The Tory's mis-use of social and other media knows no bounds. Two stories over the past few days illustrate this perfectly.

A few days ago they got caught doctoring video footage of Sir Keir Starmer to make him look hesitant and unsure about Labour Party policy on Brexit. One of the main organisations critical of the Tories for doing this was the fact-checking organisation Full Fact.

Last night the Tories got caught out again when they re-branded their Twitter press account to make it look like an independent fact checking service which they called "FactCheckUK". They quite blatantly tried to use this account to undermine Jeremy Corbyn's statements during last night's TV debate under the guise of being an independent fact checking service.

Is this the sort of actions we want of a prospective government? Add in their disdain and disregard for Scottish voters and the future looks horrific. Never trust a Tory.