Last Christmas and New Year I was on my own for the first time in a very long time. This year will be another festive period when again I will be on my own, the only difference being that I am working all the way through and will have the company of 35 dogs.

I came very close to throwing the towel last year.

I always wear my heart on my sleeve, but this year I know I am going to be fine.

In my own clumsy way I am trying to say that if you are alone, the kettle is always on, please drop in if you can get here. I don't have much but what I have I will share. If you know someone on their own drop by and see if they are okay. Lets make the festive season about trying to look out for the lonely and desperate.

To my old comrades who for whatever reasons are homeless, possibly suffering from PTSD and depression, keep the faith,
hopefully, this world of ours will wake up and learn to live with each other in harmony.
Enjoy your holidays, stay safe and hope that the terrorists of this abomination we call earth will take a rest as well.

My good wishes to you and yours.