I read your 70% is a bit fact with the Salmond thingy, Nicky is not being held in very ‘high esteem’, Mind you none of them have honest faces!
    I think people are willing to put up with Politicians and their Shenanigans, but their conduct seem to have gone too far! Capiche!

  20. #100
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by The Horseman View Post
    in fact with the Salmond thingy, Nicky is not being held in very ‘high esteem’, Mind you none of them have honest faces!
    Apparently, she is not dishonest, just 'forgetful'

    Nicola Sturgeon 'forgot' about meeting with Alex Salmond aide

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