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Thread: The good news if the SNP do get a landslide victory at the polls

  1. #1
    BetterTogether is offline Banned (Sock Puppet of previously banned user)
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    Default The good news if the SNP do get a landslide victory at the polls

    Taking the every pundit is forecasting an SNP landslide at the forthcoming general election, for those of us who are not lovers of the SNP it may be disheartening to see this happen, but there is good news in amongst the potential bad news.

    Given that the country has already voted on the referendum and shown that the majority do not wish for independence it would be unwise for the SNP to go back on their once in a lifetime once in a generation promises and foist another referendum on the population of Scotland, then they would be viewed as no better than the EU forcing vote after vote until the get the decision they want.

    In the meantime there will be all the new powers coming into force.

    They now have 5 long years to try maintain their momentum and given the realities of their failed policies so far by that time the population will be able to see them for what they are Political Charlatans and chancers of the highest order no longer able to blame anyone else but themselves for the problems.

    I can sit back and relax knowing the SNP have hit the ceiling and the only way for them to go after this election is down.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    Dream on. Promises are broken all the time in politics. You should know that.

    We won't be needing another referendum at this rate. Cameron and Milliband have did all the hard work for us. I have spoken to German, American, Welsh, English, Canadian and South African visitors these last 2 days. Every one of them mentioned their alarm and disbelief at the anti-Scottish sentiment coming from our Westminster politicians. The world is watching.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by YummyMummy View Post
    I have spoken to German, American, Welsh, English, Canadian and South African visitors these last 2 days. Every one of them mentioned their alarm and disbelief at the anti-Scottish sentiment coming from our Westminster politicians.
    How did it come up in conversation?

  4. #4
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    Customers - genuinely interested in the UK General Election. Weather's rubbish, telly is on (NEWS channel) so they have a natter....

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by BetterTogether View Post
    I can sit back and relax knowing the SNP have hit the ceiling and the only way for them to go after this election is down.
    Hmmm, don't know about that, maybe they'll put some candidates up in England next election & get even more seats...
    “We're trapped in the belly of this horrible machine....
    And the machine is bleeding to death."

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by YummyMummy View Post
    I have spoken to German, American, Welsh, English, Canadian and South African visitors these last 2 days. Every one of them mentioned their alarm and disbelief at the anti-Scottish sentiment coming from our Westminster politicians. The world is watching.
    Can you give examples of this "anti-scottish" sentiment?

    Anti SNP is not anti-scottish.
    Patriotism is when love of your own people comes first; Nationalism, when hate for people other than your own comes first.

    - Charles de Gaulle

  7. #7
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    Totally agree. Anti-SNP is not anti-Scottish. I have no problem with anti-SNP in this democracy. Just like anti-UKIP and anti-Tory are not anti-English.

    You/me/visitors know the difference too and to suggest there has been no anti-Scottish sentiment (I am assuming in your request for examples) are, with respect, at best misguided and at worse disingenuous. One thing is for sure in this unpredictable political climate we all find ourselves in, if our international guests to Scotland have picked it up and are commenting on it, it's not just a few "whiney nats".

    My sincere apologies if that is not what you meant.

  8. #8
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    by the sea


    The English were not anti-Scottish until the referendum and the rise of the SNP which is so anti-English. It's very sad. I'm not impressed by the record of either government but that's no reason to break up the United Kingdom which must be stronger united than divided.
    The early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.

  9. #9
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    On one in their right mind would stay in an ABUSIVE relationship and Scotland has been abused for far to long. Why don't the English admit their poor treatment for all the small nations and get some therapy. This would have gone a long way in helping heel the wounds, but Westminster use BULLY BOY tactics instead. As they say "you reap what you sow" . Scots mainly like most folk except the ones that would have you on your knees. Slavery and servitude comes in many forms and the oppressor never or rarely admit to the wrong doings. England should wake up and see the world has changed (it's not WW2 or the 1966 World Cup) . Give Scotland in rightful place and join hands as equal friends and not master and servant and stop this programme of FEAR. Long gone are those days and let's leave them to history and go forward together, before the relationship ends in divorce . So let's be good friends , respectful of each other and celebrate the differences we have ,and no more BULLYING .

  10. #10


    The Uk is finished the faster we get out of it the better . Independance at any cost.

  11. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by Sgitheanach View Post
    The Uk is finished the faster we get out of it the better . Independance at any cost.
    so you would like be Greece? bankrupt

  12. #12
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    Jun 2009


    Unless I missed something, on September the 18th 2014, the majority of the country voted NO. Alex Salmond said - once in a generation. If Nicola Sturgeon decides to backtrack on that decision, then what else will the SNP backtrack on?

  13. #13


    What happened to the VOW!!!!!! Backtracking lies corruption . Oh and I am not an snp member

  14. #14
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    I voted no, I am clearly not an SNP member, I would not waste a vote on them. I am British, then Scottish. I voted no purely because I do not want - ever - to see the UK broken up. The "vow" you are talking about had no sway with me, that's not the reason I voted no, I made up my mind in 1979, that I would never vote for independence. I do'nt care what excuse Sturgeon comes up with to hold another referendum, Salmond said - once in a generation, which generally means between 20 to 25 years.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by badger View Post
    The English were not anti-Scottish until the referendum and the rise of the SNP which is so anti-English. It's very sad. I'm not impressed by the record of either government but that's no reason to break up the United Kingdom which must be stronger united than divided.
    Absolute rubbish.
    God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
    Courage to change the things I can,
    And wisdom to know the difference.

  16. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by Rheghead View Post
    Absolute rubbish.
    Certainly the comment is rubbish - typical of the turkeys voting for an SNP Christmas

  17. #17


    I have never voted snp they are too polite

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jan 2003


    Quote Originally Posted by YummyMummy View Post

    You/me/visitors know the difference too and to suggest there has been no anti-Scottish sentiment (I am assuming in your request for examples) are, with respect, at best misguided and at worse disingenuous.
    I have no wish to misguided or not to be genuine.

    I am just really interested to hear what anti-scottish sentiment from Westminster politicians caused 'disbelief' and 'alarm' to these visitors from abroad.

    Again, can you provide examples?
    Patriotism is when love of your own people comes first; Nationalism, when hate for people other than your own comes first.

    - Charles de Gaulle

  19. #19


    who should we vote for????? the thing is if you vote for lib dem. you are voting for tory if you vote fro labour. you are voting snp. ukip i don't really know. the fact is politics is just another word for lie. they all promise the moon and the stars and give nothing they are only in it for the way there is no need to reply this is just my opinion.

  20. #20


    Quote Originally Posted by cptdodger View Post
    I voted no, I am clearly not an SNP member, I would not waste a vote on them. I am British, then Scottish. I voted no purely because I do not want - ever - to see the UK broken up. The "vow" you are talking about had no sway with me, that's not the reason I voted no, I made up my mind in 1979, that I would never vote for independence. I do'nt care what excuse Sturgeon comes up with to hold another referendum, Salmond said - once in a generation, which generally means between 20 to 25 years.
    Given last nights wipe out where a monkey with a kilt could have won a scottish seat what now, surely there has to be a referendum as the SNP "vowed" never to supprt the tories, well cameron doesnt need their support, and taking the SNP at their word, they cannot live with tory planned austerity, so referendum 2 has to be back on, Boris JOhnson is slevering on about moving to a more federalist system in an attempt at least to head of trouble, Osbourne has acknowledged the Scottish issue...but we wont be spared cuts or get any special treatment etc. Given the inevitability of a referendum and the likelihood of a yes vote ( last night for the SNP a vote was a vote for independance ) then Cameron could pre ept the situation by abolishing Barnet and replacing it with FFA asap, question is can Scotland then really go it alone and deliver an anti austerity programme or will they be faced off given inevitable financial shortfall ? The scottish SNP vote didnt bring Labour down, Labours ineptitude did. Interesting times indeed.

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