Yet again we have the Westminster Tories picking on the ,disabled ,sick and poor to enrich the elite classes which reminds me of want happened in 1936. Tories policy seems to be its better to follow in the footsteps of the Nazi's and pick on a group that we have painted as parasites. We could all well be tarred with that brush as we allowed the last Tory Lib government to cut £12billion from that budget in the past and did nothing to stop it.
We all look more like the folk at stayed beside the death camps ,we can only say "I turned a blind eye but I could never say I did not know". We all share the responsibility for this act of gross injustice if we just sit back and do nothing.
David Cameron ,Ian Duncan Smith and George Osborne all greed with the last cuts that deaths in the target group would go up by 180-250 per week . The government agreed figure is 174 deaths per week ,maybe they see it as they have 76 more to find and that's why they now plan to cut the benefits by another £1billion
Camerons eye on the future sees the building of council houses as a waste, if we don't stand up and email our MPs to stop this we'll have given him the green light too follow in the footstep of his chosen mentor and build a few camps in the county.
Evil thinkers are Evil doers..