This is a tasty chicken recipe that I've passed on to a few friends and they all have enjoyed it so I thought I'd share it with you Orgers out there!

Oven temp 225c (fan oven reduce to 200)

1 Roasted chicken - I use Lidls, any cooked/grilled chicken will do (filets, gujons etc)
1 tsp Italian mixed spices (oregano, garlic etc)
2 bananas (not too ripe)
200 mls whipping cream
100 mls creme fraische
100 mls chillisauce (Heinz chilli ketchup is perfect or just use ketchup for a milder taste)
1 packet bacon about 100gr
Handfull of peanuts

Chop/slice bacon into small pieces and fry - set aside.
Bone chicken and cut into bitesize peices and place in ovenproof dish (small enough to fit a good layer of chicken). Sprinkle over spices. Slice bananas and put on top.
Whip cream and stir in creme fraische and sauce/ketchup and spread on top. Sprinkle over bacon and peanuts.
Oven about 20 - 30 mins. Until slightly browned on top.
Serves 4
Nice with rice.
The bacon, nuts and bananas can be omitted of course but they do add a bit of extra flavour.
The cream does not need to be whipped.