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Thread: Your reasons for voting No in the Independence referendum

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Default Your reasons for voting No in the Independence referendum

    This is aimed at the nay-sayers on here....and you know who you are. You all know why those of us who support independence do so, even if you have all made it obvious that you don't agree.......but none of you (bar gollach with his pension paranoia) have ever said why you intend to vote NO.

    I don't expect, given your posts on the subject, that your minds can be changed......but I'd really be interested to know why you want to remain in the Union.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2002


    Quote Originally Posted by Oddquine View Post
    This is aimed at the nay-sayers on here....and you know who you are. You all know why those of us who support independence do so, even if you have all made it obvious that you don't agree.......but none of you (bar gollach with his pension paranoia) have ever said why you intend to vote NO.

    I don't expect, given your posts on the subject, that your minds can be changed......but I'd really be interested to know why you want to remain in the Union.
    If your going to mention me, least spell my name correctly
    Once the original Grumpy Owld Man but alas no more

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2011


    I think you'll find that fear of the unknown plays a large part, also the misconception that a vote for independence equates to a vote for the SNP & in particular Alex Salmond.
    “We're trapped in the belly of this horrible machine....
    And the machine is bleeding to death."

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Oddquine View Post
    This is aimed at the nay-sayers on here....and you know who you are. You all know why those of us who support independence do so, even if you have all made it obvious that you don't agree.......but none of you (bar gollach with his pension paranoia) have ever said why you intend to vote NO.

    I don't expect, given your posts on the subject, that your minds can be changed......but I'd really be interested to know why you want to remain in the Union.
    because I am proud to be a citizen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

  5. #5
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    May 2002


    Quote Originally Posted by mi16 View Post
    because I am proud to be a citizen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
    Will second that mi16
    Once the original Grumpy Owld Man but alas no more

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Simple, I have yet to see any sort of breakdown of how Scotland would be able to fund it's self .

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    inside your head


    because the yes campaign have not yet put forward one good reason to vote yes

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by Oddquine View Post
    This is aimed at the nay-sayers on here....and you know who you are.
    as apposed to all the thousands of nay-sayers across Scotland?
    You all know why those of us who support independence do so
    oh do we? would that be because of the draconian bigoted anti-british/anti-english chip on your shoulder? because you sure haven't given any valid fact based reasons
    but none of you (bar gollach with his pension paranoia) have ever said why you intend to vote NO.
    if you bothered reading the posts you would see, its quite simple really
    I don't expect, given your posts on the subject, that your minds can be changed
    unlike you, my mind could be changed,but it would take solid facts and figures and answers, not the usual fingers crossed, wait and see and it cant be any worse than it is now drivel you lot continuously spout
    ......but I'd really be interested to know why you want to remain in the Union
    somehow I dont believe that
    Last edited by equusdriving; 03-Sep-13 at 23:21.

  9. #9
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    Jun 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by mi16 View Post
    because I am proud to be a citizen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
    Well said mi16, and same here. And to be honest Oddquine, that's all you need to know, because it is not us that wants to change anything, it is you and the rest of the people that want independence to prove to us, without any shadow of a doubt why we should change our minds. This Referendum business has caused more harm to this country (Scotland) than anything I have seen in a long time. It has caused so much ill feeling between people, that you should really be asking yourself - is it worth it?
    Last edited by cptdodger; 03-Sep-13 at 23:29.

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by cptdodger View Post
    Well said mi16, and same here. And to be honest Oddquine, that's all you need to know, because it is not us that wants to change anything, it is you and the rest of the people that want independence to prove to us, without any shadow of a doubt why we should change our minds. This Referendum business has caused more harm to this country (Scotland) than anything I have seen in a long time. It has caused so much ill feeling between people, that you should really be asking yourself - is it worth it?
    well said and spot on

  11. #11


    if for any unknowen reason we do get independence can you tell me how the queen is still going to be our queen so at the end of the day we arent getting independence its just alex salmond filling his pockets

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    The UK has a Voice, an independent Scotland will have a whisper
    God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
    Courage to change the things I can,
    And wisdom to know the difference.

  13. #13
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    Jan 2013


    Reading threatening comments by the Cybernats of limited intelligence along the lines of "we know where you live" in the "Yes Scotland" and "SNP" pages on Facebook is one very solid reason I would not wish to cast my lot with such people, and the kind of demagogic leadership stirring them up (from behind, of course). There is real ugliness here which has more to do with a crude tribalism than with a healthy regard for the future.

  14. #14
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    Well there's an outside chance I might be persuaded if a credible leadership was to emerge but the only people to show their heads thus far are Salmond and Sturgeon. The strident anti-English rhetoric of their followers over the last couple of years does them or their cause no credit. Whatever happens we will have to maintain strong links with our neighbours. Ruth Davidson appears bright and articulate but is conservative and for many Scots her politics is anathema. Johann Lamont comes across as a whinging auld wifie; IMHO a true reflection of the state of Scottish Labour. So where is this charismatic leadership that is going to lead an independent Scotland to a bright new future?
    If we’re honest the current crop of MSPs are no better than the grasping, trough feeding numpties we have in Westminster.
    'We are more alike, my friends, than we are unalike.'
    Maya Angelou

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by macadamia View Post
    Reading threatening comments by the Cybernats of limited intelligence along the lines of "we know where you live" in the "Yes Scotland" and "SNP" pages on Facebook is one very solid reason I would not wish to cast my lot with such people, and the kind of demagogic leadership stirring them up (from behind, of course). There is real ugliness here which has more to do with a crude tribalism than with a healthy regard for the future.
    You can't be reading the same FB pages as I am.....but hey.......there are as many CyberUnionists with as limited intelligence as CyberNats.....but I guess you haven't noticed that any more than I have noticed the CyberNats. The Better Together pages have little on them but negativity, personal attacks on Alex Salmond and on posters who disagree with them, and threats of becoming a terrorist, for example, if the vote is for Independence.

    By the way.....I don't believe that any Unionist, whatever he/she says will become a terrorist if Scotland leaves the Union.....any more than I would believe a CyberNat who claimed to "know where I lived" and decide that was a threat. The internet isn't real life, after all.....just words on a page. I used to say way back that I was tempted to head down to London with a gun and shoot Maggie Thatcher to save Scotland......and in those much more sensible days...people just they get paranoid!

    Elements on both sides would do less damage to their respective causes if they would just think before they typed, but fat chance of that. Such people are a small minority.....but if you want to make excuses for voting NO, then by all means do so....but there is really no need. The debate on the internet is not aimed at changing fixed decisions......but at giving information to the undecided. I have a lot of respect for those who don't make excuses for voting NO, but say simply because I am proud to be a citizen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, having cousins with that opinion who will be voting NO. Can't understand that pride myself, though.

    Out of interest......if the referendum wasn't simply a two horse race, but the devo-max option had been included, who would, from either camp, have voted for that option?
    Last edited by Oddquine; 04-Sep-13 at 10:25.

  16. #16


    No, the point of independence being that the people of the country should be in a position to decide on the powers and direction of their country, and not have those powers delegated to them by another country. We have been just another colony for too long, and devo-max would perpetuate that scenario.
    People will will vote with their guts, not their brain and, although I admire your efforts Oddquine, I don't think your reasoned arguements are going to work on a website like this.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gronnuck View Post
    Well there's an outside chance I might be persuaded if a credible leadership was to emerge but the only people to show their heads thus far are Salmond and Sturgeon. The strident anti-English rhetoric of their followers over the last couple of years ........
    What strident anti english rhetoric?

  18. #18


    Quote Originally Posted by mi16 View Post
    because I am proud to be a citizen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
    I agree with mi16 wholeheartedly.

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    The OP asked us No voters to state why we are going that route. Why are the yes crowd coming here and trying get us to change our will not work with me.
    Once the original Grumpy Owld Man but alas no more

  20. #20
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    Jan 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Gronnuck View Post
    Well there's an outside chance I might be persuaded if a credible leadership was to emerge but the only people to show their heads thus far are Salmond and Sturgeon. The strident anti-English rhetoric of their followers over the last couple of years does them or their cause no credit. Whatever happens we will have to maintain strong links with our neighbours. Ruth Davidson appears bright and articulate but is conservative and for many Scots her politics is anathema. Johann Lamont comes across as a whinging auld wifie; IMHO a true reflection of the state of Scottish Labour. So where is this charismatic leadership that is going to lead an independent Scotland to a bright new future?
    If we’re honest the current crop of MSPs are no better than the grasping, trough feeding numpties we have in Westminster.
    But the leadership is going to be Salmond and Sturgeon until 2016...nothing we can do about that....and they have certainly been more effective on their limited budget than the UK Parliament has been while holding the purse-strings, don't you think?

    Charisma is what Hitler had......and how great a leader was he? Much better to have competence, commonsense and intelligence..and the ability to string two words together to make sense, imo. Charisma is what the leaders of obscure religious sects and dictators have, and I can't see that as a prerequisite for the leader of a political party.

    I'd like to see the Unionist Parties biting the bullet and becoming Scottish Parties able to stand in Scottish elections ahead of any vote, if only because, with a NO vote and the continuation of the status quo...we will then have a set of politicians of all parties with Scotland and the Scottish people as their priority as opposed to what we have now...Unionist Parties taking orders from the Westminster parent...but I can't see it happening until it has to happen, if it does.

    I rather like the look of the SDA..and hope they form a political party to contest the 2016 election......they'd probably get my vote. Re the strong links with our neighbours, it takes two to tango......and Westminster doesn't appear to want to join the dance at the moment, given all the "you cannae do that's" we are continually getting.

    Re the MSPs being no different to the current MPs in could always take part in the discussion of a constitution...and ensure that there are not the same oppportunities for grasping and trough-feeding in a Scottish Parliament. The Constitutional Commission has included, in their draft Constitution example, a part directly referring to conduct in Public Life. The various websites on a written constitution and what it should (or shouldn't) contain are quite interesting.

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