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Thread: Refugee Crisis - easy to follow cartoon

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2002

    Default Refugee Crisis - easy to follow cartoon

    I thought this was really good for those still wondering about the Syrian refugee crisis.

  2. #2


    watched it, still don't want them.
    It only takes a dozen or so radicalised ISIS members to sneak in with them to wreak havoc.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    I am just watching the Commemoration to mark the 75th anniversary of the Battle of Britain from St Paul's Cathedral. So, so many brave men and women who lost their lives in the air and on the ground.

    I wonder what would have happened in 1939 with the threat of German invasion hanging over Britain if we had all fled? What would have happened if the people of London and other cities being bombed night after night after night had given up and run? Thankfully these questions never have to be answered, because no matter what was thrown at Britain, these people stood firm against the war machine that was Germany.

    You fight for what you believe in, in your own Country, and I am for one eternally grateful for all those men, women and children who gave their lives for the freedom of our country. And I am proud to be British because if it hadn't been for their sacrifice I would not be able to.

    From Wikipedia -

    Between 7 September 1940 and 21 May 1941 there were major aerial raids (attacks in which more than 100 tons of high explosives were dropped) on 16 British cities. Over a period of 267 days (almost 37 weeks), London was attacked 71 times, Birmingham, Liverpool and Plymouth eight times, Bristol six, Glasgow five, Southampton four, Portsmouth and Hull three, and there was also at least one large raid on another eight cities. This was a result of a rapid escalation starting on 24 August 1940, when night bombers aiming for RAF airfields drifted off course and accidentally destroyed several London homes, killing civilians, combined with the UK Prime Minister Winston Churchill's immediate response of bombing Berlin on the following night.

    Starting on 7 September 1940, one year into the war, London was bombed by the Luftwaffe for 57 consecutive nights. More than one million London houses were destroyed or damaged, and more than 40,000 civilians were killed, almost half of them in London. Ports and industrial centres outside London were also heavily attacked. The major Atlantic sea port of Liverpool was also heavily bombed, causing nearly 4,000 deaths within the Merseyside area during the war. The North Sea port of Hull, a convenient and easily found primary and secondary target for bombers unable to locate their primary targets, was subjected to 86 raids within the city boundaries during the war, with a conservative estimate of 1200 civilians killed and 95% of its housing stock destroyed or damaged. Other ports including Bristol, Cardiff, Portsmouth, Plymouth, Southampton, and Swansea were also targeted, as were the industrial cities of Birmingham, Belfast, Coventry, Glasgow, Manchester and Sheffield. Birmingham and Coventry were heavily targeted because of the Spitfire and tank factories in Birmingham and the many munitions factories in Coventry; the city centre of Coventry was almost completely destroyed.

    Our Parents, Grandparents and so on could look us in the eye and say, we stood firm and fought for your freedom, what will Syrians and so on say to their children and grandchildren I wonder ?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    In the words of the great man himself, Winston Churchill -

    Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few.

    They will never be forgotten.

  5. #5


    to be fair though, the Syrians are being attacked by their own people.
    Its not exactly and apples with apples scenario is it?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    Maybe Northern Ireland is a better example then?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2007


    It was 2mins and 45 seconds in before it started to blame UK.. Not a word about the UK being the biggest donor.
    Basically this 'Simple' Cartoon is for 'Simpletons'
    There was just a brief mention of the rest of the Arab world putting two fingers up to their own race.

    It's all down to that stupid Merkel, what a dim ex-Stasi to encourage the 'Syrians' with an open door policy. What the hell did she think would happen - it was like pulling the plug out of a huge container, of course it would encourage everyone else; Bangladeshi's, Albanians, and ALL the Arab countries to accept the invitation, which is fully self evident, and fully understandable !
    There is and will be an unstoppable inflow, unless the source is dealt with. If the other EU countries had put as much cash into dealing with the refugee camps, as they have spent - so far, on support in the actual EU, it would have made a hell of a difference.
    All that is achieved by 'spreading the inflow amongst nations' will simply 'pull' more migrants in!.. duh..

    Incidentally, in 2010 there were 420 water-related deaths IN THE UK and children accounted for 57 of those. Ok makes gut-wrenching shots but lets be realistic and pragmatic; those migrants mostly died because of the siren call of that stupid German woman - who right now has closed her borders..

    "Genius may have its limitations, but stupidity is not thus handicapped."

  8. #8


    Thank you, Squidge, for posting the link to the film and also, for the other link you provided some while ago about how one can become involved in Scotland in helping Syrian refugees.

  9. #9
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    Jun 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by bekisman View Post
    It was 2mins and 45 seconds in before it started to blame UK.. Not a word about the UK being the biggest donor.
    Basically this 'Simple' Cartoon is for 'Simpletons'
    There was just a brief mention of the rest of the Arab world putting two fingers up to their own race.

    It's all down to that stupid Merkel, what a dim ex-Stasi to encourage the 'Syrians' with an open door policy. What the hell did she think would happen - it was like pulling the plug out of a huge container, of course it would encourage everyone else; Bangladeshi's, Albanians, and ALL the Arab countries to accept the invitation, which is fully self evident, and fully understandable !
    There is and will be an unstoppable inflow, unless the source is dealt with. If the other EU countries had put as much cash into dealing with the refugee camps, as they have spent - so far, on support in the actual EU, it would have made a hell of a difference.
    All that is achieved by 'spreading the inflow amongst nations' will simply 'pull' more migrants in!.. duh..

    Incidentally, in 2010 there were 420 water-related deaths IN THE UK and children accounted for 57 of those. Ok makes gut-wrenching shots but lets be realistic and pragmatic; those migrants mostly died because of the siren call of that stupid German woman - who right now has closed her borders..

    I didn't watch it, I tend not to click on links which could quite easily send a virus to your computer as I found to my cost recently.

    What you have said bekisman is complete common sense. It doesn't matter who opens their borders, they still have to get there by whatever means, which seems to go over certain people's heads.

    Even today it has been reported that more people have drowned - By all means carry on with your "we welcome refugees" mantra , but you are effectively, along with Merkel's bright idea, killing them.

    As for ploughing huge amounts of cash into the refugee camps, the UK has given Syrian refugees more than a billion, the problem is the refugees don't want to stay in the refugee camps.

  10. #10
    BetterTogether is offline Banned (Sock Puppet of previously banned user)
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    All well and good but how do you separate the genuine Syrian refugees from the economic migrants the various other nationalities claiming to be Syrian and of course the handful of terrorists who will infiltrate with the mass.

    Makes for great self serving hand wringing aren't I saint like feel good feelings for those prepared to accept anyone from anywhere on the flimsiest of reasons.
    In the meantime the country still has council house waiting lists, ex service men living on the streets.
    According to some we have starvation and poverty already existing in this country but we are supposed to believe we can house and care for these people.
    Let's not even begin to think about the national security issues it all presents when these young men realise the nirvana they are led to believe exists in Northern Europe doesnt exist and they become unhappy and radicalised.

    I for one will waste not one second when our first terrorist attack occurs by someone who has crept in with the mass at pointing the finger at those who woefully never considered the safety and security of their fellow countrymen, women and children and saying yes this is where the blame partially lay this is what happens when hearts rule over heads and common sense flies out of the window to be replaced by mawkish sentimentality.

  11. #11


    You may have missed an opportunity yesterday. The British Red Cross were collecting for Syrian refugees in Tesco in Wick and there were plenty of folk putting money in the tin and 'allowing their heart to rule their head', I guess and good for them!

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by bekisman View Post
    There was just a brief mention of the rest of the Arab world putting two fingers up to their own race...
    Not to mention Israel who seem to be the only country bordering Syria who have taken none, yet I haven't heard any condemnation of them.

    You'd think with their history they'd be a bit more understanding & compasionate...
    “We're trapped in the belly of this horrible machine....
    And the machine is bleeding to death."

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alrock View Post
    You'd think with their history they'd be a bit more understanding & compasionate...
    That thought crossed my mind when Israel blockaded the Gaza Strip and stopped aid getting to them.

    It seems to me it is Britain's duty to save the world and support it financially, or so some would have you believe.

  14. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by BetterTogether View Post

    I for one will waste not one second when our first terrorist attack occurs by someone who has crept in with the mass at pointing the finger at those who woefully never considered the safety and security of their fellow countrymen, women and children and saying yes this is where the blame partially lay this is what happens when hearts rule over heads and common sense flies out of the window to be replaced by mawkish sentimentality.

    how do you know they aren't already here ?

    your common sense has long since flown the coop if you think the uk is terrorist (home grown or imported) free just now

  15. #15
    BetterTogether is offline Banned (Sock Puppet of previously banned user)
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    Quote Originally Posted by rogermellie View Post
    how do you know they aren't already here ? your common sense has long since flown the coop if you think the uk is terrorist (home grown or imported) free just now
    Oh I fully accept there are some here already no doubts that. Thankfully the security services are managing to stop the plots at the moment. What is it someone said, we have to be successful every time they only have to succeed once. Or something very similar.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by BetterTogether View Post
    Oh I fully accept there are some here already no doubts that. Thankfully the security services are managing to stop the plots at the moment. What is it someone said, we have to be successful every time they only have to succeed once. Or something very similar.
    That was the IRA in reference to the Brighton Bombing, they said, (to Thatcher) "You have to be lucky all the time, we only have to be lucky once."

  17. #17


    We have to accept a number of refugees it is our humanitarian duty but preference should be given to those who ask for asylum who have brought their families with them and not those who have left their wives and children behind. If it was too dangerous for them to stay where they were how much more dangerous for the family members they left behind and here is an idea for every 200 refugees we take in and house we take one of our brave ex service personnel who are living on the streets and house them in equally appropriate accommodation after all they have been and fought and tried to protect these people so lets help our people as well as everyone else

  18. #18


    Quote Originally Posted by cptdodger View Post
    I am just watching the Commemoration to mark the 75th anniversary of the Battle of Britain from St Paul's Cathedral. So, so many brave men and women who lost their lives in the air and on the ground.

    I wonder what would have happened in 1939 with the threat of German invasion hanging over Britain if we had all fled? What would have happened if the people of London and other cities being bombed night after night after night had given up and run? Thankfully these questions never have to be answered, because no matter what was thrown at Britain, these people stood firm against the war machine that was Germany.

    You fight for what you believe in, in your own Country, and I am for one eternally grateful for all those men, women and children who gave their lives for the freedom of our country. And I am proud to be British because if it hadn't been for their sacrifice I would not be able to.

    From Wikipedia -

    Between 7 September 1940 and 21 May 1941 there were major aerial raids (attacks in which more than 100 tons of high explosives were dropped) on 16 British cities. Over a period of 267 days (almost 37 weeks), London was attacked 71 times, Birmingham, Liverpool and Plymouth eight times, Bristol six, Glasgow five, Southampton four, Portsmouth and Hull three, and there was also at least one large raid on another eight cities. This was a result of a rapid escalation starting on 24 August 1940, when night bombers aiming for RAF airfields drifted off course and accidentally destroyed several London homes, killing civilians, combined with the UK Prime Minister Winston Churchill's immediate response of bombing Berlin on the following night.

    Starting on 7 September 1940, one year into the war, London was bombed by the Luftwaffe for 57 consecutive nights. More than one million London houses were destroyed or damaged, and more than 40,000 civilians were killed, almost half of them in London. Ports and industrial centres outside London were also heavily attacked. The major Atlantic sea port of Liverpool was also heavily bombed, causing nearly 4,000 deaths within the Merseyside area during the war. The North Sea port of Hull, a convenient and easily found primary and secondary target for bombers unable to locate their primary targets, was subjected to 86 raids within the city boundaries during the war, with a conservative estimate of 1200 civilians killed and 95% of its housing stock destroyed or damaged. Other ports including Bristol, Cardiff, Portsmouth, Plymouth, Southampton, and Swansea were also targeted, as were the industrial cities of Birmingham, Belfast, Coventry, Glasgow, Manchester and Sheffield. Birmingham and Coventry were heavily targeted because of the Spitfire and tank factories in Birmingham and the many munitions factories in Coventry; the city centre of Coventry was almost completely destroyed.

    Our Parents, Grandparents and so on could look us in the eye and say, we stood firm and fought for your freedom, what will Syrians and so on say to their children and grandchildren I wonder ?
    Closer to home................On The 1st of July 1940 there was a daylight raid on WIck, bank row, beside the harbour was heaviliy hit, 15 people died see

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by rob murray View Post
    Closer to home................On The 1st of July 1940 there was a daylight raid on WIck, bank row, beside the harbour was heaviliy hit, 15 people died see
    Oh that's so sad, I never knew Wick had been bombed. I was watching a programme that was on every day on BBC1 in regards to how Cities coped during the bombing raids, one of the progammes was based in Nottingham, where a lot of lives were lost. While Coventry was well known to have been badly hit, the Government did not widely publicise the damage Nottingham received to keep moral up.

    This is a little bit about Tayside during WW2, my goodness me, we got off lightly compared to the rest of the Cities -
    Last edited by cptdodger; 21-Sep-15 at 11:07.

  20. #20


    CRISIS is a really good charity to support to help homeless people, I think. They give such a lot of support in many different ways and help folk to re-build their lives when they are struggling, giving job advice, training, psychological support and practical help as well as housing.
    Re ex-servicemen, so many have post-traumatic stress and mental health problems relating to their service. I hope that mental health services will continue to be put top of the agenda and support any politician pushing for that as shocking that so many fall through the net and homelessness and addiction can also follow on from all of that. It is awful when so many do not receive the help that they need and it should be a political issue in the news a lot more than it is currently, I think so anyway.

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