Spirit of Caithness online community vote

15 groups have applied for an additional £1,000. The winners will be announced at an Awards Event on 24th September at the PPP 10.30. Everyone is welcome!

The entries are: Mey and District Senior Citizens Club, Ormlie Community Association, Thurso Town Improvements, Caithness Book Club, Lorraine Bremner School of Dance Development Association, Lyth Arts Centre, No Limits Caithness, Caithness RDA, Caithness CAB, Caithness Stroke Group, Befriending Caithness, Caithness KLICKS, Traill Hall Community Trust, Science 03 and Northstone 58 Stonefest.

Six of these group will receive £1,000, depending on how the people of Caithness cast their votes.

Cast your votes to choose the winners - htts://surveymonkey.co.uk/r/SpiritofCaith2017