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Thread: Merry xmas baillie windfarm!!!

  1. #1

    Default Merry xmas baillie windfarm!!!


    Baillie Windfarm has now clocked up £500,728 in payments since 28th June 2013 to NOT generate electricity in periods when there is not sufficient capacity on the grid to take it.

    When it is generating normally, it will earn roughly £50 per MWh for electricity and £50 in subsidy which is paid for partly through our electricity bills and partly through everything we buy (because there is an electricity cost in the price of everything).

    When National Grid asks Baillie to shut down generation at times of oversupply, it pays Baillie for the electricity it has been unable to sell. But Baillie also loses out on its £50 subsidy, and because NG at that point has the stark choice of paying Baillie what it asks for or cutting off electricity supply to Caithness, NG has little choice but to pay Baillie what it asks for and that is £149 per MWh (to compensate for the loss of £50).

    Before any of the usual trolls say it, NG pays all sorts of generators to either turn off production or step up production to maintain grid stability, and yes it is a lot more than is paid in total to wind. This is an essential service for grid balancing, but a gas generator for example will be compensated for the electricity is has been unable to sell at around £50, and will then give NG a refund for the fuel it has saved.

    NG only asks wind to shut down when it has exhausted all its other options. Wind generation is shut down to maintain grid stability, not as an act of grid balancing.

    If the proposed Spittal Hill Windfarm had been operational in that period it would have clocked up another £200,291 to NOT generate electricity. If we don’t need Baillie’s electricity, we certainly don’t need Spittal Windfarm.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2006


    So now anyone that disagrees with your obsessions or who points out the truth is a troll? You're not just nuts, you're quite a nasty piece of work.
    Working On Behalf Of The Community!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    Fortunately, now that he is on the ignore list, I can't see what he is nuts about this time! I have half an idea though!

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by Tubthumper View Post
    So now anyone that disagrees with your obsessions or who points out the truth is a troll? You're not just nuts, you're quite a nasty piece of work.
    Thanks Tubs. Can I take it that you are happy to pay your share of Baillie Windfarm's windfall payment of £500K to not generate electricity since 28th June 2013?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by ywindythesecond View Post
    Thanks Tubs. Can I take it that you are happy to pay your share of Baillie Windfarm's windfall payment of £500K to not generate electricity since 28th June 2013?
    It is not a case of being happy or not being happy about it. Exactly what option do any of us have, but to pay our share ?

  6. #6
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    Bearing in mind the subsidies we're lashing out to farmers, fishermen, nuclear decommissioners and researchers in various guises, it's pretty insignificant so I'm happy enough.

    Can anyone remember what the 'Dounreay Obligation' was, that used to be identified on the old Hydro electricity bills back in the 1990s?
    Working On Behalf Of The Community!

  7. #7
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    Also it's hardly a 'Windfall' payment is it? It's part of the agreement.
    Working On Behalf Of The Community!

  8. #8


    [QUOTE=Tubthumper;1061789]Also it's hardly a 'Windfall' payment is it? It's part of the agreement.[/QUOTE
    What agreement would that be Tubs?

  9. #9


    I'm told that Baillie and Camster cannot operate in optimum conditions at the same time, as they overload the system One or other of them, in these circumstances, must shut down. Do they have an arrangemnet together?
    Financially, it is obviously much more interesting to them not to operate, and that is the real scam.

  10. #10
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    Nov 2004


    Sounds like that improved transmission capacity needs to be a priority. But then Ywindy was against that as well. Oh the irony...
    God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
    Courage to change the things I can,
    And wisdom to know the difference.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tubthumper View Post
    Also it's hardly a 'Windfall' payment is it? It's part of the agreement.[/QUOTEWhat agreement would that be Tubs?
    I'm not a windfarm obsessive so I wouldn't know. How much is being given to Sellafield for decommissioning?
    Working On Behalf Of The Community!

  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by ywindythesecond View Post
    I'm not a windfarm obsessive so I wouldn't know. How much is being given to Sellafield for decommissioning?
    It's just that you sounded as if you knew what you were talking about when you posted "Also it's hardly a 'Windfall' payment is it? It's part of the agreement."
    But apparently not.

  13. #13
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    Sorry if I disappointed you Ywindoid. Some of us just have to make do with being ordinary. We have to leave the specialist parts to those of you with sound knowledge of the subject. And an unbiased point of view.
    Working On Behalf Of The Community!

  14. #14
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    ywindy my friend, why do you spend so much time on such a small amount of money being paid as a subsidy? You subsidised the banks of the UK by about £8000 (along with every other ax payer) to the tune of almost £500bn, which utterly dwarfs the ENTIRE uk energy sector, never mind the subsidies. Why havent I seen you post on this? Are you being paid to post this?
    There are basically 3 type of people in this world, those who can count and those who cant

  15. #15
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    The bank bailouts were loans not subsidy

  16. #16


    You are right weezer, £500K is a small sum to pay for a subsidy for something worthwhile, but one third of that already is the subsidy, the rest is simply the transfer of money from consumers to fortunate developers and generators who can benefit from the disastrous "Connect and Manage Regime" put in place by the last Labour Giovernment and extended by the Coalition in the very early days of its rule and clearly with no understanding of the consequences. Google Connect and Manage and look for NG's quarterly report finishing 30th June 2013. £17 million had been paid out to generators of 600MW capacity over the three month period. It tells us that NG has signed contracts for 36.5GW of generation to be connected to the grid on average 5 years before the infrastructure is in place. The simple sum is if 600MW C&M generation gives rise to £17million pointless cost over one quarter, then 36.5GW of generation connected 20 quarters before the transmission is in place will cost us £20.7bn. For no gain, for no public benefit, for no reduction is carbon emissions, for no saving in GHGs. Simply to transfer wealth from consumers to generators and their shareholders etc. And it is being allowed to continue because no politician has the guts to tell us what a mess they have put us in. Let me just ask you weezer, if Stadtkraft, the owners of Baillie had sent some nice representative round every door in Scotland and insisted that each person give him 10p just to make the company richer, how much do you think he would have got? How much would you have paid him. (£500,000x100p/5,000,000 people =10p.) And, by the way he is due another visit for the next installment.
    Baillie is only one of many wind farms benefitting in this way, and it is increasing daily. Also, other technologies will also come into play.
    Please look at and read the links.

    Anyone seriously interested in learning more or even challenging what I am saying in private without being hijacked is more than welcome to pm me.

    And weezer, we didn't know we were being shafted by the banks at the time. We have only ourselves to blame for being shafted by Connect and Manage and all the other fine scams masquerading as saving the planet, it is being done under our noses.

  17. #17
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    Whatever Wendy. it's becoming a very worn record.
    I wonder how much subsidy the new tidal power that's being developed will get. Obviously there will have to be incentives to encourage people to invest and build the things.
    Question is, will our resident wind buffoon get on his high horse about that? Or is it just onshore wind he does?
    Working On Behalf Of The Community!

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by ywindythesecond View Post

    Baillie Windfarm has now clocked up £500,728 in payments since 28th June 2013 to NOT generate electricity in periods when there is not sufficient capacity on the grid to take it.

    When it is generating normally, it will earn roughly £50 per MWh for electricity and £50 in subsidy which is paid for partly through our electricity bills and partly through everything we buy (because there is an electricity cost in the price of everything).

    When National Grid asks Baillie to shut down generation at times of oversupply, it pays Baillie for the electricity it has been unable to sell. But Baillie also loses out on its £50 subsidy, and because NG at that point has the stark choice of paying Baillie what it asks for or cutting off electricity supply to Caithness, NG has little choice but to pay Baillie what it asks for and that is £149 per MWh (to compensate for the loss of £50).

    Before any of the usual trolls say it, NG pays all sorts of generators to either turn off production or step up production to maintain grid stability, and yes it is a lot more than is paid in total to wind. This is an essential service for grid balancing, but a gas generator for example will be compensated for the electricity is has been unable to sell at around £50, and will then give NG a refund for the fuel it has saved.

    NG only asks wind to shut down when it has exhausted all its other options. Wind generation is shut down to maintain grid stability, not as an act of grid balancing.

    If the proposed Spittal Hill Windfarm had been operational in that period it would have clocked up another £200,291 to NOT generate electricity. If we don’t need Baillie’s electricity, we certainly don’t need Spittal Windfarm.

    Thanks for this info Ywindy. I am totally against windfarms. I knew they aren't feasible but i did not realise this is what we are paying for in our energy bills. Many thanks for posting.
    A 1991 Gallup survey indicated that 49 percent of Americans didn't know that white bread is made from wheat.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Nov 2004


    Quote Originally Posted by weezer 316 View Post
    Are you being paid to post this?
    Yes, he does have financial interests with objecting to wind farms. That is his main incentive.
    God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
    Courage to change the things I can,
    And wisdom to know the difference.

  20. #20


    Quote Originally Posted by Rheghead View Post
    Yes, he does have financial interests with objecting to wind farms. That is his main incentive.
    Please post details of my financial interests and main incentive. Otherwise people might think you just have a grudge.
    I'll say it again. Please post details.

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