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Thread: New Wick High School, Primary Schools, Community Facilities

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    The nation of Scotland


    Quote Originally Posted by Alice in Blunderland View Post
    Theyre there on the right hand side of the pool. To me it looks like lots of cubicles but Im not good at plans I prefer pictures.
    So they are. I think the semi-open-plan design will be such fun for teaching staff to manage. A wee label on the plan for the benefit of the daft would have been helpful...

  2. #22


    Quote Originally Posted by PantsMAN View Post
    So they are. I think the semi-open-plan design will be such fun for teaching staff to manage. A wee label on the plan for the benefit of the daft would have been helpful...
    In schools we visited to look at designs the semi open design was very popular it was referred to as passive supervision.

  3. #23


    lets hope the design of the changing rooms in wick are better than those in portree high as it was discovered after the school opened that you could see in to the female changing area from the carpark

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    The nation of Scotland


    Quote Originally Posted by Alice in Blunderland View Post
    In schools we visited to look at designs the semi open design was very popular it was referred to as passive supervision.
    I wonder what hormonal teenagers will refer to it as?

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Jan 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by Sgitheanach View Post
    lets hope the design of the changing rooms in wick are better than those in portree high as it was discovered after the school opened that you could see in to the female changing area from the carpark
    That's why all these specialists, planners etc., are paid loadsa money; their expertise knows no bounds!

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Wick, Caithness

    Default Plans presented for new Primary School, Wick High and Community Facilities

    Plans presented for new Primary School, Wick High and Community Facilities

    Plans for a new schools and community school complex next to the existing Wick High School and Pulteneytown Academy has taken another step forward with the submission of a detailed planning application for the project.

    Planned is:-
    · a new Wick High School;
    · a new primary school to replace Pulteneytown Academy Primary and South Primary; and
    · the East Caithness Community Facility featuring a new swimming pool, fitness suite and library.

    The Highland Council is developing the new campus in conjunction with Hub North Scotland Ltd, who will be responsible for the design, construction and maintenance of the facilities. The application has been submitted by Hub North Scotland Ltd.

    Miller Construction are the preferred contractor for the construction of the complex. It is proposed that work starts before the end of this year with completion by August 2015. The project is being funded by The Highland Council and the Scottish Government as part of the Scotland’s Schools for the Future programme.

    Plans for a new primary school serving the north of Wick will proceed separately, but with the same completion date of August 2015.
    It is proposed to build a new North of the River Primary School , combining North and Hillhead primary schools, within the grounds of the existing North Primary School. This project will also be delivered by the Hub North Scotland Ltd, with Miller Construction as the preferred contractor.

    The total value of the all the Wick projects is £53 million.

    Councillor Alasdair Christie, Chairman, Adult and Children’s Services Committee, said: “I am absolutely delighted that we are maintaining momentum with this hugely important project for East Caithness with the submission of the detailed planning application for the Wick High School site. These are exciting times for the people of Wick and surrounding communities.”

    Councillor Gail Ross, the Council’s Caithness Civic Leader, said: “Hugely excited at this new milestone in the preparation for the new community campus. This, along with the artists impression, floor plans etc are actual tangible things that make it feel real. We've been talking about it for so long, it’s great to see this important step."

    Councillor Deirdre Mackay, Leader of the Council’s Caithness and Sutherland Area Committee, said: “This level of investment has been long overdue in Wick and it is hugely uplifting to see this major programme move steadily forward. Processes by their nature take time but it great to see this take shape and become a reality.”

    Angus Macfarlane, Chief Executive for hub North Scotland Ltd, added: “We are delighted to be involved in such a significant project which will undoubtedly enhance the lives of not only pupils but the local community as a whole.”

    See the full planning application at -

  7. #27
    Join Date
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    Wick, Caithness

    Default Wick Stakeholder Group - Minutes 17 June 2013

    Date &time: 17th June 2013
    Venue: Wick High School
    Contracttitle: Wick High School
    ContractNo: 3511443A/NMW
    Purpose: Wick StakeholderGroup

    Attendees: Ron Mackenzie The Highland Council
    Bill Fernie Elected member
    Mike Felton Hub North Scotland
    Lilian Wark Pulteneytown Academy
    Ewen Pearson Hillhead Primary School Parent Council
    Pat Bowers South Primary School
    Gordon Murray GMA Ryder Architects
    Tom McIntyre Wick High School
    Sheona Henderson Wick High School
    Catherine Patterson Tannach & District Community Council
    Graeme Ross Highlife Highland
    Gail Ross (Chair) The Highland Council
    Sindy Rudhall Pulteneytown Academy & Wick High
    School Parent Councils
    Ruan Peat Highlife Highland
    Brenda Jones Parsons Brinckerhoff
    Linda Shearer Hub North Scotland
    Eric Baijal South Primary Parent Council
    Elena Koponen-Baikie Wick High School / Pulteneytown Academy
    Heather Sharkey Miller Construction
    Allan Farquhar Royal Burgh of Wick Community Council
    John Wiley Library Stakeholder Group
    Iain Maciver North Primary School
    Apologies Alison Forrest Highlife Highland (Libraries)
    Garry Macleod

    Willie Mackay
    Highlife Highland (Active Schools
    Elected member
    Ken Allan The Highland Council
    Carole Begg Hillhead Primary School
    Matt Haggerty GMA Ryder Architects
    Philip Shannon The Highland Council

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Wick, Caithness


    1 Introductions
    Everyone introduced themselves.
    2 Progress update
    2.1 Update on Joint Campus design
    GM advised that the planning application has been submitted. GM went over the site plan and landscape plan. The Architects are working on the Listed Building Consent application. GM showed the floor plans and elevations. The detailed design of the elevations and interior is progressing.

    PB advised that the Safe Routes to School group is keen to emphasize that pupils should use the entrance that is closest to their home.

    EB asked about the roof structure for the teaching wings. GM advised that the design is still being refined, but the roof structure will be designed to allow daylight into the centre of the teaching wings and natural ventilation.

    GM advised that the design of the interiors is being progressed. The general configuration of the building will remain as it is.

    LW asked whether there would be another opportunity to review the Room Data Sheets. BJ advised that the schools will be able to review the room layouts. EB expressed concern that the Head Teachers had not seen final versions of the Room Data Sheets. Ken Allan to contact LW to discuss.

    BF asked how rainwater would be shed from the centre of the roofs. GM and MF advised that this is being looked at, with a view to designing out risks of water penetration.

    GM advised that the design team is now looking at the detail of the interiors.

    BF asked about rainwater run-off from the surface. BJ advised that the development will not increase the rate of flow of rainwater into the drainage system. There will be permeable paving to the car park spaces and an attenuation tank to reduce the flow. A flood risk analysis has also been done.

    BJ advised that the project does not include for grey water recycling as this is expensive in both capital and maintenance costs. Water butts will be provided for gardening use as a teaching aid.
    2.2 Next steps and key milestones for the Joint campus
    MF gave an update on key dates. 80% of the works will be tendered competitively. Hubco is progressing the selection of a Facilities Management contractor in consultation with the Council.

    Another key activity is to appoint a funder, who will provide finance for the proportion of the project being financed by the Scottish Government on a revenue funding basis.
    An enabling works phase is planned to start in October; this will allow the main works to start in January 2014.

    TM asked for clarification of the completion date (summer 2014). MF advised that the detail of this is still being developed. TM advised that moving in July/August will be quite disruptive to teaching. RM advised that the Council will set up a Transition Group to manage the move process and develop a detailed plan.

    RP advised that the library and pool are heavily used in the summer. RM advised that Highlife Highland Will be involved in the Transition Group.

    LW asked about temporary play facilities during the demolition of the Pulteneytown Academy Primary School. BJ advised that a phasing plan will be developed in more detail by Miller Construction.

    AF asked which software programme Hubco uses. MF advised that the software produces a Gantt chart

    RM advised that the overall capital cost of the Wick Schools project is approximately £53m.

    AM asked how long people had to make representations about the planning application.
    POST MEETING NOTE: The planning application will be advertised in the local press week commencing 24th June. People will then have 21 days to make representations to the Planning Dept.
    3 Update on engagement with local contractors
    HS advised that Miller Construction is now in the process of dividing up the project into work packages (e.g. roofing, mechanical & electrical). Some of these packages have design elements.

    MC has collected details of the local companies who attended the Meet the Buyer day and entered these onto its database.

    The majority of the work packages are likely to be let to companies who are already on Miller’s supply chain. The role for local companies is likely to be in working for these companies. Millers will pass on details of interested local companies to these sub-contractors.
    4 Communication matters
    RM presented a draft communication matrix. The Council proposes to issue a newsletter every two months to capture updates from the whole project. This will include issues raised at Parent Council meetings, the Project Board and stakeholder meetings.

    The Council will put information on its website to show the detailed design as it develops, in particular where there is any change to the design. The Council website will hold all the project newsletters.

    Weblink to project site is on the Highland Council website:

    RM advised that hard copies of the newsletter will be available in public places.

    HS advised that Miller Construction will issue monthly newsletters during the construction period. These will be available on the Council website.

    The project programme will be on the Council website once it has been finalised.

    There was a request for the Wick project site be made more prominent on the Council website. There will also be a link project site on the High School website.

    There was a discussion as to whether the press should be invited to this meeting. RM advised that project newsletters will be issued to the press; press releases will be issued at key milestones. The HS Rector will also give updates in his monthly article in the John O’Groat.
    5 Naming process for the new schools
    RM outlined the proposed process (copy attached to minutes). He asked for suggestions as to how the short list of names should be selected. LW, TM and PB recommended that pupils be given a strong voice in the process.

    It was agreed that anyone within the community could make suggestions. Each school would take responsibility for drawing up a short list and selecting the preferred name. The Area Committee would be responsible for final approval of the name.

    The Head Teachers agreed to prepare a paper setting out the details of the process.

    HS suggested that pupils studying graphic communication could be involved in the design of logos for the new school names. Also, consideration to be given to High School pupils mentoring primary school pupils in the selection process. TM to review.
    6 Disposal strategy for buildings to be vacated
    RM presented a schedule showing pre-disposal actions. Title checks have been done for four out of the five properties. Schedule to be published on website and updated regularly. RM advised that marketing of these buildings will begin shortly.
    7 North of the river Primary School
    BJ gave an update on feedback from the pre-planning application process. Generally people were happy with the proposals for the school but had concerns about traffic routes. These will be addressed through the Safe Routes to School group and in consultation with the Council’s Roads team.
    7 Any other business
    7.1 Construction progress
    BF asked whether the site hoarding would accommodate viewing panels so people could see progress. HS advised that Miller often put in viewing panels in the hoarding so that people can see in. Miller will look at the layout of the site and evaluate how this can best be accommodated. A webcam can also be considered.

    HS advised that Miller will do safety talks in the adjoining schools to inform pupils about site safety and the importance of not going into the site.

    PB advised that a webcam from an existing building would be a good idea. HS to discuss with TM closer to the site start date.
    7.2 Project budget
    AF asked for an update on the project budget and use of risk contingency. To be provided at next meeting.
    7.3 Public feedback from the Joint Campus pre-application
    Elena asked whether there had been any concerns raised at the Joint Campus pre-application public consultation meeting. GM advised that the feedback was generally very positive.
    9 Date of next meeting
    Monday 16th September, 7pm

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Wick, Caithness


    Planning permisson welcomed.......

  10. #30
    Skerries Guest

    Default pool design

    It's great to see all this information about the school but what a disappointment to see the pool.

    Another unimaginative standard rectangular pool and rectangular toddler pool.

    How is that Invergordon has such a lovely, imaginative curved pool with water features and a flume, and we are getting a repeat of the boring design of pools that already exist in Wick and Thurso?

    Hasn't it occurred to anyone involved in the design that you can still do lengths in curved pools like the one in Invergordon?

    Any water features in this one?

    A flume?

    Any points of interest?

    Missed opportunity?

  11. #31
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Wick, Caithness


    Wick schools project update - 17 September 2013

    The Wick Schools Stakeholders Group has been advised that the new £39 million Community Campus building will be handed over to The Highland Council in February 2016, with the campus opening from Easter 2016. The planned handover date had been summer 2015.

    However, the new £14 million new Primary School north of the river remains on course to be handed over to the Council in June 2015. The new school will open in August 2015 as originally planned.

    The revised date for the new secondary school was agreed with representatives with Hub North Scotland Limited and Miller Construction UK in Inverness late last week. The revised handover date will ensure that high quality facilities will be delivered.

    The reasons for the programme slipping behind schedule were explained to the Group and were attributable to the following factors:

    · Achieving a design that meets the authority's requirements in relation to natural ventilation and lighting which will result in the optimal learning and teaching environment within a very challenging project budget - planning approval was granted in mid- August which represented significant progress. Detailed design work is on-going, particularly in relation to the roof area;

    · A complicated contract structure which involves significant legal and financial specialist input and which relies heavily on external funders. There will be significant due diligence carried out by the funder's advisers in advance of contract closure. There have also been extensive discussions with specialist advisers and the Scottish Futures Trust to arrive at a contract configuration that meets all relevant accounting and legal requirements;

    · Ensuring that during the tendering of over 60 work packages local suppliers will be provided with every opportunity to bid for work across the community campus and north of the river projects. Local Members have consistently emphasised the importance of local contractors being provided with every opportunity to bid for work packages.
    The Council, having considered all factors, decided that a handover date in February 2016 represents the best outcome for the school communities.

    Councillor Gail Ross, the Chair of the Stakeholders Group, said: "It's well known that big build projects like this often encounter delays for one reason or another but that doesn't make this any less disappointing. It's worth pointing out that an Easter 2016 opening does give more leeway for teachers to get the classrooms ready and leaves the final term for more fun integration for the kids, instead of having to focus entirely on the curriculum.

    I am satisfied that this new entry date will not cause interruption to the children's learning- that's what we need to focus on. We need to make sure we deliver a top quality school, not a rushed job with potential cut corners. The council will continue to work closely with Hub North and Miller Construction to ensure there are no further delays and that we deliver the building that our community expects."

    Angus Macfarlane, Chief Executive of Hub North Scotland said: " A number of factors have combined to bring the revised schedule, however, hub North Scotland believes the schedule is now realistic and achievable and we look forward to delivering this much-needed Community Campus to the Wick area through our continued close partnership with The Highland Council."

  12. #32
    Join Date
    May 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by Bill Fernie View Post
    TM asked for clarification of the completion date (summer 2014).
    Quote Originally Posted by Bill Fernie View Post
    The Wick Schools Stakeholders Group has been advised that the new £39 million Community Campus building will be handed over to The Highland Council in February 2016, with the campus opening from Easter 2016. The planned handover date had been summer 2015.
    Summer 2014 ?Summer 2015 ?Easter 2016 ?

  13. #33


    I reckon summer 2016 .........and there's not even a spade in the ground yet.....

  14. #34


    Quote Originally Posted by Alice in Blunderland View Post
    I reckon summer 2016 .........and there's not even a spade in the ground yet.....
    Is the new high school to be built by Tesco?

  15. #35


    Quote Originally Posted by secrets in symmetry View Post
    Is the new high school to be built by Tesco?
    LOL No and nor is it being built by the same company that built my house.....five years on and we are moving out for four months for repairs to be carried out......

  16. #36
    Join Date
    Oct 2005


    Three Irish firms got together and quoted for 6 schools in Outer Hebrides - they won contract and completed by dates, some earlier I understand.
    There have been a few teething problems - understand mainly with windows and roofs leaking.
    Went up as quick as a tescos building but will wait to see if it stands the test of time - observed pouring concrete foundations (clearly visible from Council offices next door) when it was the hardest frosts and ice for many years!

  17. #37


    Quote Originally Posted by Alice in Blunderland View Post
    LOL No and nor is it being built by the same company that built my house.....five years on and we are moving out for four months for repairs to be carried out......
    Let's hope the repair team don't turn up on horseback wearing stetsons!

    There's a difference between teething problems in schools and having to move out of your house for four months while repairs are done!

  18. #38

    Angry Wick High School Planning Permission

    Only two people took the trouble of commenting on the plans submitted for planning.
    I kent his faither

  19. #39
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Wick, Caithness


    From the Adult and Children Services Committee - 13 November 2013

    Wick High School and Primary Schools

    The revised programme to construct the building to replace the existing Wick
    High School, Pulteneytown Academy Primary School, South Primary School,
    Wick Carnegie Public Library and Wick Swimming Pool, which will be known as
    the Wick Community Campus, has been formally agreed with Hub North
    Scotland Limited (HNSL) and Miller Construction UK (MCUK).

    The key milestone dates are as follows:

    • Stage 2 submission – 10/01/14
    • Financial close and contract agreement - 07/02/14
    • Construction start on site – 31/03/14
    • Practical completion – 29/01/16
    • Handover period – February to April 2016
    • Completion of external works – August 2016

    The construction work packages are currently being tendered in accordance with
    the requirements of the Territory Partner Agreement (TPA) which includes a
    significant proportion of the contracts being made available to local contractors.

    The replacement school for Hillhead Primary School and North Primary School
    remains on programme to open in August 2015. The Stage 1 submission has
    been received and the Council’s project team and specialist advisers are
    considering the detail. It is proposed that, subject to the Stage 1 submission
    being within the Affordability Cap approved at the New Project Request stage
    (when adjusted for indexation), approval to allow the project to progress to Stage
    2 is delegated to the Directors of Education, Culture and Sport and Finance and
    the Interim Director of Housing and Property Services. This approach will ensure
    that there are no delays to the programme as a result of waiting for the
    appropriate Committee approval for the Stage 1 submission. The evaluation of
    the Stage 1 submission should be completed by mid-November 2013. The key
    programme dates are as follows:

    • Enabling works commence – 20/01/14
    • Contract award - 17/03/14
    • Construction starts – 14/04/14
    • School handover – 12/06/15
    • Completion of all external works – 26/02/16

  20. #40
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Wick, Caithness


    Planning go ahead for new Wick North Primary School

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